Make your own bird bath for the balcony: Check out our simple and inexpensive craft ideas!

Apart from giving the birds food such as corn, seeds, rice or similar, it is important that they can cool down when temperatures are very high. One way to do this is to simply build a birdbath for the balcony where they have access. You can do this very easily yourself, without much effort. It can also be a very exciting and creative task. Check out our bird bath ideas that you can make from home. Are you ready to build a cool bird bath? Let's go!

Hanging DIY bird bath for the balcony

All you need for this project is a grapevine wreath, ribbon, a terra cotta tray, scissors, light blue paint, and polyspray. Make sure your tray is the right size so it will fit in the center of your wreath without falling through.


  • The first step is to paint the terracotta tray light blue.
  • Once the tray is fully painted and dry, spray on the polyurethane.
  • Then you need to cut 3 pieces of ribbon. The ribbons must all be cut the same length. The length of the ribbon depends on how long you want it to hang.
  • Wrap each piece of ribbon around the wreath and knot it tightly. Arrange the ribbons evenly spaced apart to form a triangle.
  • Then take all three ends and knot them together at the top.
  • Place your tray in the center and you now have a hanging birdbath.
  • Fill the bowl with some water and you can watch the birds enjoy themselves. You can also hang this cute bird bath for the balcony from the ceiling.

Simple do-it-yourself bird bath


Base of the bird bath (a basket works very well)
Colorful stickers


  • For this project, you can use a small wastebasket as the base of the birdbath.
  • For the lid, we recommend you look for colorful pieces as they will look great in contrast to the flowers on your balcony and attract the birds at the same time. Once you have found the right attachment, make sure it is not too deep. Birds will not use a bath that is too deep.
  • You could also add a few rocks to the water so the birds have a place to perch.
  • If you need to secure the lid, do so with wire or string.
  • Now it's timedecorate the birdbath! You can use stickers, but you can also decorate your birdbath with beads, wire, or something else.
  • Fill it with water. Be sure to change the water every few days.

This season, plan to set up at least one source of food, water and shelter for the birds on your balcony or in your garden. You'll be amazed at what a difference a few pieces can make.

Make your own bird bath for larger balconies: terracotta pots

You need to get the following:

35 cm terracotta saucer
30 cm terracotta saucer
3 x 20 cm Terracotta Pots
Apple green spray paint (or a color of your choice)
A bag of flat-backed glass marbles
Glue for pots


  • First, spray the inside of the large saucer with blue spray paint (or a color of your choice) and let it dry, then assemble the three pots together with the large saucer on the floor as shown, using pot glue liberally. This is said to be a very robust seal. Allow the parts to dry.
  • Next, spray the whole thing with apple green in three thin coats to avoid bleeding.
  • Allow to dry completely.
  • Now it's time for some bling! You can use a few shell-shaped, flat marbles for the top row and aqua-colored, clear marbles for the rest. These are also applied with glue, holding each one for about ten seconds. See if there are any bored kids around your house and invite them to join in.
  • You can also put shells around the edge of the large saucer, a circle of aquamarine marbles around the pots in the center, and then a tight ring around the bottom, but you can be creative and use as much or as little of the shiny stuff as you like you want.
  • Let it harden for about an hour, then rotateYour birdbatharound, find the ideal spot on your balcony and enjoy!

Homemade bird bath for the balcony with wood and vases

Materials you need for thishomemade birdbathcan use:

Acrylic paints for outdoor use
Outdoor sealant
Glass vases and shallow glass bowl
Wood stump slices (available online or at craft stores)
Sponge brush
Industrial glue
Colored decorative sand (optional)
Decorative filling balls (optional)


  • The first thing you need to do is paint the center of the wood slices with cool spring colors. You can use any colors. Note that birds are attracted to bright colors.
  • After the paint has dried, seal the edges of the wood slices with outdoor sealant using a sponge brush. Apply a thick coat around the edges and allow to dry completely.
  • Then it's time to put all the pieces together. You can also use clear vases, but if you want a little more visual appeal, you can pour colored decorative sand and clear decorative balls into each vase before gluing them to the wooden discs. Use industrial glue to attach the vases and bowl to the wood and allow them to dry completely before adding water to the top bowl for the birds to enjoy.
  • You can add some colorful balls to the birdbath and your homemade balcony decoration is ready! It's sure to be a hot summer and this is a really fun project to add some color and flair to any balcony!