With these repellents you can keep snakes away from your home and garden!

Snakes are legless reptiles that can crawl into your garden and sometimes even into your country house. The horror of all horrors! And while your first instinct is probably to run away with all your might when you see a snake, you should know that this animal is actually useful. They control rodent populations, with a snake able to eat 3-4 rats in a single day. Okay, so you're familiar with their positive achievements, but that doesn't negate your ophiophobia, does it? It's quite possible that you're panicking at the thought of their presence nearby... Then you're like a large proportion of the German population who is wondering how to keep snakes out of the garden? We have put together the best tips and repellents on this topic.

How to scare snakes away from the garden?

Did you know that there are a total of 7 species of snakes in Germany, only 2 of which are poisonous? This means that there aren't really that many venomous snakes and it's unlikely that you'll encounter one in your garden. If this information isn't reassuring enough for you, you'll probably do further research, as he didKeep snakes away from the housecan. And he does well because killing these legally protected animals can be punished with a hefty fine. So what tips are there for getting rid of snakes without hurting them?

When do the snakes come out?

To avoid snakes, you have to know when they come out, right? Well, they are most commonly encountered when the average temperature is between 25 and 35 degrees Celsius. In other words, the snakes come out in late spring and can be seen throughout the summer. They are most active in the early morning and late afternoon, as temperatures in summer are often too high to go out during the hottest hours of the day. In the fall they go into hibernation, but they don't actually sleep. Instead, their bodies adapt to the lower temperatures, which slows their metabolism and makes them less active.

Why repel snakes naturally?

Of course, calling a competent master pest control company is a very effective way to solve a snake problem. However, there are some home remedies you can try at your leisure to get rid of these terrible reptiles naturally. Their advantages include:

  • their availability: Most home remedies for repelling snakes are based on common ingredients.
  • Affordability: All natural methods to keep snakes out of your garden are cheaper than the cost of professional products and services in the market.
  • Easy to use: Most home remedies to keep snakes away are easy to prepare and use.
  • Security: Many of the snake repellents are 100% natural and safe for human health. In addition, they are non-toxic to cats, dogs and other pets, which is not always the case with professional repellents. Of course, there are also chemical agents that can be used, but as long as the necessary precautions are taken, the risk associated with their use is minimal.

What precautions should be taken when hunting snakes?

To keep snakes away from your home and garden, you must first eliminate the factors that attract them. When it comes to a living organism, of course food is the most important thing. Find out what other answers there are to the question “how to keep snakes away” by researching their habitat.

Keep snakes away from the garden: Destroy the food source

Where there are rodents, there are logically also snakes that like to eat them. So get rid of the rats and mice and you will be one step closer to solving your problem. Also remember that snakes also eat frogs, moles, insects, birds and even fish! Snakes often appear in garden ponds.

Eliminating hiding places is essential to success

Snakes prefer dark, damp places and are known to hide in cracks, crevices and holes. Eliminating these hiding places can help keep snakes away from your property. Inspect your garden and garden shed carefully and repair any cracks in the wooden cladding, close any holes you find and replace old grids with holes. Repair damaged gutters, pipes and vents and, if possible, store firewood in lockable wooden boxes.

Consider changing landscaping

To rid your yard of snakes, you should make changes that will deter these creatures from entering. Keep the lawn cut short and avoidtall grasses,to eliminate possible hiding places for snakes. When building a fence, make sure it is flush with the ground and slopes slightly outward. You can also use materials that deter snakes from slipping in, such as: B. Holly leaves, pine cones, eggshells and gravel. To keep snakes away naturally, consider growing plants whose scent they find repulsive, such as marigolds, lemongrass, stinking hellebore, and wormwood.

Proceed strategically: summon natural enemies

Foxes and raccoons are predators and natural enemies of snakes. Of course, it is impossible to keep them as pets to keep adders and grass snakes at bay. However, if foxes are native to your area, their urine is a very good natural snake repellent when spread around your property. Guinea fowl, chickens, turkeys, pigs and cats also help drive snakes away from your garden.

How to get rid of snakes from the garden? With smoke!

Snakes have a very keen sense of smell, meaning they are hypersensitive to strong smells and fumes. One smell they particularly dislike is smoke. A tried and tested remedy is to build a campfire and let it smoke for several hours. Covering the embers with moss, pine branches and leaves works very well in this regard.

But be careful! Remember that now is wildfire season and a fire should never be left unattended! Make sure you are always able to put out your fire! This method would also be a good alternativeburning coffee grounds.

Snake repellent

There are several common chemical agents and natural products that work well as snake repellents. Some of the most popular are:


Because of its high effectiveness, naphthalene is a common ingredient in many commercial snake repellents. The substance is best known as the main ingredient in mothballs. The smell of naphthalene irritates the snakes and drives them away without harming them. So place mothballs in holes, cracks, crevices or other places on your property where snakes can hide. A major disadvantage of this product is that it is toxic to children and pets. There is a particular risk for small children if they swallow the small, white beads.


Powdered sulfur is another good way to get rid of snakes from the garden. If you spread sulfur powder around your garden, it will irritate the snakes' skin so they won't come back. For safety reasons, you should always wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth when handling this substance.


Snakes don't like the smell of ammonia, so spraying potential hiding places with this simple water solution will deter them from future stays. Remember that when handling ammonia, protective gloves, masks and even goggles (if the solution is too concentrated) should always be worn due to the risk of burns and irritation.

Essential oils such as clove and cinnamon oil

Clove and cinnamon oil are veryeffective snake repellentsand at the same time 100% natural. Dilute it in water, pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray all over the garden. Even better, the same blend can also be used in an indoor diffuser if needed. Note: Usepure essential oilsnever directly on the skin!

Garlic and onions

A curious fact is that the sulfonic acid in garlic and onions (the same thing that makes us cry when we peel and chop onions) repels snakes. Place 1 head of garlic and 2 large onions in a food processor and process until a thick paste forms. Add 1 liter of water and let the mixture stand for 24 hours. Then you can strain the solution, put it in a garden sprayer and use it to spray the desired areas. You can replace the garlic and onions with garlic powder and onion powder in a 1:1 ratio. The powders dissolve in the water without you having to strain them.


Vinegar is an effectiveMeans for repellent against snakesnear water, including swimming pools and ponds. White vinegar can be sprayed around the pond to keep snakes away. Vinegar is a natural repellent that poses no health risks/side effects. Find out how you can use vinegar in the gardenin this article.

Hot chilies

Make a solution of chili boiled in water or sprinkle cayenne pepper around your home or garden. Snakes do not like the alkaloid capsaicin contained in chilies (just like voles) and the burning chili fumes also cause their skin to itch, which puts them off. Here's how to keep snakes away from your garden using natural home remedies, common chemicals and clever tricks!

Also read:How to protect yourself from snakes in the garden & while hiking