What do spiders not like: with these 10 natural remedies you can get rid of the pests immediately!

Most people despise spiders and want to keep them away from their homes. Did you know that you can use certain scents to repel spiders and stop them from entering your home? What do spiders not like, you will learn from this article.

Like all other pests, spiders can also be controlled using certain means. You probably have these remedies at home and it is very easy to use them and ensure your peace of mind. Learn how to make homemade sprays using various home remedies to repel the pests. It's quick and easy and the result is excellent!

Peppermint helps against spiders

Mint is one of the most effective spider repellents, thereforeYou can plant mint in your outdoor areaand plant in pots around your home. Another option is to spray mint essential oils around the house, in any corners where you have noticed spiders. This will definitely keep spiders away. You can make a simple homemade mint spray against spiders: Dilute 10-15 drops with water in a spray bottle to make an effective spray against spiders.

What do spiders dislike: Citrus oil

Many strong scents work excellently against spiders. The pests are repelled by citrus essential oils. This is due to the acidity in citrus fruits. How to use Citrus Essential as a spider repellent? Take a glass bottle and dilute 10-15 drops of lemon essential oil in water. You can spray your homemade mixture in all corners of your home, spray on window and door openings.

Keep insects away with horse chestnuts

To repel spiders, use horse chestnuts. They contain a poison called aesculin that repels spiders. It's easy, Buckeyesto be used against spiders. Place the buckeyes in areas where you notice spiders.

Repel pests with vinegar

This acidic liquid repels spiders. How do you use vinegar? The easiest way is to make a 1:1 solution of water and vinegar and spray your house with it. Doors, windows and other openings in the house should be treated with the mixture. Also spray in corners, cracks and crevices. Be sure to avoid painted surfaces as vinegar can cause damage. Note that you need to use the vinegar spray at least once a week to get good results.

Also rub baseboards, window sills, and bookshelves with lemon peels. Or use lemon-scented cleaning products and furniture polish. Another alternative is to burn citronella candles both inside and outside your home.

You can plant a eucalyptus tree

This exotic tree is easy to grow because it is easy to care for. The strong scent of the leaves deters spiders. So you can enjoy the beauty of eucalyptus and at the same timerepel the pests.

Lavender deters many pests

Spiders don't like the strong scent of lavender. When you plant lavender indoors, the plant's scent penetrates your home, repelling spiders. For most people it is a pleasant and exotic scent. You can also plant lavender under your windows and in your garden to keep spiders away. Lavender oil also has a strong effect against spiders. Add 15 to 20 drops of the oil to a spray bottle filled with water and spray throughout the home.

Use garlic to combat insects

What smell do spiders not like? Garlic has a pungent smell that can be successfully used to repel spiders. How to use garlic against the insects: Put cut or crushed garlic cloves in a bowl of water, let it sit for a while and then spray your balcony with the liquid. If you can tolerate the strong scent, you can also use the mixture indoors.

Spiders don't like cedar

Another scent that spiders detest is cedar. Many cedar products can help you repel spiders. Cedar blocks and chips placed around and inside your home will repel spiders and other insects. An added bonus is a nice woody scent in your rooms. A combination of cedar wood and tobacco can be an excellent spider repellent. How do you make a homemade mix? Add five drops of tobacco oil and ten drops of cedarwood oil to a spray bottle and distribute the mixture throughout the home.

Calendula essential oil for spiders

What don't spiders smell? The essential oil obtained from this flower deters spiders and many other insects with its scent. All you need is a spray bottle with water and 10 to 15 drops of calendula oil. Apply the mixture directly to areas in your home where you have noticed spiders.

Use diatomaceous earth against spiders

What else helps against spiders? Spread diatomaceous earth evenly over a large area so that the spiders can move through it for as long as possible. You can also make a solution with a tablespoon of diatomaceous earth and water and apply this homemade solution to vulnerable areas using a spray bottle. It's so easy to get rid of and fight spiders with home remedies.