Poinsettia leaves its leaves drooping: Not just when there is a lack of water!

No matter how complicated the care of a plant may be, the leaves are in most cases the best indicator of care errors and thus give you the chance to act correctly in a timely manner and adapt the care to your needs. This is no different with the popular poinsettia. Your poinsettia is drooping its leaves and you're not sure what could be the reason?

Foto: New Africa/Shutterstock

The fact is that it is most likely due to a lack of water. But do you think you are actually watering enough? Then the location could be wrong.

Poinsettia leaves its leaves drooping – that could be the reason

The beautiful poinsettias, which are available in different colors (the red one is of course the best known), are rather demanding and make it quite difficult for many beginners. The plant proves to be quite pretentious, especially when it comes to location. The poinsettia leaves its leaves drooping if it has the following defects:

Photo: Camelia Dudu/Shutterstock

If you water incorrectly

We have already mentioned that the flower droops its leaves due to drought. In this case they also feel dry. But we would still like to go into it again, because with onesimple trickmake sure you don't water too little or too much: dip,instead of watering.

  • Pour lukewarm water into a sufficiently large container. A free planter is also suitable for this purpose.
  • Place the plant inside with its pot. You can apply light pressure to get the root ball under the water more quickly, but you don't have to.
  • The pot remains submerged in water until no more air bubbles appear. This indicates that the earth has completely absorbed water.
  • Remove the plant again and allow it to drain well for a few minutes before returning it to its usual location.
  • Water this way no more than once a week.
Foto: Andre Boukreev/Shutterstock

Danger:The poinsettia droops its leaves whenwaterlogging for too longprevails and as a result the roots rot. You can also tell when the leaves turn yellow. So you shouldn't overdo it with watering and you should definitely avoid standing water. Watering is only carried out when the top layer of soil is dry.

If the location is not optimal

Your poinsettia leaves its leaves drooping,if the location is not right. What you should know:

  • The poinsettia likes it bright

Bright, but definitely not in direct sun - this is the perfect place for the plant. Drooping leaves can be a sign that it is too dark for the poinsettia. In this case, the plant produces an unnecessary number of leaves, but they are underdeveloped. These are weak and usually fall off quite quickly.

Photo: Ioana Filipas/Shutterstock
  • Care for poinsettias: not too warm, not too cold

Why does the poinsettia lose its leaves after they are limp even though they are still green? Maybe he's too cold.

The poinsettia does bloom in winter, which might make it seem like it likes it cold. But it originally comes from warm Mexico, which means that the temperatures shouldn't be too low. But he doesn't get the warm air from the heating either and the poinsettia leaves its leaves hanging. Values ​​of around 20 degrees are best.

  • Drafts, one of the poinsettia's great enemies

All that has been said will probably tempt you to place the plant in a north or east window with little sunlight. There's generally nothing wrong with it, as long as it doesn't pull out of the window frame. In general, drafts must be avoided at all costs, as they absolutely cannot tolerate the sophisticated beauty. Limp leaves covering the plantloses after some time, without having changed color, are not only a sign of temperatures that are too low, but also of drafts.

If you do not comply with any of these site conditions, you must move the poinsettia as quickly as possible to save it. Because it doesn't take long before the Christmas plant gets yellow leaves and then even loses them.

Poinsettia leaves its leaves drooping when infested with pests

Foto: Dargog/Shutterstock

Many pests cause flowers to droop their leaves before they change color and fall off. So the first thing you can do if you notice floppy plant leaves is to check the poinsettia for an infestation. Mealybugs in particular are quite common, but other types of lice such as scale insects and aphids are also not uncommon. There is also the dreaded whitefly.

How to get your poinsettia to bloom next yearfind out here.

Photo: Sarycheva Olesia/Shutterstock

Also read:Caring for the single leaf: How to plant, water, fertilize, etc. the beautiful peace lily!