As a plant lover, you probably already know that it's time to bring your houseplants that have been outside enjoying the fresh air and sunshine back inside for the winter. We have put together some tips for you on how to properly overwinter your plants and make the transition from outside to winter quarters as gentle as possible.
Sudden changes in climate and temperature can shock your green friends. It might feel a bit like coming back from a tropical vacation and there's snow outside your door. Unlike us, plants can't take a warm bath or turn up the heat.
Don't wait too long and take the plants inside when the temperatures fall below 15 ℃, at the very latest when the temperatures fall below 7 ℃. If possible, try to make the transition indoors gradual by moving your container plants to a shady location for a few weeks.
Decide in advance where you will house your plants for the cold season so that they survive the cold season undamaged. Try to adapt the new conditions to those outdoors.
For example, place plant varieties that were in the bright sunlighton the south windowsill, because the light behind a pane of glass is less intense than in the open air. If this is not possible, move the plants to areas with progressively less light for a few days.
Ideal quarters forOverwinter plantsare winter gardens, bright basement rooms, storage rooms, attics, stairwells or garages. For most plants, cool rooms with temperatures between 5 ℃ and 10 ℃ are ideal. If it is too warm, the metabolism is boosted, but at the same time slowed down by the lack of light. These sprout and the result is long, thin shoots with small leaves.
Check whether the plants need to be repotted and if so, take pots with drainage holes and new suitable potting soil.
Before you move your plants into their winter quarters, check them carefully for the first signs of pests and diseases, otherwise they will spread quickly. Examine the hiding places for mealybugs and scale insects, namely the branches and the undersides of leaves. Regularly remove fallen leaves and dead plant parts to protect your plants from fungal diseases. Submerge the pot in a container of lukewarm water for 15 minutes to force the pests upwards to get air. Then drain the pot thoroughly. If you want to be sure that you won't let in unexpected guests, you can quarantine the affected specimens separately in a room for a few days.
During the winter it is generally watered regularly but sparingly; one or two glasses once a week are usually sufficient. Before watering, check whether the soil is already dry, otherwise there is a risk that the roots will rot. If one of your plants drops leaves in the next few weeks, the reason is the reduced light supply or too high a temperature and lack of water.
Those plant varieties that overwinter directly in pots in your garden must be completely wrapped with insulating materials. The vessels are wrapped in reed mats, fleece, jute or bubble wrap to make them winter-proof. In this way, the root balls are protected from frost damage.
It is best to place the saucers and boxes on a Styrofoam plate or on a cardboard box. They are also well packedStay outside for the long winterprotected from the cold.
Before moving from the garden to the winter quarters, you can cut back potted plants that have become too large and thus promote growth. A radical pruning is always carried out with the growth phase in spring.
Your effort was definitely worth it, the flowers will soon beautify your garden again.