Pampas grass (Cortaderia) is one of the most popular ornamental grasses. It grows rapidly and can reach a size of 1.5 to 3 m. Pampas grass can be planted alone or in addition to other perennials, the latter is even recommended. The reason: Despite the enormous height and the beautifully shaped feathers, the trunks of the Cortaderia look somewhat bare before flowering. However, this is not noticeable in combination with other plants. In this article you will find out which plants you can combine with pampas grass to create an aesthetic composition in your garden.
Planting pampas grass – basic needs
Choose a sunny place:Pampas grass needs a lot of sunlight to grow. Therefore, choose a spot that receives at least six hours of direct sun per day. They also grow in partial shade, although the plants are less healthy then. Pampas grass is an invasive, self-seeding plant. A plant can produce a million seeds per year, which, carried by the wind, can develop wherever they fall. Make sure there is enough space between new plants. Pampas grass can pose a fire hazard if grown too close to a flame source, such as a grill.
Prepare the soil: Pampas grass takes time to growa rich, moist and well-drained soil. You can do thatCultivate soiland add a balanced fertilizer or mulch to the garden or add quartz sand to improve drainage.
Plant the seeds:Plant the seeds. Once you're ready to plant the seedlings, dig a hole about 6 inches deep. Place the plant inside and fill it with soil. If you plant several plants, make sure there is at least 180 cm between them so that they have enough space to grow.
Pour:Water the planting site thoroughly so that the soil becomes firm and the seeds can root well. Once the roots have formed, the plant only needs watering every few weeks for the first year.
Cutting pampas grass:Cortaderia grows quickly. To keep it under control, cut the grass blades back to the ground with pruning shears in late winter or early spring.
Combining pampas grass with other plants – what should you consider?
When choosing which partners to combine pampas grass with in your garden, you need to consider the plants' light and water needs as well as their size. Ideally, the maximum height of each plant should decrease from the back to the front of the bed. Pampas grass can be combined well with lavender, rue and asters, but also with other perennials or grasses. Let's look at the similar needs of these plants and how to grow them in the garden.
Mixture with lavender
Pampas grass and lavender have similar needs and requirements for the environment they need to grow - both are drought tolerant and sun loving. Plant lavender in a location that receives at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight daily.
Lavender grows well in most soils, from poor to moderately fertile, but it is important that they are well-drained. Standing water and damp areas can cause root rot. Compacted or clayey soils can be amended with compost or old manure to improve drainage.
When is lavender grown:Lavender is best planted as a young plant in spring when the ground has warmed to at least 15°C and the risk of frost has passed. If you sow in the fall, choose larger, hardier plants so they can survive the winter.
How to grow lavender:Plant lavender 90 to 120 cm away from other plants. Lavenders usually reach a height of between 30 and 90 cm.
How to cut lavender correctlyyou can read here!
Mix with blue diamond
Blue Rue (Perovskia atriplicifolia) is an easy-care, drought-tolerant undershrub that is often grown as a perennial. It is extremely drought tolerant and is ideal for designing outdoor spaces. Its long flowering period is appreciated by those looking for a flower bed that blooms throughout the growing season. This shrub produces panicles of small, bluish-lavender flowers throughout the summer and into fall. The stems and foliage of the plant are in no way inferior to the flowers and perhaps even surpass the flowers. Blaurate can reach a height of 1 meter or more.
Blue rue grows quickly and is best planted in late spring when the soil is warm but before the weather becomes too hot and dry. If you plant later, water frequently to keep the plants from drying out.
Combine pampas grass with asters
Asters are perennials commonly found in home gardens because of their beautiful flowers and easy care. The white to purple flowers can be seen from August to November and the perennial grows up to 1.5 meters high.
Licht:Plant asters in a location that receives sun most of the day. Too much shade can cause plants to become lanky and flower less, especially in the more common varieties and hybrids.
Boden:Asters like loamy, slightly acidic soilwith a pH valuebetween 5.8 and 6.5. If your soil is alkaline, you can correct this by adding organic material such as well-rotted manure, leaf mold, or compost.
Pour:Keep new plantings moist and water regularly until the flowers bloom. A note: Try to water the base of your asters without splashing water on the leaves—this can lead to mold or fungus growth.
Temperature and humidity:Asters thrive in cooler temperatures and are frost hardy, meaning they can temporarily withstand temperatures near freezing. Asters have no particular preferences when it comes to humidity.
Tipp:Pampas grass and roses can also be wonderfully combined.