Frankincense plant against mosquitoes: How do you maintain the natural insect protection for your balcony and garden?

The frankincense plant (Plectranthus coleoides) is a balcony plant from India that is very popular in Germany. Although its spicy aroma is reminiscent of real frankincense, it is a different plant known as a moth and mosquito repellent. The frankincense plant has long been used to repel mosquitoes and other disease-carrying insects because they do not like it. You can use a small incense burner to use the smell to drive away insects. Here you will find out exactly why the frankincense plant is effective against mosquitoes and how to properly care for it.

Fragrant plant for the balcony and garden

There are now many hybrids of the plant, which differ mainly in the color or shape of the leaves.This plant has a mild scentand is primarily used as a green ornamental plant because its lip flowers are rather inconspicuous. The incense is also under the nameMottenkönigknown because its pungent aroma repels moths, mosquitoes and other pests. It can be combined very well with different types of balcony plants.

How does the frankincense plant repel mosquitoes?

The scent of the frankincense plant is very pleasant for some people, but others find it too strong. Unlike us, mosquitoes only have one opinion: they don't like the aroma at all. If you have this plant on your balcony orin your gardenThis means you can spend your summer evenings outside undisturbed. All the mosquitoes will definitely be gone and leave you alone. In this case, you just want to be sure you know the plant's strong scent before growing it. If you're feeling desperate, there are other plants thatVery helpful against mosquitoesare. But you could always try planting an incense plant on your balcony, maybe the aroma is for you! It is best to combat annoying insects biologically.

Frankincense plant against mosquitoes: properties and location

Frankincense is a climbing plant about 20 - 30 cm high that is used as a decorative ornamental plant for indoor and outdoor use. It is grown in hanging baskets and planters. Sunny locations are not suitable for frankincense plantsintense midday sunideal. But they also grow in partial shade if they receive at least a few hours of sunlight per day. If the plant doesn't get enough light, the color of the leaves fades, making it less attractive.

When choosing a location or pot, you should also consider the size of the plant so that it can spread well and not overgrow other plants. As a tropical plant, it should be kept in a warm place indoors or outside on the balcony.

Choose substrate

The potting soil available on the market is completely sufficient for your frankincense plant against mosquitoes. You can supplement this with compost, for example, which means you need less fertilizer. The compost should preferably be a leaf humus substrate, but you can alsonormal garden compostuse. The substrate must be loose and not waterlogged, otherwise the roots will begin to rot. Plants that need to be overwintered should be placed in new soil every year so that the substrate remains permeable.

Water your plant properly

The frankincense plant comes from areas with high temperature and humidity. For this reason, regular watering is recommended during the summer months to keep the soil moist and well-drained. Hanging incense varieties in particular are very sensitive to dryness. During the growing season, you should water the plant regularly on particularly hot days - not only water the roots, but also spray the hanging shoots. In the winter months, your frankincense plant should not be watered as often. You can tell when it needs water, namely when the soil in the pot is dry.

Fertilize your frankincense plant against mosquitoes

Balcony-or potted plantsYou should fertilize once or twice a month, which also applies to the frankincense plant. Basically, the need for nutrients for this plant is very low. It feels comfortable in a pot with other ornamental plants that are adequately supplied with nutrients. It is best to use commercial fertilizer for balcony or green ornamental plants.

For newly repotted or purchased plants, you should wait at least six weeks before fertilizing them. This promotes good rooting. The plants can then absorb the fertilizer better and therefore grow better.

Pruning Frankincense Plants

Pruning is a method of removing dead leaves and flowers tothe appearance of fungi and insectsto avoid. This has a positive effect on the health of the frankincense plant and promotes the growth of new leaves and healthy stems. Pruning does not pose a problem for the plant and can be carried out throughout the entire growing season.

Overwintering the beautiful balcony plant

The plant comes from a warm, frost-free area, so it usually cannot survive the winter outdoors. You should bring them indoors in October at the latest and only water the root balls moderately until March. The plant should not be fertilized in winter. Before you bring the frankincense plant indoors, you can cut it back and use the cuttings to grow new plants.