You probably want to get rid of flies because they are annoying and there is hardly anyone who can tolerate them. What helps against flies? Luckily, there are some simple home remedies that can help you. You can repel flies with lavender. Learn how to use lavender to control the pests.
Lavender is a popular home remedy that uses its smell to repel many pests. This is a harmless method. Here we explain how you can use the herb to get rid of insects and how you can make lavender oil yourself. Read on and try our suggestions!
Why fight flies?
Flies damage plants, and you definitely want to keep them away from your outdoor space. There is simply no reason to let flies ruin the hard work you have put into your garden. You don't want to be bothered by annoying flies when you sit on your patio! And in the house the pests are a real nuisance for young and old; you can't rest when they fly and buzz everywhere.
These insects can be a real problem because they transmit diseases and can be dangerous to human health. As they migrate, they pick up bacteria, fungi and viruses and spread them further. What diseases can you get from flies? Houseflies are suspected of transmitting at least 65 diseases to humans, including typhus, dysentery, poliomyelitis, soft palate, anthrax, tularemia, leprosy and tuberculosis. These are all reasons why youshould get rid of pests.
How to get rid of flies with lavender
What drives away flies? It's best to fight pests naturally. Lavender is an effective pest repellent because it has a strong smell that deters many insects. You can use products like soaps, oils, and lavender-based fragrances to control flies. Place lavender in areas where you have seen the pests.
Use dried lavender against flies
How you flydistribute with home remedies? You can get rid of the pests with dried lavender by placing the lavender flowers in small containers in places around the house where the insects appear. For example, you can place the containers near your trash can, or on the windowsill, in the garage, in the kitchen. Lavender works well in any room because it gives your home a pleasant atmosphere.
Grow lavender plants in the garden or on the balcony
Another effective way to keep flies away is to grow lavender plants in the areas where the pests appear most often. This can be particularly helpful when planted around patios, swimming pools and other frequently used outdoor areas. Not only will you scare away the flies, but you will also enjoy the wonderful smell and sight of a beautiful lavender plant!
Repel flies with lavender oil
Use essential oil to fight flies naturally. Lavender essential oil is a fantastic product to use in your essential oil diffuser. Simply pour it into the device, adjust the settings, and let the scent of lavender waft through your home. So the scent will create a pleasant atmosphere in the house, butIt becomes a deterrent for pestsworks.
How do you make your own lavender oil?
Lavender oil scent against fliescan be very effectivebe. It's so easy to make your own lavender oil and use it in many ways, including against flies in the house:
- Fill a glass jar at least ¾ full with dried lavender flowers or buds. Note that you will need approximately the same amount of oil as the size of container you choose.
- Take a carrier oil of your choice, e.g. E.g. almond oil and olive oil, and pour it over the dry lavender. Fill the container enough so that all the flowers are completely submerged.
- Seal the container and place the container in a sunny, warm place. A sunny windowsill is the perfect place for this method or a warm room. It takes at least a week for the oil to set. Shake the jar every now and then.
Note: Please note that you should avoid excessive heating of the oil.
- When the lavender oil is ready, you need to strain the lavender flowers. A cheesecloth or reusable nut milk bag would be perfect. So your homemade lavender oil is ready and can be used as a fly repellent! You can use the homemade oil plain or mix it with another carrier oil, it's up to you.
Storage and shelf life of homemade lavender oil
Store the finished lavender oil in a clean glass container with a tight-fitting lid. It is recommended to store the container with the oil in a dry, cool and dark place. The shelf life of homemade lavender oil can vary depending on the type of carrier oil and the condition of the flowers used. Most oils have an average shelf life of 1 to 2 years. You can also store your lavender oil in the fridge to extend its shelf life!