What helps against flies in the garden? Get rid of those annoying insects with these home remedies and DIY ideas!

The weather is wonderful and we all enjoy getting outside. But who would have thought that flies could almost ruin a family barbecue, upset the dog and cause us all to flee indoors. How can we enjoy our gardens if a hand always has to wave away these annoying pests? If you find yourself in this situation, you are probably wondering what works to get rid of flies in the garden so that you no longer have to deal with these annoying insects. While an occasional visit from these tiny creatures is all but inevitable, especially in the summer, there are things you can do to curb their population outside your home.

Here are some tried-and-true methods to keep flies away from your food this summer.

Repel flies outdoors with electric fans

One of the most effective methods to flystay away from a certain area, consists of creating a breeze strong enough to make it difficult for insects to fly. They feel the breeze blowing towards them and would rather fly in a different direction than fight through the breeze. It doesn't matter if you use a pre-installed ceiling fan or simply connect a pedestal fan on your patio, this method works wonders.

What helps against flies outside?

It's old hat, but a classic. Fly catchers have been around for years. These sticky traps attract the flies with the promise of a sweet treat, but then cause them to stick to the paper and become poisoned.

What scares the insects away?

Make some scented fly strips! You can scare away the pests with essential oils that flies hate. You will need a piece of fabric that you cut into strips (30cm x 3cm). After that, you should moisten the strips with an essential oil - a few drops of the following are enough - mint, rosemary, lavender, citronella or eucalyptus. Hang the strips of fabric around your patio and in your garden: the scent of the oilsuccessfully drives away the vermin.

Candles keep annoying pests away

Lighting some citrus-scented candles and placing them on the dining table or near the grill area can deter flies. You can also use a plug-in air freshener that smells like citrus if you can't find candles.

Herbs as natural remedies for flies in the garden

Some herbs you can plant to get rid of garden flies are: bay laurel, carnation, mint, rosemary, woodruff and tansy. The plantskeep these annoying insects awayand are also annoying for other vermin.

What else you can do against flies in the garden

Flies are attracted to foul smells (and repelled by pepper and dry spirits). Cut off the top of a plastic bottle and turn it upside down so that the insects do not come out. Fill the bottle with vinegar and sugar. Finally, add liquid dishwashing liquid and place the bottle in the garden. Secure the bottle so pets (and larger pests) cannot tip it over.

Vodka against pests

Vodka is another well-known scent that flies don't seem to like. A few plastic bags filled a quarter full and then hung around the grill area can keep the insects away.

Make your own fly trap

Get a used soda can or plastic bottle that still has the sweet sugar in it. The sediment is completely sufficient. Place them in a fly-prone place. The insects get in easily and can't get out.

You can also throw banana pieces and candy into a bottle. The flies will have a hard time climbing up the sides of the bottle.

Clever ways to stop flies from returning

Once you've gotten rid of the pests, you can use these clever strategies to prevent flies and maggots from re-invading.

Keep clean to keep flies away from the garden

If you take care of the cleanliness and order of your outdoor area, you can avoid a lot of fliesstop them from coming into your garden. Regularly washing out the garbage cans with a hose to avoid bad smells that would attract insects in droves helps. For the same reason, you should have trash cans and trash bags that seal well. Also keep garbage cans away from your property.

If you own a pet, especially a dog, you must be aware that dog poop lying around will attract flies to your yard. It's not just the piles, a pet's food or water bowl can also attract them.

Your compost or manure pile should also be considered. If it is not covered, it is a feeding ground for flies.

Mow regularly

Flies often lay their eggs in tall grass, which provides them with moisture and shelter. Mow your lawn weekly during the peak summer season to prevent infestation.

Watch out for standing water

Don't leave pools of water in your garden. Flies need to drink water and are therefore attracted to puddles, birdbaths and wet spots caused by dripping sprinklers.