Planting succulents in cork plugs is a great decorative idea

If you have just finished drinking a bottle of wine, do not throw the stopper. Start collecting the cork stoppers. Do you know how many great DIY knick-knack ideas there are with cork stoppers? A cork stopper lanyard is not only original, but also a safe home for your keys. In this article we will show you how to grow succulents in cork plugs. Curious? Take a look inside.

If you've been collecting some corks from wine bottles lately and want to find a practical use for them, how about putting succulents in cork stoppers? It looks sweet and cute. Instead of hanging balcony plants, they become these small onesSucculent beetroothave on the wall in the kitchen. This way you can save space and you will also enjoy a great decoration on the refrigerator or on the wall in the kitchen. The idea comes from Jacques Karsten and Judy Rom fromUPCYCLE THAT.

Instructions and required materials

You will need the following: Tools: knife or screwdriver, glue gun; Auxiliary materials/ingredients: wine corks or cork stoppers, magnets, soil and succulent cuttings. And that's how it's done.

Hollow out the cork

All you have to do is hollow out the corks. The quickest way to do this is with a drill. But a screwdriver, a thin knife or another sharp object are also suitable. Then plant the succulents in the corks with a little soil and you can decorate different areas in the house: be it the refrigerator, a magnetic wall or another magnetic surface. If you don't fill the corks to the top with soil but leave some space, you can fill the rest with a few beads or stones and add color accents.

Prepare cork plugs as a flower bed

Find suitable truncations

Score the cork with a screwdriver or knife

Fill scored cork plugs with potting soil

Decorative stones reveal even more originality and creative thinking