Removing weeds from joints – tips & tricks for maintaining patios, paths and driveways

So annoyingthe weedingAlso, it remains one of the most important tasks of every gardener. But as you know, weeds in the garden are not the only problem. Because the annoying green can also be found in numerous other areas of the outdoor area. One of them is the joints between paving stones and stone slabs and this can quickly turn the terrace, driveway or garden path into an eyesore. Hobby gardeners naturally ask themselves the question “What helps against weeds?” We would like to help you with a few tips and options so that you can successfully remove weeds from joints. Find out which means are suitable and what advantages and disadvantages they bring with them.

Remove weeds from joints with tools

There are special tools on the market, called joint scrapers, that are offered for this purpose. But if you don't want to invest in new tools right away, you can also use a simple, old kitchen knife - with the same effect. Removing weeds from joints with a knife or other suitable tool has its advantages and disadvantages. The practical thing is that you can get into the joints easily and therefore get to the roots better. This way you can get rid of weeds in joints in a relatively short period of time and for a long time.

However, you will also loosen the joint material. On the one hand, this means that you have to refill it. On the other hand, the loosened material makes it easier for seeds to get into the joints, which of course results in renewed weed growth. And this can become noticeable after just 2 weeks.

There is also a so-called joint brush with steel bristles. It is also less effective if you want to permanently remove weeds, because the plants will grow back after a few days, which is because you do not remove them along with the roots. Nevertheless, it must be said that working with it on straight joints is fairly quick. Here and there you have to help with a scraper or knife.

Keep paths, driveways and terraces free of weeds using a flame burner

Without a doubt, a flame burner is the more convenient option compared to a joint scraper if you want to remove weeds from joints. You use the flame burner with gas cartridges that provide you with fuel. In this way you will then burn the unwanted plants, after which you can easily sweep them away. Another advantage of such a gas burner is that it is a natural weed killer, free ofharmful chemicals, and that you can enjoy the results for longer. It will take significantly longer than with the first variant for plants to grow back again. However, you should be patient when flaming weeds because it takes some time for the plants to drop.

Spring cleaning in a different way with a high-pressure cleaner

You can thoroughly clean stones, including paving stones, several times a year by using a high-pressure cleaner. Not only do you get rid of moss that spreads on surfaces over time, but you also automatically clean any other dirt and the paving joints at the same time. But remember that you will then have to fill the joints again. But what is the most suitable material?

Fill the joints in the garden paths and terrace – which material?

Usually sand and more specifically quartz sand is used for this purpose. So that would be an option after youthe filling materialRemove weeds from joints. Alternatively, fine grit is also suitable. This makes it more difficult for the plants to grow. Although this material doesn't completely prevent them from doing so, it does take significantly longer. So if you want to permanently remove weeds from sidewalks or from the joints of other areas, using Split is a good preventive choice. In terms of price, it doesn't differ much from classic sand.

How do I get weeds out of my paving stone joints permanently – Sweep with a hard broom

Speaking of prevention - if you often sweep over the affected areas with a broom with hard bristles, you will also inhibit the growth of the plants. In principle it's like with paths - the friction prevents plants from growing and the paths are created. You also sweep away new seeds straight away so that they don't get into the joints in the first place and if any do germinate, you destroy the sensitive young plants by sweeping.

Remove weeds from joints with vinegar

You may have heard of this weed remedy. And, would you likeWeeds out of jointsIf you remove it with home remedies, you may have already considered this option - after all, vinegar is a food and therefore natural and harmless. However, you are not entirely correct. It is legally forbidden to destroy weeds with vinegar essence, whether diluted or not. To what extent this toofor vinegarapplies depends on the regulations in your region, at least for the garden. Because there it changes the acidity of the soil and this makes it difficult or even impossible for crops to thrive - so destroying weeds with vinegar is not a particularly good idea.

However, it is generally not permitted to use vinegar, vinegar essence or vinegar cleaner against weeds on paving stones or other surfaces in your outdoor area. The same applies to salt. The reason: The acid cannot seep into the ground on the sealed surfaces, but sooner or later ends up in the sewage system and from there into the sewage treatment plants, where it damages the microorganisms that purify the water. In addition, if you use vinegar to remove weeds from joints, temporarily unsightly stains will appear on the stones. And by the time these are gone, the weeds will grow back again.

Permanently remove weeds between stones with hot water

Boiling water is the better option if you want to kill weeds. The heat has the same effect as the fire in a torch. However, this trick is more recommended if you want to remove weeds from joints in smaller areas. After all, it takes quite a bit of time to bring water to a boil. Nevertheless, this method is extremely effective and, above all, gentle if you want to remove weeds between panels. You can also keep the joints free of weeds without having to remove the filling material.

Seal paving joints

It seems almost impossible that joint sand becomes weed-free forever, doesn't it? Not quite! There is a remedy for grout that you can also consider and this will really make you forget about the weed problem for a long time. The best weed killer for paving stones,Stone slabs etc.or the best preventive measure is to seal the joints. No more unsightly outdoor areas due to weeds, no more removing weeds from joints - doesn't that sound like a dream?

There are various materials for this purpose, including the classic mortar. Synthetic resin mixtures are also often used, and other plastic mixtures are widespread. Which one is best depends on various things such as the material of the flooring and the size of the joints. You can get advice from a hardware store or another expert. It is also very popular to intentionally plant the joints - with moss, lawn or even succulents. But no matter what you choose, one thing is for sure - you won't have to remove weeds from between joints!