The fresh green of the lawn and the colorful, fragrant flowers are not the only harbingers of spring. Nature awakens and a lot of hornet queens start looking for a suitable place for their new nest. All too often, however, the defensive insects come into close proximity to humans, although they are not always welcome or desired. Below we will explain to you how you can drive away the hornets and how you can prevent them from building a nest.
Only in the first days of spring do the queens awaken from hibernation begin building nests and caring for the brood. The chosen location should be optimal for the building and the offspring; the hornets prefer dark niches and dry places and some also prefer the roller shutter box. If you regularly notice a larger hornet near the house in the spring, this is a sure sign of a nest building.
Is it allowed to remove hornet nests?
Hornets are protected species in Germany and you are not allowed to catch or kill them. It is also forbidden to remove or destroy their nests. Anyone who violates the law should expect a fine of up to 50,000 euros.
Since the hornet's nest is seen as already built and inhabited, it is only permitted to prevent the nest from being built. The same applies in Austria and Switzerland.
Prevent hornets in the roller shutter box
To prevent hornets from entering the roller shutter box, you should seal all possible access points. Remember that they are very clever and can enter through tiny cracks to find food sources or a new nesting site. Inspect the area around the roller shutter box for cracks in the plaster or damage to the window frame and seal them with plaster, construction foam or silicone.
It is best to do this in the fall or early spring when there are no prolonged periods of frost and the queen hornet is not yet active.
Get rid of hornets with vinegar
If you notice in the spring that the hornet queen has chosen your roller shutter box and has just started building a nest, you can block the roller shutter box's trajectory with a cloth soaked in vinegar. Repeat this process over the next few days to force the queen to find another place to nest.
If the queen does start building the nest, try to disturb her by constantly pressing the blinds. During this construction phase it often happens that the hornet leaves the location and looks for a new one.
Eliminate food sources
Hornets love outdoor food sources. Never leave your garbage cans open, otherwise they will be attracted to the sweet foods and all the protein sources. If your home is being marked by hornets as a food source, this could be the new nesting site where they want to build their nest.
Dispose of overripe fruit from fruit trees quickly. When you compost fruits and vegetables, bury them under other, less attractive materials.
Also be sure to rinse the trash can at least once a week, especially during the hot summer days, as the strong smell can attract the hornets.
Use plants to drive away hornets
Another method is to use someGrowing plants in the gardenthat repel the hornets. Opt for fragrant plants such as mint, eucalyptus and lemongrass, which give off a pungent scent and drive away the hornets.
It's best to plant them around your house to warn the hornets so they don't approach.
Change the outside lighting
Hornets are more active at night and are attracted to light. To keep them away from your home, consider changing your outdoor lighting. So if you replace the light bulbs with yellow or sodium lamps, the hornets willand wasps lessattracted to your house.
Prevent nest building with essential oils
Spray frequent nesting sites with essential oils to keep hornets away. Mix 150 ml of water with a few drops of clove, geranium and lemongrass oils and pour the solution into a spray bottle. Peppermint, rosemary, and thyme oils are also great for this purpose.
Spray it on the ceiling and railings of your patio, the eaves, and other nooks and crannies where the hornets might enter. Repeat the process daily, especially in the warmer months.
What to do if the hornet's nest already exists?
Hornets are annual insects, only the queen survives the winter. If you discover a hornet's nest on your home, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself.
- Install insect screens in front of the windows to minimize the risk of large wasps entering the living room.
- Target insects away from the nest by placing honey water and overripe fruit and meat at the end of the garden.
- Avoid strong-smelling body lotions, perfumes and deodorants.