Coffee grounds against grubs: Fight the annoying pests with this natural remedy!

Many people start their day with a steaming cup of coffee, but few realize that this morning habit also has gardening benefits. Maybe you should rethink your habits when throwing away coffee grounds. Adding coffee grounds to the garden soil helps, among other things, to deter pests. How can you then use the coffee grounds against grubs in your garden or in your flower pots?

By using coffee grounds, you can keep unwanted visitors out of your garden while attracting beneficial insects like worms. So before you start the coffee machine, take a look at this article and start using the used coffee grounds todaynatural pest repellentin the garden and in pots!

Animals and insects rely on their keen sense of smell to avoid potentially dangerous substances. Many insects and animals avoid the smell of coffee because they associate it with danger. Coffee also contains numerous chemical components, but there are only two that can significantly reduce pest populations:

  • Caffeine

The stimulating effect of coffee is based on the caffeine it contains. This is another reason why coffee is so popular. However, animals and insects cannot tolerate caffeine. Too much coffee can cause high blood pressure, irregular pulse, muscle cramps, loss of muscle control and tremors in pests. The toxicity of caffeine can therefore kill the annoying grubs.

  • Diterpenes

Diterpenes are naturally produced by plants to defend against herbivores such as grubs. Diterpenes are chemicals that disrupt insect hormones and are thought to prevent insects from developing normally. Additionally, diterpenes can be deadly to pests because they cause restlessness, swelling, and weakness.

How you can use coffee grounds against grubs

Coffee grounds can be used in different waysway to combatof grubs can be used in your garden, on the terrace or on the balcony. Which strategy you choose depends on where the grubs are and whether you just want to prevent them from settling. Some examples are the following:

  • Sprinkle used coffee grounds on beds and gently stir them into the soil.
  • Lightly sprinkle the used coffee grounds onto the soil as fertilizer.
  • Protect your plants against grubs with coffee grounds in the spring before planting.
  • Water the areas affected by grubs with the water that has been mixed with coffee grounds.
  • Brew coffee grounds and water and spray your houseplants with them.
  • Scatter the coffee grounds around the at-risk plants.

Tipp:Although used coffee grounds can be used as a fertilizer and insecticide to increase nitrogen levels and reduce soil acidity, the process is time-consuming. After the coffee is brewed, the remaining acidity is gone. Used coffee grounds can be mixed into the soil or spread out on a planting bed and gently incorporated, as previously mentioned. While the coffee grounds decompose in the ground, you can add additionalApply fertilizerto accelerate nitrogen release.

Avoid the following mistakes

Avoiding these common mistakes will increase your chances of pest control success:

  • Never use coffee grounds that have been flavored with chemicals.
  • Applying a thick layer of coffee grounds before watering your garden will prevent the water from reaching the roots. Instead, work it into the compost or soil.

Curious about more home remedies for grubs?HereFind out how mustard powder can be a sustainable solution!

Which plants can coffee grounds be reused for?

Plants such as hydrangeas, which thrive in acidic environments, and roses, which require a lot of nutrients, benefit from the mild acidity of coffee.

Although the effect is not guaranteed, you can tryyour plantssurround it with coffee grounds or other objects to deter snails.

Which plants should not be watered with leftover coffee grounds?

Unless you use decaffeinated coffee, the coffee grounds still contain caffeine. The caffeine is usually extracted from the coffee during the brewing process, although it may still be present. In some plants, especially tomatoes, caffeine inhibits development and can even prevent seeds from germinating.

As long as you don't do this in the same place all the time, it's okay to place your coffee pot above groundWater plants. If you see the coffee grounds piling up, all you need to do is turn over the top few inches of soil and the coffee grounds will be evenly distributed throughout the soil.

Coffee grounds can also be composted

Coffee grounds, with their moist, microscopic particles, are an excellent composting element that can be mixed with dry and woody waste to speed up the composting process. The ideal technique for making compost is to combine a variety of “wet” and “dry” materials in an even ratio. When the finished compost is used as mulch or buried in the ground, the nutrients contained in the coffee grounds are added back to the soil.

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