You often hear: “You shouldn’t keep houseplants in your bedroom because they’re not safe.” This is due to the fact that most plants release carbon dioxide and absorb oxygen from the air while you sleep. It is entirely true that many houseplants do this. But in reality, the amount of carbon dioxide released and oxygen absorbed is minimal. This means it is safe to have plants in the bedroom. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages to keeping plants in the bedroom. Read on as we explain the problem in more detail.
Why plants should be avoided in the bedroom?
The gases that plants absorb or emit in the bedroom will not pose a problem for you or cause sleep problems. However, certain flowers or locations are not suitable for some practical reasons.
- A bedroom can be a small space, so having plants near the room you walk by may not be the best choice, or they could get knocked over in the dark. If possible, consider hiding them in a corner of the bedroom instead. This is a matter of personal choice. But we will never have houseplants over the bed. We love new decorating ideas, but things that grow over your head are a big no-no for many people. Because they just don't like the idea of something coming loose or falling on them while they're sleeping. So, askyour plantsin safe locations in the bedroom so that there is no risk of falling!
- Everyone knows that when you have to get up at night you are “not fully awake” and can easily stumble while half asleep. If there are plants with thorns, spines, or sharp edges on the path, there could be trouble. Choose your plants in the bedroom carefully for your safety and theirs, and everything will be fine.
- Many feng shui experts advocate a certain amount of greenery in the bedroom, but warn that too many flowers can have the opposite effect and negatively affect your sleep rhythm. It is worth considering that if you regularly have bad sleep, the number of flowers in the room could be the cause.
How much carbon dioxide do plants emit?
Carbon dioxide is one of the gases that we emit when we breathe. The truth is that there isn't nearly enough carbon dioxide in the air. On average, carbon dioxide occupies the lowest proportion in the atmosphere at 0.04% and is therefore harmless. Only when carbon dioxide concentrations exceed 10% is there a risk of convulsions, coma and death. Any number ofPlants in your roomwill not raise carbon dioxide levels to dangerous levels – rather, they will lower them. Plants absorb more carbon dioxide than they emit.
Of course, the exact amount of carbon dioxide a plant emits depends on its size and type. But overall, both humans and animals emit a much higher percentage of carbon dioxide than flowers. Since we constantly survive in rooms full of people, a room full of plants is much less scary.
Why you should encourage plants in the bedroom?
For most people, the bedroom is a peaceful, calm and relaxing place. In general, people find plants calming and relaxing, which can reduce stress levels and promote deep sleep. Multiple studies over the decades have shown that flowers can shorten the recovery time of patients in hospitals and reduce their need for painkillers. Another study showed that people felt less stressed when they were in rooms thatsurrounded by house plantswere.
Plants can drastically change the way sound travels in the air. They can't "block" sound from noisy neighbors, but as a study shows, they can quiet the room by absorbing some noise and reducing reverberation and echoes.
You may already know that plants produce water vapor as a waste product of photosynthesis. This escapes into the air before spreading throughout the room and increasing the humidity. A study has shown that planting just 2% of the bedroom can increase the room's relative humidity by 5%. This is important because dry air is associated with negative health consequences for humans. These problems can make restful sleep difficult, thereforeHouseplants workas natural humidifiers.
A 1996 study showed that a few plants in a room can reduce dust production by about 20%. Anyone who suffers from allergies knows that dust can be a trigger. Therefore, it is always good to find natural and easy ways to minimize dust exposure.
One of the most famous pieces of research was the NASA study that showed that houseplants in small spaces can improve indoor air quality by absorbing and breaking down common air pollutants. Some of the best flowers on NASA's list include the areca palm, lady palm, peace lily, and spider plant.
Which plants are good for sleep?
Plants that help purify and filter the air are good for sleep in the bedroom. You can also have flowers that eliminate odors and give off a gentle scent that promotes sleep. Some plants improve the humidity in the room and promote sleep. Below is a list of plants that you can consider good for sleep in the bedroom.
- Lavender
- Woman's palm
- rubber plant
- Areca-Palme
- English ivy
- Boston-Farn
- Chinese evergreen
- Snake plant
- dracaena
- Lacy-Tree Philodendron
- Dieffenbachia
- Rosemary
- spider plant
- Pothos
- Peace Lily
However, there are no rules about which plants you can and cannot have in your room. In general, it is always important to find out more about a plant and its properties. Sheyour plants needcare for them properly and know if they are safe for your household. Dieffenbachia, for example, is one of the world's most popular houseplants, but like many other flowers, it is poisonous if ingested by people and pets, and you should always wash your hands after handling it.