The first vegetable plants have been harvested and can be disposed of and the others are also coming to the end of the growth phase. But that doesn't mean that the entire season is over. What can you plant in raised beds in August and September?
Some vegetables can be planted early now, others grow so quickly that you can start sowing without being at risk from frost. The selection of plants for the next two months is actually quite large.
Why you should definitely continue to use the high bed
One of the big advantages of the raised bed is that it is warmer than the normal bed because the compost rots. For this reason, the roots of vegetable plants remain warm even when the autumn weather takes over. But even now, at the time of planting and sowing, the earth is much warmer than it was in spring, which in turn makes it easier for seeds to germinate and for plants to grow. Just make sure you have enough moisture, as mid- and late summer can be quite hot! What else can be planted in the raised bed in August or in September at the latest?
What to plant in the raised bed in August and September: This is what crop rotation says
When planting the raised bed, you can follow the optimal crop rotation. This says:
- In years 1 and 2: heavy eaters (Chinese cabbage, cabbage, leek, celery)
- In years 3 and 4: Medium feeders (endive, bulbous fennel, kohlrabi, chard, carrots, radicchio, radish, beetroot, salsify, sugar loaf)
- In years 4 and 5: weak eaters (lamb's lettuce, lettuce, ice cream lettuce, lettuce, cut lettuce, radishes, spinach, onions)
The reason for this is that after layering, the raised bed initially offers plenty of nutrients that benefit very hungry plants. As the amount of nutrients decreases over the years, the plants' nutrient requirements should also decrease.
These types of vegetables and herbs can now go into the raised bed:
These vegetables and flowers are optimal in August
Depending on what year your bed is in, you canPlanting in midsummerChoose from the following vegetables.
What vegetables to plant in August:
- Chinakohl
- Endive (end of August at the latest)
- Lamb's lettuce
- Herbspinat
- Japankohl
- Knollenfenchel
- Leek
- May turnips
- Mangold
- carrots
- Pak Choi
- Radicchio
- radish
- radish
- Rote Beth
- Rocket
- Salsify
- Winter lettuce
- Winterpuffbohne
- Winterrettich
- Sugarloaf Mountain
The above-mentioned pickled lettuces and cut lettuces are among themfast growing plants, so you can even start sowing there. The short time until winter is enough for them to grow. In addition, they even benefit from the low temperatures later and become sweeter. Gardeners particularly like to sow lamb's lettuce in raised beds, but as you can see above, this is by no means the only option.
A great idea is to plant chard in the raised bed in August. If youSow chardin August, you can harvest it not only in autumn. If you cut it back after the autumn harvest, it will sprout again in the spring, so that you can then harvest again straight away without having to sow.
What else can you plant in the raised bed in August? How about these herbs?
You can plant one or two vacant corners with herbal plants. A great option in the future would also be a small raised bed for herbs, which you can design with appropriate seasonal herbs depending on the season. Otherwise, August is still suitable for the following raised bed plants:
- Dill
- Garden cress
- lovage
- Parsley
- Purslane
- chives
More about lovagefind out here.
What’s coming to the raised bed for next year?
It's not just plants for the current season that come into the bed in August. You should also think about the next one, because some plant varieties have to be planted in autumn in order to be able to bear fruit in time next year. What do you plant in raised beds in August?
- Strawberries
- Spring onions
- Autumn onions
How to take proper care of yourselfSummer planted strawberry plants.
Flowers for the raised bed
If you would like to decorate the free spaces in the raised bed with flowers, you can combine a few specimens with the selected vegetables. Which flowers are suitable?
- Real chamomile (for sowing)
- Gold crocus (Crocus flavus)
- autumn crocus (Autumn mattress)
- Madonna Lily (A white lily)
- Saffron-Crocus (Crocus sativus)
- Steppenkerze (Eremurus)
- ornamental garlic (Garlic)
For the coming season, plant the bulbs of:
- Bluestar
- Daffodils
- Traubenhyazinthen
- Tulip ua
flower bulbsplant and care correctly.
What can you plant in September?
You can also sow the fast-growing lettuces without any problems in September. There will still be enough time to pick fresh lettuce leaves before winter.
Which vegetables to plant in September?
- Lamb's lettuce
- all types of cabbage
- Leek
- Pick lettuce
- Purslane
- Parsley
- radish
- Radicchio
- Rocket
- Spinach
- Winterkopfsalate
- Winterpuffbohne
- winter peas
- Winterkresse
What can you plant now for an ornamental bed?
In September you can plant the same ornamental plants as in August. So the ideas at the top of the list are ideal for planting in the raised bed.
As you can see, it's definitely worth putting your foot down again at the end of the season in order to make the most of the year and harvest fresh vegetables even in late autumn or even early spring. This way you can also benefit from an early harvest in the coming season.
You can choose what to choose for grave planting in Augustread here.