Fertilize orchids with simple household products

While orchids were difficult to care for until a few years ago and were only reserved for professionals, today's cultivated forms are suitable for themselvesfor beginnersvery good. And her beautiful sight really impressed a lot of people. If you don't want to fill your house with plants, but still value a pretty accent with real flowers, you can choose orchids with their wide variety of flower colors. But so that she alwaysEnjoy new flowers againIt is important that you fertilize the orchids and in this way provide them with nutrients. Today we will explain to you exactly what you should pay attention to and which everyday (waste) products you can use to do this.

If you want to fertilize orchids, you don't have to spend a lot of money on special fertilizers. There are plenty of products available in your home every day that you can use for this purpose and your pretty plants will thank you! Now find out what you can use to fertilize orchids and in what way so that you can benefit from ithealthy orchidscan look forward to.

When should you fertilize orchids and how often?

In order for your plants to thrive, it is not only important to know what is suitable as fertilizer. The right time is also important. So what should you consider if you want to fertilize your orchids properly?

Fertilize orchids – time

So when do you fertilize orchids? The basic rule is that orchids should only be fertilized during the growth phase and left to do so during the rest phase. The rest period usually takes place in winter. Accordingly, you do not need to fertilize orchidsin winter.

Fertilize orchids during flowering, right?

As soon as the growth phase begins again, you also start supplying nutrients again, because then the plant needs strength. You can tell when the time is right when new leaves, stems or flower umbels form. If the flowers have withered, you do not need to cut off the stem yet, because it is not uncommon for a new umbel to grow from one of the so-called “eyes” and of course the plant needs this toosufficient nutrients. This means you can continue to fertilize orchids while they are blooming.

You should also fertilize the orchids when they are not blooming (except during the dormant phase), because during this time new leaves grow and hopefully soon new flower umbels that need to be cared for.

Fertilize orchids after repotting

In addition to the rest period, you should also take a break from fertilizing when planting the orchidshave repottedhave. It is then best to skip fertilizing the orchids for 4 to 6 weeks.

Fertilize orchids – how often?

Good news for all beginners who want to get an orchid is that this plant is a weak feeder. This means that you don't have to worry if you forget or skip fertilizing for a long time. In fact, if you fertilize your orchids too often, it will harm the plant. Every two weeks is sufficient.

Fertilize orchids with home remedies

Now that we have clarified the question “when to fertilize orchids”, we can also move on to the question “how to fertilize orchids”. If you would like to fertilize your orchids naturally, there are a variety of options available that you can use to make your own fertilizer for orchids. Below we have listed exactly which natural products you can use to make your own orchid fertilizer.

With tea made from compost

Since compost can smell unpleasant and is not easy to mix into the substrate, afrom compostproduced tea is the ideal variant for this type of natural fertilizer. It is important that you only use compost from leafy plants (e.g. salads) and old vegetables when fertilizing orchids. This is how the tea is made:

Mix one liter of water (lime and chlorine-free) per kilogram of plant material in a bucket, for example, and set it aside for at least 24 hours so that the plants can begin to rot in the water and release their nutrients. An ambient temperature of at least 20 degrees is ideal for this. Then strain out the plant parts and use the water to dip the orchids.

Fertilize orchids with yeast

Dry yeast is best. This provides the plants with plenty of potassium and phosphorus and can be used for fertilization before and during flowering. However, a cube of yeast is also suitable, which was used for the following recipe: Make a solution by dissolving a cube of yeast in 10 liters of water (lukewarm and low in lime) while stirring. Only when all the yeast has dissolved can the solution be used to water the orchids. It is best to submerge the plants. In this way you can not only fertilize your orchids, but also water them at the same time.

Fertilize orchids with beer

What is meant is not fresh beer, but stale beer. It certainly happens that you don't finish your beer the night before and then throw it away the next day. You don't have to do that anymore. Instead, let it sit for another day and then dilute it with water. You then use this for watering every 4 to 6 weeks. It is the hops it contains that is so good for the plants and acts like compost. The smell of beer can also prevent pests, as some people don't like it at all.

