Planting pine trees in the garden: suitable species and care tips for properly growing the evergreen beauty!

The pine tree evokes so many thoughts and feelings in us. Not only the scent but also the cute cones and the majestic look of this evergreen tree make us love it. Today we would like to show you how to plant and care for pine trees. Read on to learn our care guide and growing tips.

When can you plant pine trees?

For bare root seedlings, planting during the dormant season (October to March) is recommended, although seedlings in containers can be planted year-round. Consult a forester to determine the best planting date for each region.

Site preparation

Site preparation includes the physical removal of vegetation that may compete with the new pine trees. For smaller plots, remove the turf and weeds in a spot 1m in diameter around each oneplanted tree. On larger properties, use a plow to create a 1.5 m wide planting strip in which you place the rows of trees in the ground. Leaving vegetation between rows helps prevent erosion.

Planting the seedlings

In well-drained locations, plant the root stalks 5 to 8 cm below the soil surface. An exception is the longleaf pine, whose root neck should be planted at the level of the soil surface or just below. For poorly drained locations, plant the root collar pieces 3 cm below the soil surface. For seedlings in a container, plant them deep enough to cover the entire container with soil.

Fill the planting hole well and make sure that the roots are well connected to the soil. You can check this by gently pulling on the tips of the seedlings to see how well they are held in the hole.

Try to avoid areas with loose soil or organic material that accumulates near rotting stumps. Also make sure the bottom of the hole is closed. Regularly check the condition of the seedlings, the consistency of the soil and the depth of planting. Surround the new plants with soil.

Care instructions for evergreen plants

Pine trees are easy-care plants and can serve as a privacy screen or windbreak for a patio or garden in your landscape.

Watering the pine tree

Most pines are drought tolerant and require only a small amount of water to thrive. This means that in most climates they are adequately supplied with water by the environment. You only need to water mature trees in dry winters and extreme drought. In these cases, you will need to thoroughly moisten the soil once a month to imitate winter rain and snow.

In dry conditions you should add about 3 to 8 cm once a weekgive water. Deep and infrequent watering encourages the growth of deeper roots. A simple way to prevent the roots from becoming stressed is to place a layer of mulch around the soil. The mulch helps the soil retain moisture. It also prevents weeds from sprouting and competing with the tree. Seedlings and saplings need to be watered more often.

Organic fertilization with compost tea

If you want to try something completely organic, this is where compost tea comes into play. Brewed primarily with water and a packet of organically produced compost, it is an excellent, nutrient-rich product for your pine trees. All you need to do is fill two large scoops of compost, put it in a bag and pour the whole thing into a container.

Now add 4 to 6 parts water for each part of compost and cover the container with a glass lid. Leave the compost in water for at least a week and up to 10 days. Finally, remove the lid and add a little more water. The liquid should have a tea-like appearance.

In which soil to plant pine trees

You should plant your pine tree in a well-drained, sandy soil where nutrients are readily available. They prefer dry soils that are slightly acidic. Some pines, such as the loblolly pine and lodgepole pine, also thrive in wet areas, but are rare.

Choose places with full sunlight

Pine trees should be planted in locations with full sunlight to achieve their optimal growth potential. For this reason, they colonize areas that have been left open so that they can absorb maximum sunlight. Although there are some species that thrive in partial sunlight, these are only a few.

Should you prune pine trees?

Pine trees are not designed to be cut into shape often or carelessly. For best results, never cut off more than ⅓ of a year's fresh growth. Occasionally, crown thinning and cleaning is necessary to better ventilate the pine tree or to repair damage caused by a storm or strong wind.These trees candevelop excessively long growth points in their center, and sometimes you need to make a pruning to prevent or correct structural defects. Fast-growing species only grow at the ends of their branches, and aggressive pruning can cause irreparable damage.

Care after planting

Proactive weed control during the first 3 or 4 growing seasons increases seedling viability, survival and growth. Do this at a diameter of 100 to 120 cm around each planting site. For smaller plantings, you can control weeds with mechanical equipment. You can also use mulch and weed barrier fabric.

1. Japanese white pine
The Japanese white pine (Pinus parviflora) thrives in areas where winter temperatures do not drop below -20°C. The tree can reach a height of up to 24 m and a width of 12 m and therefore needs a location where it has room to grow. Best suited to large, sunny rock gardens as a specimen tree.

2. Mountain pine
The mountain pine (Pinus uncinata) is a striking eye-catcher in the landscape. It grows straight and upright and, as a mature tree, reaches a height of up to 15 meters and a wingspan of 25 to 30 meters. Dwarf varieties are more compact and only grow to a height of 2.4 to 3 m. Best suited as individual trees or in combination with shrubs of different species to create an attractive visual composition.

3. Jeffrey-Kiefer ‘Joppi’
The compact version of the Jeffrey pine 'Joppi' (Pinus jeffreyi 'Joppi') is well suited forsunny rock gardens, where it does not grow taller than 1.8 m when ripening. It has fluffy foliage with needles that can grow up to 20 cm long. The tree has a round habit and does not need to be pruned. When grown in a container it often grows up to 1.2m tall and 1m wide. Best suited for sunny rock gardens and container cultivation.

4. Kiefer 'Uncle Fogy'
The 'Uncle Fogy' pine (Pinus banksiana), which is highly valued because of its gnarled and weeping growth, is a popular choice for visually enhancing herbaceous borders and rock gardens. It only grows to about a meter high, but can also be pulled up on vertical posts to create a taller, load-bearing specimen. If left to its own devices, Uncle Fogy will spread in multiple directions, forming a combination of twisted, knotty stems and light to olive green leaf needles. Best suited for sunny rock gardens and perennial borders.

5. Silveray Korean Pine
The Silveray Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) is a semi-grown pine that reaches a height of up to 9 m and a width of 3 m when fully grown. It has long, soft, silvery-gray needles that attract attention and set the tree apart from other pine species. Best suited as a focal point in a sunny garden.