Chives are blooming: tips on what to do and whether you can still eat them!

If you grow chives, you have probably noticed the small pink or purple pompoms that appear on the plants from May at the latest. But these delicate flower heads aren't just food for the bees - chive flowers are a delicious, edible flower that you can eat, too. Yes, that's right! When the chives bloom, you can still eat them.

What exactly are chive flowers?

The chive is the smallest plant belonging to the genus Allium (Garlic), which also includes onions, garlic and leeks. It is sometimes said to have a flavor comparable to that of onions with a hint of garlic, but it is slightly milder. The plant contains green, leaf-shaped stems that can be sliced ​​and used in dishes that require delicate flavor.

Grown for its edible stems, the plant also produces a tiny, purplish-pink flower that grows at the tip of the stem. These fragrant flowers typically bloom from late spring to summer (May to August) and give off an aromatic, slightly garlicky scent.

Are flowering chives edible?

Chives flowers can be eaten, are not poisonous and have a delicious taste. They are often used as a side dish or as a colorful accent in various dishes, for example in salads.

Chives bloom - edible and with health benefits

The flowers can also be consumed for their health benefits. Their calorie content is minimal and in addition to their antioxidant properties, the flowers are a wonderful source of vitamins C and E.

Dishes with chives

Edible flowers have been enjoyed by humans for hundreds of years and there are more species than you might expect. The flowers are known for their delicate taste and bright colors. Here you will find some ideas for what you can prepare with chive flowers.

  • Garnish rice and noodle dishes, roasted vegetables, meat, fish and soups.
  • You can add the flowers to herbal oils.
  • Add them to salad dressings.
  • Add them to all kinds of salads.
  • Mix them into savory pancake batter.
  • Sprinkle them over cheese, eggs, toast and other breakfast foods.
  • Sprinkle them over mashed potatoes or baked potatoes.

The most difficult step in preparing chive flowers is washing them properly to remove any possible pests that might be hiding in the delicate crevices of the flowers. Dip each flower several times in a bowl of lukewarm water and shake the flowers in the bowl. Dry the flowers carefully in a salad spinner or simply let them air dry. After the flowers have been washed and dried, you should disassemble the flowers into their individual florets by carefully pulling each one away from the flower head.

Store chive flowers

Chives flowers can be stored in different ways. The easiest method is to put them in a plastic bag and store them in the fridge. They should retain their quality in the refrigerator for up to seven days. They can be frozen for up to two months, but the fragile flowers must be protected by a protective layer of water to preserve flavor and keep the petals intact when frozen.

If you dry chives you can use them all winter long. When drying, it is important that the chives are almost crumbly before storing. Pay attention to whether there is moisture at the base of the chive flowers. If there are signs of mold or insect infestation on the chive flowers, you should throw them away. Dried chives will last up to a year if stored in an airtight container away from direct sunlight and excessive heat.

Cutting back chives can help promote the plant's new growth and is an important step in maintaining its health. And what tastes best is the delicate new growth that has just appeared. If you do not prune the chives, the plant will easily become overgrown, woody and fall to the ground. It is important to keep chives in check as this plant tends to spread aggressively. If you don't pick off the flowers before the seed pods form, you willeverywhere in the gardenFind chive plants.

There are several methods to care for chives when they need to be cut back, and the choice should depend on your goals. You can cut the plant all the way back to the ground or remove the spent flower heads.

Remove spent flower heads

Chives should be cut back after floweringaround the plantto revitalize and stimulate new growth. When the flowers show signs of fading, it's time to prune the chives so that any spent flowers are removed.

Cut stalks close to the ground

The chives can be planted close to the ground at any time (1 – 2 cm above the ground).be cut backand new shoots will grow in its place. Use this technique either in late fall when the plant is dormant or at any other time to revive chives that have overgrown.

Tipp: If you have a lot of chive plants, consider allowing some to flower so that bees and other pollinators can benefit. You can collect the rest and prepare and garnish delicious dishes.