Set flower bulbs: When is the best time to buy and plant tulip bulbs and the like?

In autumn, around the beginning of September to the end of October, the right time is to buy and plant flower bulbs. The investment and the effort definitely pay off, because the beautiful daffodils, tulips and the like will then delight the eye in spring. We explain how you can now set flower bulbs and what to consider.

Set flower bulbs: What should you pay attention to when buying?

In autumn, the right time is to buy and plant flower bulbs for the garden or the bucket. This is the only way to drive out spring bloomers from mid -February and delight the eye with their filigree flowers. In September, the flower bulbs are fresh and were only stored for a short time. Mold and pests therefore have no chance. In addition, they areOnions of tulips, Narcissus, hyacinths and Co. also significantly cheaper than early spring flowers. Planting in spring is rarely possible anyway. Therefore, you should already plan the spring garden and plant the flower bed.

There are a few things to consider when buying the onion flowers.

1. It is best to buy loose and dry flower bulbs.

2. The surface should look smooth. The healthy bulbs are hard, soft copies are best sorted out. These are either affected by bacteria and fungi or have been incorrectly stored and are totally dried up.

3. Select onions without a shoot - the above -ground plant parts will freeze to death in winter. In the worst case, the onion could also dry up and die. It is much better if it only drives out in spring.

4. Now is the right time to plan the flower bed. Plant early bloomers together with varieties for spring and summer. So you will be able to marvel at the entire garden season about floral splendor.

5. The bee -friendly flowers in spring are important sources of food for bee colonies and other polluting insects.

Store the flower bulbs correctly

Flower bulbs can only be stored for a short time. This is because you have fine and sensitive roots. If these dry, then the onions will not drive out again. It is best to keep them in a paper bag on a dry and well -ventilated room.

Plants flower bulbs: The most important thing at a glance

Choose a frost -free and sunny day to set the bulbs. First create a sketch and mark all the areas that have already been occupied in the bed. However, the weather must not be too mild either. If the temperatures are above the average for the autumn season, the flower bulbs could drive out and then freeze to death in winter.

Prepare the floor. Loosen it and work in coarse -grained sand to avoid waterlogging in autumn and winter and improve permeability. Pour the floor well the day before planting. It should be moderately fresh to moderately moist.

Read too:Store the faded flower bulbs: in the ground or dig up?

Set the bulbs: step-by-step instructions

Then use a flower onion planter to dig the onions twice as deep as their height. Example: If the flower onion is 6 cm high, the hole 12 - 14 cm deep should be. The onions are planted at a distance of 5 cm, you should plant between 30 and 35 flower bulbs per square meter. Use kitchen wire or rouse basket to use the flower bulbs in front of theTo protect pests. Mix some horn shavings with the excavated earth and cover the onions. In September and October, the right planting time for the following spring flowers is:

  • Daffodil
  • Tulip
  • Crocuses
  • Hyazinthen
  • Garden - anemones
  • Blues
  • Winterling
  • Zwergiris
  • Märzenbecher
  • Early bloomers like snowdrops

Set tulip onions: You should consider this when planting the autumn

Regardless of whether for the garden or the balcony: in autumn the right planting time for the tulips is. The spring flowers work best when they are planted in groups. Place the onions about 10 cm apart in the earth. When planting in tubs, you can also wrap the vessels with fleece and thus protect against frost.

Plants of hyacinths: Only in late autumn

The hyacinths are planted a little later, in cool weather. At the latest at the end of October to mid -November, however, you should have already put the onions into the flower bed.

Plant daffodils: when the spring messengers put in the pot or the flower bed?

In order for the daffodils to bloom vigorously in April, they should be planted in September or October. There are no significant differences between planting in the bed or in the pot. You should put the onions into the bed at a distance of approx. 12 cm (depending on the variety). The tip of the onion should point upwards. Grab an approximately deeper hole - preferably around 16 cm deep so that the onions are really well protected from frost.

Dig out the flower bulbs every 2-3 years

The early bloomers have to be excavated every few years after the end of the flowering period. They will be stored dry until next autumn and can then go back to theEarth setbecome. Dig the flower bulbs, clean them and let them dry on newspaper. You can store the onions in paper bags and store in boxes in a dry and cool place.

You can also find out more about flower bulbs in autumnIn this article.