Dyeing orchids: How can you naturally produce colorful exotic flowers yourself?

The common Phalaenopsis orchid comes in a wide range of colors. What you may not know is that blue, orange and green orchids are dyed to get their striking color. Many people buy these colored flowers in the hope that the flowers will be the same color the next time they bloom - and are then unfortunately disappointed when the flowers are white. In this material you will learn how to color orchids.

Easy surface staining or painting

While painting flowers may seem silly, it is a way to color the flowers without damaging the plant.About an orchidTo color the surface, remove a stem with flowers from the plant so that you only treat the cut orchid and not the entire plant. The advantage of this method is that it works immediately and does not damage the root system or other tissues of the plant, since you are coloring a flower on a cut stem. You don't have to paint the entire flower, you can just color the tips or edges of the petals to create an attractive alternative.

You can also enhance the natural color of a white orchid flower by adding a light coat of floral dye, such as: B. Just For Flowers, apply to the back of the petals, making the flower look crisper and cleaner. This technique does not obscure the details of the flower, but rather enhances its overall appearance. Additionally, spray painting can prevent cut flowers, such as those used in bridal bouquets, from wilting so quickly by preventing water from evaporating from the petals. This won't extend the lifespan of the flower, but it can keep the blooms looking fresh for a little longer.

Injection of dye through the stem

The injection method is the most commonly used by florists as it is considered the most effective coloring method. The dye is drawn into a syringe and injected into the stem of the plant, distributing the dye to the buds on the stem. When the dye is administered in this way, the flower changes rapidly. Although the orchid is at risk of infection at the site of the injection, this risk is usually mitigated by sealing the wound with wax. Florists take this risk because it is a quick method that results in beautiful, natural-looking pigmentation.

Tip! To dye an orchid blue using the infusion method, you should not use a fresh specimen yetfaded flower budschoose.

Color orchids with food coloring

Blue ink is not suitable as a dye for the infusion method on orchids because it could clog the pores of the delicate plant when it dries. Despite the less pronounced coloring effect, you should use water-soluble food coloring. In order to color orchids through infusion, you need the following accessories:

  • a syringe with an injection needle about 1.5 mm to 2 mm thick
  • if necessary, a container for the dye
  • Rubber rings for temporarily fixing the infusion
  • Cinnamon for wound care

Color injection procedure

First of all, the orchid you choose should have white or at least fairly light flower color. A few days before the color injection, the selected plant should no longer be watered and should only be sprayed with water. Then, when coloring the flowers using the injection or infusion method, do the following:

  • Dissolve the water-soluble food coloring in a cup of warm, soft water.
  • Draw up the syringe with the dye solution or fill it into the infusion container.
  • For the injection site, choose an inconspicuous (poorly visible) area near the base of the plant.
  • Gently insert the hypodermic needle into the center of the stem. Be careful not to puncture the stem.
  • Insert the needle into the stem at an angle downwards and attach the syringe to it with a rubber ring.
  • Apply gentle pressure to the syringe or allow the dye solution to drip from the infusion bag several times a day.
  • Close and disinfect the wound site with a little ground cinnamon.

How to dye orchids blue: instructions

To create the vibrant light or deep blue color, orchid growers inject blue dye into the orchid spike before the flowers open. After injecting the dye, it usually takes at least 24 hours for the flowers to change color. The necessary materials can be obtained quickly. You will need blue food coloring such as Brilliant Blue FCF (E133), an infusion set with a container, and a white Phalaenopsis orchid. The procedure is the same as that described above. The buds must not have opened yet when you start dyeing. If the plant is already in full bloom, you will be bitterly disappointed with the result.

What happens when colored orchids bloom again

When colored orchids bloom again, the new flowers will be the color of the original plant. If you have a white orchid that has been dyed blue, the new flowers will be white. However, if the flowers were in the bud stage during the dyeing process,they bloomin the color of the dye, just slightly lighter. Although dyeing an orchid seems fairly simple, it is actually a labor-intensive process that requires precise skill. During the dyeing process, special care should be taken to ensure that the plant receives special care, as it can react more sensitively to environmental influences such as temperature, light and drafts.