The lushly planted natural garden is a beautiful gem, but the tall plants can provide many hiding places for unwelcome animals. Discovering a snake in the garden is a big shock for most garden owners. Although most native snake species are completely harmless, their presence in our green oasis can be very disturbing. That's why we've compiled a list of anti-snake plants that you can plant on the edge of your garden to create an anti-snake zone.
If you notice a snake in the garden, it is probably a smooth snake, grass snake, dice snake or Aesculapian snake. These species are native to Germany and are harmless to humans. In our latitudes there are also two species of poisonous snakes - the adder and the asper viper. They can only be found in the Black Forest.
Even if the most common snake species in Germany are harmless, most garden owners certainly don't like them as guests in their own garden. If you want to make your outdoor area snake-proof, then you don't have to use poisons or chemical agents against snakes. All you need to do is grow a few plantskeep the crawling animals awaybecome. Here are the best types, and you'll be happy to know that there are many plants among them that also repel mosquitoes and flies.
From aromatic herbs and fragrant flowers to plants with prickly foliage, there are many species that can be grown to combat the reptiles and that are also very attractive and useful in the kitchen.
Marigolds have a strong spicy scent and densely curled red, yellow and orange flowers that keep snakes away. The pretty flowers look harmless, but marigold roots grow deep and aggressively. These sturdy roots function as a snake repellent. They give off a strong smell that tooDeters moles. The smell penetrates deep into the ground and also reaches places where a snake could hide.
African lily
This magnificent plant from the onion family not only looks beautiful with its pink, trumpet-shaped flowers in spring and early summer, but also keeps snakes away thanks to its strong scent. The fast-growing and clump-forming perennial can reach a height of up to 90 cm.
Allium or flowering onion
Thanks to their high sulfate content and pungent smell, onions are very effective toKeep snakes out of the garden. Luckily, they are also showy flowers, adding drama and color in late spring with their lavender and deep purple spherical blooms on straight stems.
Scatter them around the flower bed, between ground covers, or plant them in shallow, bowl-shaped planters to create a focal point. A word of warning: The wide, strap-shaped leaves are not particularly pretty and provide an ideal hiding place for snails. Therefore, keep them away from valuable and sensitive lettuce leaves and bedding plants. Or be prepared to do so regularlyGet rid of snailsmust.
Garlic against snakes
Like onions and alliums, garlic contains large amounts of sulfonic acid, which gives off a strong odor that snakes simply don't like.
You can grow garlic for culinary and medicinal purposes, but these plants also have attractive flowers that can also be consumed. The white, spherical flowers can be picked in the bud stage or when fully open and taste particularly good sautéed or in salads.
The scent of basil also drives away critters
This tender annual herb, best grown from seed at regular intervals in the spring and summer, has a strong smell that we find inviting but that snakes cannot tolerate.
You can grow basil from seeds both indoors and outdoors. It needs constant warmth to grow and does not like to be placed in moist substrate where it will rot quickly. The soft and tasty leaves also burn very easily, so the plant should not be placed in direct sun.
wormwood or mugwort
The charm of mugwort or artemisia may lie in its fine, silvery, feathery foliage, but did you know that snakes cannot tolerate its pungent smell?
Easy and quick to grow in a sunny, well-drained location, it is perfect for planting on your patio or porch to keep those unwanted visitors away.
Commonly known as a houseplant, bow hemp (Sensevieria) or mother-in-law's tongue or snake plant is also a good natural snake repellent. It is the sight of the tall and twisting sword-like leaves that scares away the crawling animals. Whether it's because they find the sight threatening or because of the sharp edges of their leaves, in warm climates these perennials are perfect for a snake-proof garden.
This plant prefers temperatures of 21°C and above, but can also tolerate slightly cooler conditions, although these should not be below 12°C.
Lemongrass against snakes
Native to the sunny, humid and warm areas of Sri Lanka and southern India, lemongrass has an invigorating citrus scent that is guaranteed to keep snakes and other reptiles away. Since this species is not hardy in our latitudes, you should dig it up before the first frost and overwinter indoors.
The bitter leaves and roots of this perennial, often called devil's pepper, also deter snakes.
But be careful: Due to the chemical substances contained in the plant - namely reserpine and tremetol - this tall plant with its small white flowers is very poisonous to snakes, but also harmful to animals, especially horses.
Making the garden snake-proof – further tips
In addition to planting beds with snake-deterrent plants, you can also take other measures to make your outdoor space less welcoming to the critters. Trim back the lower branches of shrubs, trim long grass, and clean up piles of leaves regularly to reduce hiding places for snakes. Fill existing holes with firmly compacted soil and reduce wet areas or puddles, as these are particularly attractive to snakes. Free-roaming pets are also a good remedy against snakes, as their frequent forays can deter the reptiles from settling.
Also read:How to protect yourself from snakes in the garden & while hiking