The gray balcony made of concrete is usually the last place in the apartment that you start to redesign. This may also be due to the fact that he is too small to justify an entire team of workers, lay the tiles and terracotta, cement all and then polish the tiles. Or you live for rent and do not want to invest in something that you cannot take with you if possible later. For these reasons we have a few interesting ideas for the choice ofbalconyFlooringwith which you can redesign it yourself.
The balcony flooring - preparation
No matter what materials you for thatbalconyFlooringChoose, you have to be sufficiently difficult or fixated so as not to slide around and be moved in strong winds. Don't forget the opening through which the water runs.
The materials for the balcony floor covering
In recent years, interesting variants made of wood have been asbalconyFlooringappeared. They are made from special types of wood and with the help of technologies that guarantee a long lifetime of the material by protecting them from the aging process. The attachment is easy and does not require any special skills. Such a floor covering offers you the opportunity to ensure comfort and an atmosphere with which you can feel close to nature.
Wood flooring
If you have a fairly small balcony, you canBalcony flooringChoose large granite or stone slabs. Instead of setting them in and then execating them, you can simply arrange them close together. You can even leave out some plates and later with stones or other decorativeFill materials.
The good old stone
Should the upper layer, i.e. theBalcony flooringConsists of concrete, you can use a different, simple variant. Simply spread it with a color for concrete. There are also other products for textured surfaces. You can also use these, but don't forget to put on more dust and dirt. It can also be possible that you have to ask a specialist to apply them for you.
Concrete flooring
It may be that you have some tiles frombalconyFlooringRemove outside so that they fit around the pipes to adapt them any unusual shapes or to fill the space between the last row and the outer wall of your apartment. If you use wooden tiles, you can easily cut them with a saw. Even with mosaic asBalcony flooringIt is not difficult. With granite, slate or other stone, on the other hand, a special tool is used for cutting. You can easily solve such difficulties by leaving the places free and filling them with stones afterwards.
Exotic mosaic
For thebalconyFlooringare made in various colors and styles, as well as from different materials. Such materials are wood, granite, slate, stone and many more, so you will definitely find something that also fits your interior. A great advantage is that if you don't like something, you can exchange the selected person and re -pass everything.
Balcony flooring made of slate
If the tiles have not been enough for you or you want to experiment with the shapes and you have now filled the most vacancies with stones, we recommend oneFlowerpotwhich is large enough, as well as a plant that you choose depending on the amount of light that falls on your balcony. So you get two effects: you hide the vacancies and the missingbalconyFlooringin the ground and ensure pretty green.
The clear glass gives a feeling of freedom
The bedroom is extended by the balcony