Evergreen hedges that are hardy: Check out the most popular and used hedge plants!

A well-maintained evergreen hedge has various functions in the garden. It can serve as a boundary, keep out noise and unwanted looks and is of course an attractive element in itself. Evergreen hedges that are hardy also provide year-round protection for wildlife such as: B. Birds, which is particularly important in the winter months. Some evergreen plants also provide flowers and berries that serve as a food source for birds, pollinators and other animals.

The California lilac is largely hardy

If you are looking for a flowering hedge, California lilac (Ceanothus) is a beautiful choice. Depending on the species, it blooms in late spring to early summer or late summer to autumn. Plant in spring or fall in well-drained soil. Easy to cultivate in the right place. Ceanothus loves a sunny, sheltered, well-drained location.Largely hardy, but avoid frost pockets and windy locations. Cut it back slightly after flowering - as with any hedge trimming, you should wait until the nesting birds have flown away before cutting.

Portuguese laurel – extremely easy to care for

Portuguese laurel (Prunus lusitanica) has glossy green leaves that curve away from maroon stems. It is extremely easy to care for and can be cut back heavily if necessary as it is a shrub with exceptional vigor. Cut it back from late summer to autumn to create a dense hedge. Some species such as Angustifolia bloom in a crimson color which also adds to the appearance. The flowers are fragrant and the fruits appear immediately after new blooms. The fruits are attractive to songbirds because they are edible.

Aromatic, hardy germander

The rarely used but beautiful germander (Teucrium x lucidrys) is an aromatic, Mediterranean plant that prefers the same growing conditions as lavender - full sun and good drainage. The low,bushy plantis with dark green, curly-edged, glossy leaves and short clusters of small pink flowers in early summer. Prune back after flowering to create an evergreen cover for the winter.

If you want a brighter hedge, Griselinia littoralis, with its round, apple-green foliage, is a good choice. It is a great evergreen hedge plant that has become very popular in recent years and is one of the most popular evergreen hedge plant species. Griselinia has a naturally upright yet bushy growth habit that is perfect as a hedge. With regular trimming, Griselinia hedges can be kept relatively narrow, saving valuable space where it is at a premium. Annual pruning in late summer helps maintain a dense, leafy hedge. Best suited for a sunny, sheltered location.

Most popular hedge plant: boxwood

The boxwood (Buxus sempervirens) is undoubtedly the classic evergreen hedge plant, and for good reason. It has small, lush green leaves and can be crunchy,elegant hedgesbe trimmed. However, watch out for signs of boxwood borers and boxwood caterpillars, as these can cause your boxplants to die or defoliate.

Holly is the classic choice

Many species of holly can be used as hedges, and they are particularly useful when you want to create a thorny, impenetrable barrier for would-be thieves. The UK native Ilex aquifolium and its cultivars are the classic choice, but you can also opt for the boxwood holly, Ilex crenata or Ilex x koehneana. Pruning can be done in May and again in September.

Holm oak for an attractive hedge

The holm oak (Quercus ilex), which grows into a majestic evergreen tree, can also be an attractive, wind-resistant treeHedge plantedbecome. The holm oak is widespread in the Mediterranean region. It can tolerate temperatures down to at least -25 degrees, then the leaves begin to wilt. Pruning in late summer ensures fresh, silver-colored foliage and keeps the hedge neat and dense.

Evergreen hedges that are hardy: Yew

The yew (Taxus baccata) is a revered evergreen conifer and makes an excellent hedge plant. The finely structured foliage can be cut to create a very dense hedge. It also grows relatively slowly, making it ideal for a low-maintenance garden. Cut them in late summer or early fall.

Yew hedges are incredibly dense and provide shelter and nesting opportunities for many birds. The goldcrest and summer goldcrest nest in deciduous forests with yew undergrowth. The fruits are eaten by birds such as blackbirds, mistle thrushes, song thrushes and tree sparrows, as well as by small mammals such as squirrels and dormice.

Pittosporum for a jasmine-like scent

Many Pittosporums make beautiful evergreen hedges, whether Pittosporum tobira for its wonderfully fragrant flowers, 'Tom Thumb' for its purple foliage or 'Irene Paterson' for its silvery leaves. Its flowers have a very pleasant, jasmine-like scent. This shrubwinters quite well, but in most places it needs shelter to survive the harshest winters. Cut it into shape in late summer or fall.