Fertilize orchids with coffee grounds

You can also fertilize your orchids with coffee grounds. So instead of throwing coffee grounds in the trash or compost every morning, use them to make a natural fertilizer instead. The special thing about this variant is that the coffee actually contains all the nutrients that the orchid needs: potassium, nitrogen and phosphate.

Simply spread the coffee grounds over the substrate and then water the plant a little. Remove it again after 3 days at the latest or as soon as it has dried. Then you can put out new coffee grounds again after 2 weeks. Do not keep the grounds moist after watering, otherwise mold may develop, damaging the plants.

Black tea

Can also be used as an alternative to coffeeBlack teabe used because it contains the same nutrients and can therefore also provide the orchid with the best possible care. But never use fresh tea or tea bags when fertilizing orchids because it is too strong. Instead, simply take the grounds or bag after making your tea and place it in warm water (250ml of water per bag) for 20 minutes.

Then remove the tea bag and allow the liquid to cool. You can then use it to water the plants every day without risking oversupply. Always use this irrigation water only freshly prepared and lime-free or at least low-lime water for preparation!

Fertilize with baby pills

This may sound strange at first, but birth control pills can really do wonders for your plants, and that includes the orchid. The pill doesn't provide your plants with nutrients, but it does promote growth. So if you fertilize orchids with baby pill, you achieve a kind of fertilizer effect, so to speak. Combine them with other fertilizers of your choice. Have yoursStopped the pilland still have a few left, you can use them like this:

Dissolve one pill in 1/4 to 1 liter of water overnight and water your orchids with it. You can repeat this once after 4 weeks or care for your plants in this way every 6 months (or at least every 2 weeks). Alternatively, the pill can also be inserted directly into the substrate. A little fertilizer is distributed every time you water.

It is important that you do not use this type of fertilizeredible plants(vegetables, herbs, fruit trees, etc.) because the hormones get into the plant. This is also not recommended outdoors because the hormones seep into the groundwater.

Garlic as a source of nutrients

Also has an invigorating effect on orchidsthe garlic. You can also stimulate flowering with this home remedy. You can get a good fertilizer by using succinic acid. Heat a liter of water, add a tablet of succinic acid and let the liquid cool. Then finely chop 3 cloves of garlic, add them to the liquid and let everything steep, covered, for 24 hours.

This liquid is irrigated by dipping. To do this, pour the fertilizer through a sieve into a bucket of standing water and immerse the orchids in this water. Alternate watering with garlic with regular watering and keep the fertilizer in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. It's best to always make as much as you need when fertilizing your orchids.

With apple

Apples are particularly effective if you want to stimulate flowering in orchids. You can place an overripe piece of apple directly on the substrate for this purpose, but then you risk mold growth. Instead, you can simply place the apple piece next to the pot. The apple piece then releases a gas called ethylene, which stimulates flowering.

Potato and rice water as fertilizer

Plain rice wateris known for its many benefits. This also includes the use of water asFertilizers for plants. It is simply used lukewarm every two weeks after cooking rice as irrigation water, which then supplies the orchid with potassium, calcium and vitamin B. In the same way, you can also use potato water if you want to fertilize orchids naturally.

How to use eggshells

Calcium, carbon and oxygen are the minerals in eggshells that are so valuable to your orchids. So if you want to fertilize orchids naturally, simply use the shells of your breakfast eggs. On the one hand, you can soak the shells in water and then use it as irrigation water. Or you can just use the water in which you put themEggs boiledafter it has cooled down. Simply water your flowers with it.

Banana peels to provide nutrients to orchids

Last but not least, we would like to give you thisBanana peels as fertilizerI'm sure you have plenty of them at home on a regular basis. They contain plenty of valuable potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamins as well as nitrogen, albeit in small quantities. In order to get a fertilizer with which you can fertilize orchids, you first have to dry them. Then cut them into small pieces and mix them into the substrate or spread them over it.

Alternatively, you can make a powder from the dried peels in a blender, which you can combine with dry coffee grounds.

Danger!Bananas usually contain larger amounts of pesticides (except organic bananas). Therefore, do not use the peels for the garden if you value organic farming. But also for flowers or evenfor cosmetic useOrganic banana peels are more suitable.