Palm trees are popular plants. As a rule, they are relatively easy to care for, but if growing conditions are inadequate, they can dry out and die. You can take some very simple measures to save your withered palm tree. Follow our instructions to help you grow your plant successfully.
Maintain the correct water content in the soil
The right amount of water is crucial for every plant, so you should check the water content in the soil regularly. It's very simple. Poke your finger into the soil near your palm tree and see if the soil looks dry or moist. If the soil looks dry, it means there is a lack of water. And if the soil is too wet and damp, it means the palm has been overwatered. When watered excessively, palm trees develop brown or black spots on the leaves.
If your palm tree has dried out, water it deeply. Use a hose with a spray nozzle to water outdoor palm trees.Water the rootsgently and only the base of the palm so that fungus does not form on the leaves. The plant should dry out between waterings.
Of course, if the soil is too wet, you should reduce watering. If the water pools on the surface, it means the soil is not draining well. With a potted palm tree, this problem can be easily solved. All you need to do is repot them with fresh potting soil. For outdoor palm trees, you can add some mulch to the soil. In this way the excess rainwater is absorbed.
How often to water palm trees? Generally, palm trees do well with weekly watering in warm weather and deep watering every 2 weeks in cool weather.
Provide the palm tree with the right sunlight
Most palm trees love full sun or partial shade. If your plant has brown leaf tips, it could be a sign of sunburn, and yellowed leaves mean the palm isn't getting enough sun. You can leave potted palm trees outside in spring and summer in a partially shaded location.
Pay attention to the correct temperature
The preferred temperature range for indoor palm trees is between 18ºC and 23ºC, with temperatures being about 10 degrees cooler at night. If the temperature is significantly above 23ºC, the soil will dry out too quickly. This means the roots cannot absorb the water needed for proper growththe falling of the leavesto prevent. All common types of indoor palms are native to tropical climates. Excessively low temperatures can stress an indoor palm and cause it to appear droopy.
You should cut off any damaged leaves
You can save a dried palm tree by cutting off all damaged leaves in spring and summer. Be aware that older palm fronds will naturally dry out and turn brown. Cut your plant at the base if this is the case. This gives the palm tree more space to grow new fronds.
If the palm tree has dried out or suffered frost damage, the leaves will also be damaged. Wait until all danger of frost has passed, then you can remove the damaged leaves. Leaves that have already been damaged by frost protect the other healthy leaves.
Don't forget compost and fertilizer
For palm trees that are growing in the ground and have dried out, you can revive them with a dose of compost. How to proceed: Rake away the mulch and cover the ground with 2 to 3 centimeters of compost. This will allow nutrients to flow down to the roots and nourish the plant.
Palm trees need fertilizer in spring so that the plant receives nutrients in a timely manner. Fertilizer also helps improve the soil and promotes water absorption.
Repot the plant when the soil is old
All plants benefit from fresh soil. And if you want to save a dried palm tree, you can repot it and give it fresh soil to help it grow properly. If your palm tree turns brown and dies, repotting is the best solution. How to proceed:
Remove the palm tree from the pot and gently shake off the excess soil. If you the plantreplant in the same pot, clean the pot thoroughly beforehand. Warm soapy water is perfect. Once the pot has dried, you can repot your plant. Use new potting soil so that the palm tree gets enough nutrients. After repotting, water thoroughly.
Save a dried palm tree: add bark mulch
Mulching outdoor palm trees has many benefits. This will help the plants recover. Mulch regulates soil moisture and keeps weeds away. You will need 2 to 3 centimeters of bark mulch to sprinkle around the base of the palm tree. Keep him away from the trunks.
For indoor palms, it is up to you whether you add mulch. You can use some coconut to retain moisture. It's that easy to get yourssave dried palm tree!