Garden furniture often presents a real challenge when furnishing the outdoor area. It is essential that it is made of a material that is robust enough to withstand heavy rain and bright sunshine. Depending on where you live, you can often expect significant temperature fluctuations as well. Plastic garden furniture usually doesn't last long, and wooden ones are beautiful and weatherproof until the time comesHolzmaterial begins to deform and disfigure. In addition, the wooden garden furniture needs regular coating, it also needs to be protected by a coating. But of course there is also an alternative and it is called garden furniture decorationWrought iron in the garden! This would be an attractive option for anyone because wrought iron is a super-sturdy material, it can even often be found second-hand if you don't want to spend a lot of money on it.
Wrought iron in the garden – dining chairs on a Mediterranean terrace
Anything made of wrought iron in the garden is often perceived as a flourish from English gardens. But the hard metal can be worked in a variety of ways, from vintage-inspired styles with a lace effect to chic and modern. If you are looking for some pretty wrought iron garden furniture ideas, then you have come to the right place! We will now show you many interesting design ideas with which you can use wrought iron in the garden to create a cozy seating area. Our picture gallery could really serve as a source of inspiration for you! We just want to warn you in advance: don't let a little rust spot here and there bother you! Just take a piece of sandpaper and remove it! Then delete themwrought iron– New furniture and use a weather-resistant paint!
Wrought iron in the garden – the classics
This vintage style wrought iron garden furniture set has been given a new wooden table top and new cushions to make it fresh. Instead of the wooden table top, you could just as easily use a glass top that is made to the right size.
Romantic design in white for the wrought iron chairs
Of course we must emphasize, wrought iron in the garden looks wonderful painted in white paired with a classic background, like this beautifully proportioned house in the picture. Note the potted plant on the table, which is in harmony with the house and with the landscaping of the patio around it.
Wrought iron in the garden – so colorful, so chic!
These wrought iron garden chairs have been given new life by painting them in different bright shades. Don't they even look funny? Spice up such pieces too!
Wrought iron in the garden – creative contexts
There are plenty of wrought iron lounger models available, most of which are shabby chic in style and are perfect for taking a nap in the shade while the sun shines brightly outside in summer.
Wrought iron for a small table with chairs in red
A vintage-style wrought iron furniture set not only looks great in an English cottage garden, it can also be successfully placed elsewhere. For example, a roof terrace with a view of the Caribbean would be very suitable.
Wrought iron deck chair in a pool
And one more thing: your wrought iron furniture in the garden allows you to “dive” into the pool! Yes, you could place an iron furniture set so that it sits right next to the water. So you can cool your feet in the water or even your drink! Sometimes certainly both, depending on your wishes!
Wrought iron in the garden – cozy atmosphere for cocktails or coffee hours!
Wrought iron in the garden in a color coordinated set may not look as “appropriate” as other materials do, but you could mix it up further and create a really cozy atmosphere for pleasant times with friends and family outdoors enjoying chilled cocktails . Complete the look with fresh, colorful cushion covers for the chairs, as shown in the picture.
Wrought iron rocking chair
In the next photo you can see an interesting combination for the wrought iron in the garden: Here there is a wrought iron rocking chair on an incredibly chic terrace. It is decorated with Mexican textiles that radiate a lot of warmth and romance!
If you may have to neglect your garden for a while, please don't worry about your wrought iron garden furniture! The wrought iron furniture in the garden can withstand all weather conditions and still look good! There is no doubt about it!