Orchids are widely considered one of the most beautiful flowers in the world, and for good reason - their delicate grace and exotic symmetry make a delightful addition to most décor. Although they have a reputation for being easy-care potted plants, these flowers also have certain needs. In this article you will find out how you should properly care for orchids and what are the most common mistakes people make.
Some mistakes in plant care can cause the orchid to lose its flowers. Others can endanger his life. Fortunately, many mistakes are relatively easy to correct. Here's what not to do to properly care for your orchids.
Water the plants incorrectly
Overwatering:Although orchids are tropical plants, they don't need as much water as many houseplants. Overwatering can lead to root rot and fungal infections. Water every 7 to 10 days or whenever the mixture becomes dry.
Underwater irrigation:It is still possible to overwater an orchid - a mixture that is too dry can result in shriveled, gray roots and the orchid losing its flowers. Set up a watering schedule to ensure your orchid receives enough water – about ¼ cup per session.
Watering from above:A jet of water can damage flowers and leaves and even cause rot over time. Instead, water directly into the potting soil.
Orchid care –Do not water with ice cold water:A basic tip for watering orchids is to place ice cubes on top of the potting mix and let them melt, but too much ice-cold water can damage the plants' roots. When using ice, make sure there is enough potting soil between the ice cubes and the roots.
More tips on how to properly water your orchid,can be found here!
Care for orchids with the right lighting
Orchids can dry out quickly in direct sunlight and lose their flowers in dark rooms. These plants thrive in indirect light – place your plant in a room with plenty of natural light and protect your plant from direct sunlight.
Using normal potting soil is wrong
Orchid Earth –In nature, most types of orchids do not grow out of the ground, but cling to branches and trunks. Therefore, potting soil is not a suitable medium for these plants. Instead, use fine bark chips to promote drainage and prevent root rot.
Fertilizing orchids with tea – three proven methodscan be found here!
Care for orchids with the right humidity
If you live in a dry climate, use a dehumidifier, or turn up the heat in the winter, you may be drying out your orchid. Keep humidity between 55 and 75%. If necessary, use a humidifier or mist your plant's leaves occasionally to maintain proper humidity.
Spraying flowers
Although maintaining adequate humidity is important, you should never mist your orchid's flowers. This can lead to excessive moisture and rot – only spray the leaves and potting mix.
Cut off the extra growths
If your orchid forms aerial roots, false or pseudobulbs, or canes, leave it alone. Roots and canes are a sign of healthy growth, while pseudobulbs can store energy and promote your plant's continued blooming and growth.
Excessive orchid care
Although children, pets, and even the wind can cause damage to your orchids, you can cause just as much damage. Avoid repotting more than necessary and only change pots when necessary or every two years.
Types of orchids to grow
If you correct these 10 mistakes, you can be sure that your plant will delight you for many years. Learn more about orchid types and how you should care for them.
Miltoniaare also known as “pansy orchids” because their flowers have “faces,” just like pansies. They thrive best in cooler temperatures of 12-15 °C, but are also forgiving of temperature fluctuations. Place them in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight.
Cymbidiumneed cool conditions – at least 10°C. To flower, they need a significant difference in temperature between day and night from mid to late summer - you can achieve this by placing the plants outdoors from June to September. In the house they need bright but indirect light.
Odontoglossum –Unlike most orchids, Odontoglossum thrives on little light - a north-facing windowsill is ideal. They come from the Andes and therefore require cool, fresh, breezy conditions and a minimum temperature of 10°C. They require high humidity, so place them on a tray of damp pebbles.
Dendrobiumthrive best at a temperature of at least 16-18°C and in a less humid environment than many other orchids. Reduce watering in the fall and move the plants to a bright windowsill or porch where they can stay cool and dry until spring. When temperatures rise again, consider increasing watering and bringing plants indoors.
Phalaeonopsisare widespread and easy to grow. They thrive in centrally heated homes (they require a minimum temperature of 16°C) in a location with bright, filtered light, such as near an east-facing window. They need moisture and therefore feel comfortable in kitchens and bathrooms.
Paphiopedilumlike humidity and moderate temperatures – at least 13°C. Species with spotted leaves like it warmer. They grow on the rainforest floor and are therefore adapted to low light, but need high humidity. Place them in a cool, bright place in winter.
Oncidiumusually bloom in summer and may remain dormant for a while. They look forward to spending time outdoors in summer. They like bright light – proximity to an east-facing window is ideal – and a moderate temperature of around 12-15°C.
The monkey orchid is a unique decoration for your home. More about this type of orchidyou can read here!