Somehow the weather isn't really conclusive yet. As soon as you believe that the cold days are over and the sunnier part of the year begins, things change again and the nights and mornings are suddenly very fresh again. You would like to put the first plants outside, but you don't really have the courage yet, for fear that they might freeze to death. And in the end, it's actually better to wait a little longer rather than risk damage to the plant. But there are also those that you can safely put out in front of the Ice Saints. We summarize which potted plants are allowed outdoors from April.
There are some plants that appear sensitive due to their origin, but in reality they can withstand cooler temperatures. We have listed some of them below. On the one hand, the terrace offers you a lot of necessary light, but at the same time it also offers a certain level of protection from winds and possible frost.
You can put these Mediterranean plants out in the pot
Typical Mediterranean plants love the warmth, which is why they also need winter quarters in our latitudes. So it's only logical that we want to keep them warm for as long as possible. There is no need to wait until after the Ice Saints. When can you put out Mediterranean potted plants? Olive trees, laurel trees andalso the oleandercan already tolerate the temperatures outside at the beginning of April. Here is a summary of which potted plants are allowed outdoors from April:
- Bleiwurz
- Real laurel
- Feige
- Fuchsia
- Camelie
- Oleander
- Olive tree
- Palm trees
Which potted plants do you have to wait until after the Ice Saints?
Not allMediterranean potted plantsare prepared for the still quite cool temperatures, which is why you shouldn't make the mistake of taking all of your potted trees outside right away. Instead, you should be sure that temperatures no longer fall below 5 degrees. These and other plants and flowers that should go outdoors according to the Ice Saints are:
- Bougainvillea
- Angel trumpet
- Gentian bush
- Hibiscus
- Mandelvilla
- Beautiful mallow
- Lantana
- Citrus trees such as orange or lemon
However, that doesn't mean you can't put them out at all. The potted plants even benefit if you take them outside for a few hours on nice days, as this allows you to slowly and gently get used to the outdoor conditions. Avoid direct sun initially to avoid burns on the leaves that have not yet hardened off. Clearing and emptying large containers is of course very complicated, which is why this method is more suitable for more compact container plants or those on wheels.