Once you discover the world of succulents, you will be fascinated by the variety of colors and shapes. Some are small and grow cushiony, others have long stems and can grow quite large. Succulents have been wildly popular indoors and outdoors for a few years now, but a new trend has captured our hearts. Black succulents as decoration can create breathtaking accents in your own four walls. Currently, only a few species with black coloration exist, but many new hybrids are developed every year.
Succulent species with black leaves and flowers
Like all other succulents, these can be grown indoors or outdoors and require little water. Typically, black succulents grow in deserts and tropical areas. Those growing in deserts can tolerate some frost, while tropical succulents prefer warmer temperatures. A good way to plantto stage, it is high contrast colors to use them. You can find out more about this in the following article.
Rosettendickblatt (Aeonium arboreum)
Aeoniums are easy to care for, save water and yet can create striking accents in the garden or on the terrace. The Aeonium plants usually form clusters of rosettes on taller stems, giving the impression of a bouquet of long-stemmed roses. Some species occur as cristates, meaning they have a point of vegetation changed into a band and look like mini-trees.
Aeonium arboreum atropurpureum “Zwartzkop” is a variety particularly valued for its intense dark color. The “Zwartzkop” forms rosettes of such a dark burgundy color that they appear black. Understandably, many botanists use the “Zwartzkop” to create many beautiful new hybrids, including “Cyclops,” “Voodoo,” “Zwartkin,” and “Garnet.” Aeonium “Cyclops” forms huge rosettes that are characterized by a red edge and green center.
In temperate climates, Aeonium species grow almost all year round, resting only during the hottest part of the summer. The warmth of the sun promotes the formation of the rich, dark color of the leaves. Since the Aeonium likes it quite warm and is not hardy, it is best kept in a bucket. The plant is a succulent and prefers a substrate consisting of two parts loose soil and one part sand. Adequate drainage is essential. As hybridization continues, the shapes become more diverse and the colors become increasingly improved.
Echeveriarelated‘Black prince’
This unusual succulent with dark, almost black leaves comes from the dry, sun-drenched areas of Central and South America - from California to Mexico to Peru. The echeverias grow in the form of a decorative rosette with short, thick-fleshed leaves. These leaves initially appear greenish but darken to a deep lavender brown.
In summer the plant produces umbels that grow high above the rosette. The purple-red flowers appear in late autumn to early winter, contrasting with the deep dark color of the leaves. The combination of black and red looks very elegant and has always had something fascinating.
Echeveria is related‘BlackKnight’
'Black Knight' is a variation of the Echeveria affinis variety. In contrast to the 'Black prince', this dark and elegant Eheveria has elongated, tapered leaves. Both varieties also differ in their coloring. 'Black Knight' has a green center and leaves range from dark red to deep black. They often have a piercing spine at their tip.
Sinocrassula Yunnanensis is another exotic succulent that resembles a hedgehog! However, it has no thorns. This unusual plant of the Crassulaceae family comes from Yunnan Province in southern China and is native north and south of Burma, northwest India, Sumatra and Bhutan. The Chinese thick leaf does not grow more than 10 cm high, but spreads quickly. It grows to form cushions and the leaves reach a length of approx. 3.5 cm. In autumn, the mother plant forms inflorescences that reach a height of 10-15 cm and dies after flowering.
The Chinese thick leaf grows well in full sun or partial shade. It needs well-drained soil and must be watered only when the soil is completely dry. Once a week is enough. To avoid root rot, you should ensure good drainage.
Set the scene correctly
A mini succulent plant in a mini pot always looks adorable. To really show off the deep black color of the leaves, use a pot in a contrasting color. White, yellow, green and red go well with black. For an even more beautiful effect, colorful decorative gravel could also be used. Not only can it visually hide the soil, but it also stores moisture in the soil for longer.
Combine succulents
Succulents look like little works of art and are ideal as a decorative element. Succulents belong to many different plant families but have similar water and light needs. For this reason, different types of succulents can be easily arranged together.
In general, plants with water-storing tissue are called succulents. There is a large variety of succulents, the most outstanding being the thick-leaved plants, agaves, aloes, echeverias, cacti, spurge plants (Euphorbia), Haworthias, Kalanchoe, Pachyphytum, Sedum and Senecio species. Some have a rosette shape and resemble flowers, while othersfascinate with unusual leaf shapes. With so many shapes, colors, sizes and textures, you can choose the succulents for the arrangement to suit different environments and occasions. Black succulents can also add dramatic accents to a vibrant wreath.
Succulent wreath