What you should know about Monstera aerial roots so you can properly care for your plant

Monsteras are impressive plants that are beloved by many of us. Over time they develop very long aerial roots. If you are a beginner and don't know how to proceed, read this post. Here we explain everything you should know about Monstera aerial roots.

What are Monstera aerial roots and what are they used for?

Aerial roots are parts of a plant's roots that grow above the surface of the soil. They can be of various colors including green, white and brown. The older the aerial root gets, the darker it becomes and can even produce offshoots from othersForm aerial roots.

WhichFunction MonsteraAerial roots? It's very simple. Plants in nature use their aerial roots to attach themselves to tree trunks and grow higher to reach more light. Another function is to collect moisture and nutrients. Aerial roots also absorb moisture from the air and provide the plant with more water. They also support the plant as it grows larger.

How do aerial roots grow?

Young aerial roots look like small knobs or growths on the sides of Monsteras trunks. As they grow, they become much longer over time. As a rule, they can grow to be over a meter long.

Aerial roots canPropagation of the plantserve. Always cut below the node with multiple aerial roots. These aerial roots will not grow into regular, underground roots.

If the aerial roots become too thick and large, this may not harm the plant itself, but it may become difficultthe Monstera plantto rotate. In this case, you can shorten or cut off the Monstera aerial roots. Cutting them off near the trunk will not harm the plant. But you have to consider that they will grow back.

Ifyour MonsteraIf you want to support her, you can give her something to hold on to by tying her to a moss stake. This is a support covered with peat moss or coconut fiber that the Monstera can hold on to. This way the plants can grow safely. You can buy a moss post or make it yourself.

How do you tie the plant to a moss stake? Select the thickest, ripest stems and carefully tie them to the stake. The post then requires a certain amount of care so that the plant's aerial roots can establish themselves. Keep the post moist by misting it regularly. Moisture favors the growth of Monstera plants because they usually grow in moist environments in nature by clinging to trees.

A moss stake is used to keep the plant tidy, so you can organize the aerial roots in the direction of the stake and not let them grow chaotically everywhere. This will keep your Monstera looking clean and growing better and with larger leaves.

Aerial roots look exotic, so you can let them grow if they don't bother you. Aerial roots are a sign that your Monstera is thriving and ready to climb as it would thrive in nature. Many Monstera owners simply stick unruly aerial roots around the plant so that it doesn't look too wild. In general, this is a matter of personal taste.

In any case, it is important to note that a lack of support will cause heavier logs to break over time. Therefore, you need to find a way to safely support your plant.

How do you cut off the aerial roots?

Cutting back aerial roots is a simple task. As always, we recommend that you use clean, sharp and sterilized scissors, otherwise bacteria and fungi can be introduced,that damage the plantor even kill.

How do you cut the aerial roots? Cut it back to the trunk just before the root meets the node or trunk. However, you shouldn't cut too close or you risk damaging the trunk, which allows bacteria, fungi and pests easy access to the plant. Also note that the entire root should be removed and not just part of it.

Another important question concerns when to cut back the aerial roots of Monstera. This should definitely be done after the growing season, i.e. in early spring and summer. If you decide to prune the aerial roots of a Monstera, consider that this will deprive the plant of some of the moisture it would have collected via the aerial roots.

When is Monstera without aerial roots?

It is unlikely that you will find aerial roots on a young Monstera because they grow with age. As a plant grows larger, it needs more support and this is where aerial roots come into play.

Problems with aerial roots

It may happen that the Monstera aerial roots shrink. This could be due to physical damage. In this case, you can easily cut off the affected areas and remove the damaged Monstera aerial roots. Use clean scissors.