In warm regions, bougainvillea blooms almost all year round and thrives outdoors. However, gardeners in colder regions have a little more work to do to keep this plant alive and happy during the winter. The plants freeze to the ground when temperatures drop to -1 degrees Celsius, but if it doesn't get any colder, they usually sprout right back up when it gets warmer. Good bougainvillea winter care ensures that the plant stays healthy and produces plenty of colorful petals. We give tips on how to overwinter bougainvillea!
Properly overwintering your bougainvillea is crucial to whether you can enjoy the tropical plant again next year.For winteringproceed as follows:
- Cut your bougainvillea back in the fall so that it becomes a little more compact. If the leaves have not yet fallen off on their own, they can be cut off directly.
- Choose a bright and cool place for overwintering. This should ideally have a temperature between 10 and 15 °C, but under no circumstances should it be below 5 °C. Also make sure that the floor is not too cold. In spring you can slowly get the bougainvillea used to a location in the garden again and move it completely outdoors as soon as late frosts are no longer expected.
What winter care does the plant need?
Even during winter dormancy, you should check on your bougainvillea from time to time to keep it healthy through the cold months. Although the castingduring winteringShould be drastically reduced, the plant will be happy if it is watered every four weeks. The soil should always be maximally slightly moistened. Also check the bougainvillea from time to time for pests such as spider mites, which prefer to thrive in dry air. If you overwinter your bougainvillea using all of these tips, you can enjoy the exotic plant for years to come.
If you overwinter the bougainvillea indoors, you need a little more planning. The diameter of the container should be a few centimeters (5 cm) larger than the root ball. The soil plays the main role here. A nutrient-rich soil that retains some moisture is beneficial. It may be necessary to prune the plant back severely if it is overgrown and growing vigorously outdoors, for ease of handling and to save space.
If the leaves begin to turn brown, they should be removed to help the plant retain moisture. Overwintering a bougainvillea also includes watering and stopping fertilization. No feeding should be done until late winter or very early spring.
Salts from fertilizer can build up on container plants, so it is advisable to rinse the container a few days after feeding the plant to avoid root burns. You can also simply fertilize the container with well-rotted manure or compost. Place the containers in a cool but frost-free location. Often the garage or basement is ideal, but make sure the plant gets sunlight.
Part of overwintering bougainvillea plants is that they are not too dry. As spring approaches, you should gradually increase waterings. As temperatures get warmer outside, you should gradually acclimate the plant to more light and higher temperatures to prepare it for outdoor living. Once there is no longer any danger of frost, move the plant outside.
Pruning Bougainvillea Plants
Bougainvillea is a deciduous, tropical vine. In the warmest zones it appears to be evergreen and can bloom almost all year round. But the bougainvillea is extremely sensitive and can die from frost in unusual weather. Bougainvillea is native to dry areas and prefers a location with dry soil and full sun. Because they love the hot, intense afternoon sun that we try to escape from, bougainvillea plants are ideal for greening pergolas.
Bougainvillea can also be used in the landscapebe cut back, to grow as a shrub, ground cover or foundation planting for hot, dry areas. Of course, the problem with training, pruning or trimming bougainvillea plants is the unpleasant, long thorns that most varieties have. Good gloves usually cover not only the hands, but also the forearm. Wearing a long-sleeved shirt while cutting can also help prevent unpleasant cuts and scrapes.
Good safety clothing is important, but the most important thing when cutting plants is sharp, clean and sturdy scissors. If you suspect pest or disease problems with the plant you are pruning, disinfect the scissors between cuts by dipping them in bleach water. Make all cuts neatly because torn and frayed edges take longer to heal, giving pests and diseases more opportunity to infect the plant.
When to prune bougainvillea
That depends on where and how the plant grows. If grown as container plants in cool climates, you will likely need to cut the plants back each fall to move them to a protected location. In this case, there is actually no right or wrong way to prune a bougainvillea. Simply cut the bougainvillea back to a manageable size and bring it indoors before frost threatens your area.
After severe pruning, the plant will go into a dormant phase but will fully develop again in spring. It is also advisable to treat the plants against pests and diseases before overwintering them indoors. Most plants are in a semi-dormant state during mid to late winter and cannot be harmed by even heavy pruning. Cut out dead or diseased wood and also remove overhanging branches that prevent good air circulation in the plant.
Finally, there is rejuvenation pruning, which consists of cutting the plant to a medium height so that the lower trunks grow again and thus rejuvenate it. Gradually cut off the tall branches so that the low ones continue to grow and you have a younger plant again.