Drive cats out of the garden: How can you successfully drive away the animals using natural means?

You have invested a lot of time and effort into your garden. Maybe you've created raised beds with phenomenal soil and suddenly the neighborhood cats think your yard is their personal litter box. However, there are effective methods to keep the animals away from your carefully cultivated soil and prevent them from damaging your flowers, fruits and vegetables. Below you will discover tried and tested tips on how you can get rid of cats from the garden - animal-friendly and with home remedies!

Drive cats out of the garden with water

Most cats don't like it when they get unexpectedly wet. So using water to drive away unwanted visitors can be extremely effective. You can try to scare the animals away with motion-activated sprinklers. Such a device can be set up whenever you are not working in the garden and is connected directly to the hose. When it detects movement, it firesa jet of watertowards this movement.

These systems are not without theoretical drawbacks. Initially, plants may be slightly overwatered in popular spots in the garden. The best part is that it isa non-toxic, non-harmful methodacts. If you want the cats to stop entering the garden, this is a fantastic way to achieve it.

Cats prefer to walk on soft, loose ground and avoid prickly surfaces. Make your garden beds less inviting. Try these inexpensive, recycled, and simple spike solutions:

  • branches

Cover the garden soil with branches where cats often frequent until your spring plants are established.

A notice:Bundles of twigs help wild bees!

  • Pine cones

Stick pine cones or other prickly garden debris (such as fall leaves) into the soil around your plants. Stone mulch or eggshells are other options.

  • chicken wire

Lay chicken wire or pieces of plastic fencing across the ground.

Chase away cats with scents

  • Piss off plant, lavender, etc

Cats don't like the smell of rue, lavender, polei mint, piss-off plant and lemon thyme. Plant some of these plants in the garden. Planting can also attract pollinators and other beneficial insects.

  • Citrus scents

These animals should avoid strong citrus scents.Toss the citrus peelsdirectly to the garden soil.

  • coffee grounds

Sprinkling coffee grounds over the floor can also help. If you don't mind sprinkling the coffee grounds over the garden every few days, it can have some effect.

  • Smell of predator urine

Commercial cat repellents mimic the smell of predator urine. They are touted as non-toxic and organic and are said not to harm plants.

Drive cats out of the garden with noises

There are devices that are activated by movement and ultrasound devices that emit a frequency. They can't stand the cats, but they are inaudible to humans. Simply place the device in your desired location and watch as unwanted cats andanimal pestsbe prevented from entering the protected area of ​​15 m. Once an animal enters this area, the device emits an ultrasonic sound and flashes ultra-bright strobe lights to effectively scare it away and keep it away.

You can hang a delicate bell on the garden fence or fill a can with rocks that rattle when disturbed by a cat. Also try wind chimes to keep the animals away.

Set up a cat zone

Set aside an area specifically for cats to discourage them from exploring other parts of the yard. Choose plants like catnip and place a sandbox to act as a toilet and curb the problem of cat poop.

Get a dog to deter cats

A sure way to deter cats from visiting your property is to have a loud and lively dog ​​that greets them with an enthusiastic bark.

Cats repellent with rosemary essential oil

Since cats have 80 million olfactory receptors (humans have 5 million), the concentrated scents of essential oils can keep them away from your yard. Recommended oils include rosemary, citronella and orange.

This method is one of the best to get rid of kittens. Add 10 drops of rosemary essential oil to 250 ml of water and spray on a problem area in your outdoor area.

Scatter herbs on the ground

It can be difficult to keep cats out of garden beds. If you want to put a little more effort, it is recommended to dry and powder the plants that we have already mentioned above to scatter.

If kittens don't like the plants, the smell of freshly shredded leaves may put them off for a few hours. But once the initial smell fades, usually within 24 hours, it is no longer effective. Most dried plants lose their aroma and degrade far too quickly.

There are three things that will retain their scent a little longer than most other options. Crushed, hot peppers such as cayenne pepper and some types of pipe tobacco can actually keep the animals at bay for two to three days. However, cayenne pepper has an unpleasant side effect: If cats walk through it and then lick their paws, it can make them sick.

Do you need a few more tips? Take a lookover here!