Oriental garden: fairytale beautiful oasis in the middle of the desert

An oriental garden cannot be described - the fairytale, beautiful oasis resembles its lush exotic plants, fragrant herbs, flowers and many water features of a paradise. And even if the many flowers, perennials and trees seem to grow chaotic outside at first glance, they are indeed arranged according to strict rules. The design principles of the Orient have been perfected over centuries. We give you an overview - accompany us on a trip to the Orient!

Origin of the exotic garden form

An oriental garden is a real work of art - nowadays the exotic garden shape is not only widespread in the Arab countries. From India in Asia to Saudi Arabia in Central EastTo Moroccoin Africa-the so-called riad design should not be missing in any wealthy house. The small oasis of calm and serenity was strongly influenced by the architectural style - in contrast to Europe and America, where the garden is traditionally created in front of the house entrance, the buildings are built in the Orient, similar to castles with an inner courtyard.

Closed towards the street, the riad opens to the garden - spacious balconies, generously glazed facade let the view from each floor to the outside area. The small green island is designed so that the view looks equally good from above and from all sides. A big challenge for every landscape architect.

Furthermore, the way of life of people strongly shapes the garden image - desert landscapes in the Arab countries are not uncommon. Small oases, where there is water and green plants grow, are therefore considered a symbol of hope, infinity and the new beginning. So water is a fundamental element of the oriental garden - it is always positioned in the garden center and is considered the starting point for the design.

The description of paradise, which is set in the Koran, is still fundamental to the design - a small island of calm, a god gift for people. That is why the Arabic garden does not reveal itself at once, but can be discovered step by step. No wonder that the seats are not in the middle of the garden, but on the edge of the garden - humans are just an observer. The goal - to make the landscape look so abundant and natural as possible.

Basic principles

The basic principles of garden design in oriental style are based on the geometric forms - the individual design elements are combined according to strict rules. As already mentioned, the water features (mostly fountain) are positioned in the garden center. The garden always has a rectangular shape and is surrounded by high stone walls. Two garden paths or two channels meet in the middle and in this way divide the outdoor area into four.

The symmetry can be found - for example, two flower pots of the same size are on the two sides of the garden path. Incidentally, planters can be found everywhere in the garden - there are herbs, perennials and numerous fragrance plants. Up beds also play an important role in the design - they mainly accommodate desert plants and set accents. Numerous ornamental fountain, also on the edge of the garden, ensure a feel -good atmosphere.

The color scheme is - typical of the oriental garden - striking and colorful. Strong colors such as blue, yellow, pink, emerald green and orange form attractive arrangements. Sparkling mosaic tiles and tiles with elaborate geometric patterns decorate the garden path, steps and even partitions in the garden.

The individual design elements at a glance

Here are the five most important design elements in an overview of the Orient style:

Plant pots and flower pots surround the garden entrance. Also get along the garden pathYou as a decorationplaced. In contrast to the formal English garden or the Asian garden, statues and sculptures are missing in the oriental outdoor area. Accents are therefore set with flower pots.

Tiled garden paths or stairwells are not uncommon - these are plenty of ornamented and, with their strong colors, form attractive contrasts to the green plants.

At least one high tree should not be missing in the courtyard - it provides shade and offers cooling for the whole family. Traditionally, it is planted on the edge of the garden, so that a cozy seating area with seat cushions, soft carpets and low coffee table can be arranged directly below.

Water is present all over the garden - the more water features, ornamental fountain and garden ponds, the better.

The view from above must be voted - the garden is not planted tightly with perennials, trees and flowers - the individual elements are positioned from one another at a distance so that the outdoor area also looks good from above.

Which flowers, perennials and trees come into question?

Hard to believe, but true - the delicate Iris flower feels at home in Morocco. Furthermore, daffodils, lilies, multilayed fritillaria, ornamental garlic, climbing roses and agave plant decorate the outdoor area. Jasmine and cypresses are not local plants, but they have been successfully integrated into the design in Spain. Palm trees play an important role as a shadow donor and symbol of the oasis. NumerousHerbs scold pleasant fragrancesAnd relax the senses.

Oriental garden - this is how you can implement the concept

If you like the idea of ​​the small green island in the courtyard, you can imitate the look. Reminds your oriental garden with a desert garden with cacti and succulent - as well as in nature, where the small oasis is located in the middle of the desert landscape. Spread the garden wall or garden fence in an accent color - for example sky blue. Decorate planters with mosaic tiles and display them around the garden entrance. A fountain in the middle of the garden sees particularly noble and luxurious. Furthermore, two or three smaller garden ponds with lilies can include the element of water into the design. Put a garden bench with wood carving along the garden edge or garden path - this is how you can enjoy your personal paradise. Let yourself be inspired - we hope you enjoy gardening!