Why is a lemon tree the perfect houseplant? Because it's easy to grow: Citrus plants thrive indoors under the right conditions and for indoor use they grow to a height of between two and three meters, although dwarf varieties can be a few meters shorter. You can find out how to overwinter a lemon tree in a pot in your apartment in this article!
What is the best location for a lemon tree?
“Here comes the sun.” This is the tune you should hum when choosing the right location for a lemon tree in your home. Experts recommend placing the plant in the sunniest window in the house. If you don't have enough direct natural light, experts recommend placing a large grow light above the tree. Rotate the plant frequently so that all sides receive enough light for blooming. If not rotated, only one side of the plant may bloom. When temperatures have warmed in late spring, you should carefully move the plant outside into full sun.
When to bring the plant indoors?
As soon as the temperatures begin to drop in autumn, you should bring your lemon tree back indoors before the first frost threatens. The tree can tolerate a range of indoor temperatures. If you set the thermostat in your home to a comfortable temperature for people and pets, it willyour lemon treego well. When moving your plant from indoors to outdoors, you need to gradually acclimate it to the higher light outside or it will quickly burn.
Which pot and soil are best suited?
If you grow a tree indoors, its survival depends entirely on you! Make the right choice for your lemon tree by choosing the best type of pot and soil. Start with an inexpensive clay pot. Terracotta pots are great for citrus plants because they are porous and provide more oxygen to the root system. Citrus plants are very susceptible to root rot caused by various pathogens, and terracotta pots significantly reduce this risk.
If your citrus tree has taken root and needs a larger pot, consider increasing it by just one pot size. For the same reasons as moisture and root rot, your lemon tree needs a very well-drained potting mix. Experts recommend mixtures that are specificallydeveloped for citrus plantsbecame. You can also use an all-purpose potting mix, but it's best to make it porous by adding soil conditioners like perlite. The soil pH for a lemon tree should be between 5.5 and 6.5.
Citrus trees can be a little picky when it comes to their water needs. The roots must remain relatively dry, but you must not allow the soil to dry out completely, especially not during the flowering period, as the flowers can wither and even fall off. You need to wait until the top inch or two of the potting mix has dried out before watering thoroughly again.
How to fertilize a lemon tree?
If you fertilize your lemon tree, it will produce more fruit. Since you will eventually eat the lemons, it is recommended to use an organic granular fertilizer. Simply sprinkle the recommended amount into your pot, mix in lightly and water. Then fertilize according to fertilizer label instructions until early fall. Then it's time to bring the plant back into the house and enjoy its cheerful color, scent and fruits all winter long. If your lemon tree has an iron deficiency, the young ones willLeaves yellow, while the leaf veins remain green. In this case, you may need to use a more acidic fertilizer or iron supplements made specifically for plants.
Increase humidity
The air indoors is very dry (especially when the heating is on); Citrus trees like 50 percent humidity. To increase it, place bowls of water (this is particularly effective if you can place the bowls on a radiator or in front of a heating duct to increase the evaporation rate).
Improve air circulation
Outdoors, the breeze moves the air around. The air stagnates in airtight buildings. Place an electric fan in the room where your citrus tree will overwinter. On a sunny day where the outside temperature isn't too brutally cold, open a window for an hour at midday.