Your orchid stem is drying up: what causes this and what can you do to save the exotic plant?

The orchid stem dries up? This problem and how to solve it is one of the most important issues in orchid care. Living plant stems or flowers are an indicator of proper development and quality of care. If dry spots appear on the stems, they must be urgently removed, otherwise the presence of dry flower spikes combined with improper care can lead to problems with the development and flowering of the exotic.

Development of the plant and duration of flowering times

The period of formation of a flower-bearing arrow usually lasts one to three months, after which theorchid to bloom. The duration of this period can vary from 2 to 3 months to six months, depending on proper care and good watering of the plant. It is also worth noting that not all orchids are capable of blooming. Often only adult specimens of the plant that have formed a good root system can enjoy flowers. Young plants under one year old usually do not have enough vitality to support the flowering process.

Create appropriate conditions for the exotics

  • Compliance with light and heat conditions;
  • create comfortable humidity around the flower;
  • Avoid overheating and drafts;

The temperature regime of an orchid can range from +18 to +25 degrees. If the exotic stops blooming, you can give it artificial stress by lowering the temperature. Since the tropics are the natural habitat of orchids, a humidity of 70% is quite comfortable and acceptable for them. At the same time, the plants also feel quite comfortable at a humidity of 50%. In order for them to feel comfortable in a temperate climate, the humidity in the area should not be less than 50%.

Orchid stems dry up – what are the causes?

There are several types of dried stems. The reasons that contribute to this can be of different nature. The degree of damage can be determined by the appearance of the dried orchid stem. In some cases this is a normal aspect of development, but in most cases a dried stem is a sign of lack of care. Experts distinguish several main types of dried orchid stems:

The dry tip of the stem most likely indicates that the exotic plant has recently faded. In this case, it is enough to cut off the dry part of the stem and the plant will fully develop again.

There can be several main reasons for the stem drying out. The main causes include:

  • overheating;
  • hypothermia;
  • insufficient or excessive watering;
  • lack of fertilizers;
  • improper application of stains.

Not only the stems suffer from overheating, but very often the root system of the flower as well. Most frequentlyare orchidsexposed to high temperatures in spring and summer. To avoid disastrous consequences in hot weather, it is necessary to protect a tropical flower from constant direct sunlight. To do this, for example, you can place a homemade opaque board between the glass and the plant and moisten the area with water palettes. Yellowing of the stem can also be caused by hypothermia or constant drafts. If this factor is not eliminated in time, the flower may not only get sick, but also die. Improper watering primarily damages the rhizome of tropical exotics. If this is not prevented in time, it can lead to the leaves drying out and falling off and ultimately the stem drying out completely.

Natural causes of trunk drying out

The only situation in which drying out can be considered a normal factor in the development of a tropical plant is the period replacing flowering. It is easy to solve such a problem, you just have to cut off the dry part of the stem and the flower will continue to develop. In other cases, the flower needs to be urgently transplanted or treated.

Orchid stems dry up due to pests

Among the other harmful factors that can cause premature drying of the stem are insect damage. One of the most dangerous pests for orchids is the mealybug, which attacks not only the outer shell, but also the internal structure of theTropical plant leavesdamaged. Additionally, these pests leave behind sticky pollen that attracts other insects.

Cut orchid stems or not

That depends entirely on how important it is to themDevelopment of the orchidis. Some gardeners prefer to prune the spike after each bloom, whether it has wilted or not. Sometimes this is really appropriate as a new branch will appear at the site of the cut. In this case, it is important to remember that the dry trunk must be cut off near the exit point and this should only be done with disinfected scissors or pruning shears. Prune dry stems as deeply as possible. To avoid infection of the flower, it is necessary to sprinkle the cutting with crushed cinnamon, charcoal or activated carbon.

When should you cut off dried stems?

It is best to prune the orchidwhen it has faded. Even if the gardener notices that the tip of the stem has dried up during the lush flowering, you should not immediately resort to scissors. This can lead to a stressful situation for the plant, resulting in the flowers falling off prematurely. In addition, premature cutting can cause the exotic plant to stop blooming altogether.

Orchid stems dried up: steps for cutting

In order not to injure the green part, it is necessary to cut the dry stem only after the end of the flowering phase. Cut as close to the growth opening as possible, then there is a good chance that the trunk will not be damaged and theQuickly bloom a budor shoots out a new arrow. Only cut with disinfected tools. To disinfect you need ethyl alcohol and several cotton pads. After the procedure, it is recommended to sprinkle the cut sites with cinnamon or charcoal powder.

If the stem and the flowers on it dry up, this may mean that the plant's light or water balance is disturbed. For the further normal development of the plant, it is necessary to eliminate the disturbing factor.If the root systemis hopelessly flooded, the exotic must be urgently transplanted. The first and most important advice for beginners in orchid cultivation is to be sure to cut back dry arrows that cannot bloom. The second necessary manipulation is regular and high-quality feeding.

Repot or transplant dried plants

Whether it is necessary, oneTransplant orchid, if the trunk has dried up depends on the degree of damage to the plant. If the trunk has completely dried out, you need to check the condition of the root system. Of course, if the roots are still alive or the damage is minor, the flower will need to be transplanted to save it. You have to carefully remove them from the pot, clean the rhizome from the adhering substrate and then remove the rotten and dried roots. You need to transplant the flower exclusively into a dry substrate specifically suitable for orchids, and then determine the location for the plant. It is worth remembering that tropical plants feel most comfortable on the southeast or southwest side.