Whether you have a large, sunny roof terrace or a small, shady apartment balcony, you can make your outdoor space more inviting and comfortable with a few plants. But when you choose a flower for your balcony garden, you obviously want it to be easy to care for and bloom continuously so that you can enjoy its splendor and beauty all summer long. Below you will find easy-care, permanent bloomers that are best suited for terraces or balconies.
Easy-care, permanent bloomers for terraces or balconies
If you are currently setting up your patio or balcony for relaxation but don't have any plants, then you are missing out on a wonderful opportunity to create your own outdoor oasis. Decorate your outdoor area with these easy-care permanent bloomers to bring joy to yourself and your loved ones.
The colorful verbena
One of the most striking long-term bloomers for patios or balconies is verbena. This easy-care and drought-resistant plant has a very special and beautiful scent and is perfect for flower boxes or as a hanging summer flower. It thrives in any ordinary soil as long as it receives adequate sun throughout the day.
There are many different varieties of verbena, also known as verbena, available in a wide range of sizes and colors such as white, pink, blue, red, purple or bicolor. Some varieties are perennial and bloom year after year, while others are annual and bloom only once from summer to fall.
Verbena attracts a variety of pollinators, making it an excellent choice for supporting the native flora and fauna in your area.
Plant colorful zinnias on the balcony
Zinnias are one of the easiest flowers to care for. These colorful annual flowers bloom profusely, spread and multiply quickly. Growing zinnias in pots and window boxes can be a great way to add color and beauty to the balcony or patio. They bloom throughout the summer in a variety of colors including pink, yellow, orange and purple. Zinnias are very popular with gardeners because they attract many beneficial pollinators.
The flowering plant prefers full sun and well-drained soil and should be watered regularly. With proper care, it can bloom all summer long and enrich your outdoor space with a beautiful display of color.
Magic bells for outdoor use
Magic bells love the sun and that makes them perfect for planting in balcony boxes or hanging flower pots. Their countless tiny flowers are cup-shaped and extremely colorful and the choice of colors is constantly increasing. In addition to the classic pink, red and yellow tones, white and lemon yellow varieties as well as bright orange also give off a Mediterranean touch. The latest varieties with two-tone flowers also offer exciting combination options for pots and flower boxes. These magical flowers bloom continuously until autumn.
This permanent bloomer is very easy to care for. It prefers moist, well-drained soil in full sun, but canalso slight shadowand tolerate some drought.
Magic bells not only look beautiful, but they also provide plenty of pollen. However, due to their flower shape, they are only accessible to a few insects such as butterflies. Nevertheless, they do their part to create an insect-friendly environment.
Easy-care, permanent bloomers: pansies for the terrace or balcony
Pansies are a beautiful summer plant that produce flowers for months with little effort. Their light scent and intense colors are just some of the reasons why pansies are perfect for the balcony or terrace.
These flowering plants prefer cool temperatures and thrive best in partial shade orin full sun, but if the sunlight is too strong, the flowers may get sunburned or wilt. Their water requirements are low and when planted in well-drained potting soil they should be watered about once a week.