Stone gardens can be created on the slope, dry or difficult to reach places. There are usually wildflowers and succulents that are hardy, easy to care for and adaptable to changing conditions. And these are much more than a few stones and growing plants in between. They should be arranged in such a way that the overall picture has a natural and optically appealing effect at the same time. You can find out which plants for rock garden are ideal for this task in the following article.
Succulents are ideal for sunny stone gardens because they store water and thrive in full sun. Therefore, you only need minimal care, but you would give your outdoor area a nice texture. All types of cacti, aloe vera, house spits, agaves, yucca palms and sedum species are suitable for a sunny location. The hardy lunch flower (Delosperma) forms a carpet made of beautiful, bright pink or yellow flowers over rocks and stones and is therefore also a popular choice.
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Ornamental grasses give structure and visual softness. Many have crowned long stems with bushy flower ears such as lamp cleaning grass, pampas grass and ravennagras. The stimulus of other ornamental grass lies in their leaf color. Chinoshilf varieties turn yellow to orange-red in autumn, while the rod deer gets yellow autumn color with blue-gray leaves. Gold beard grass is colored blue and gray until it takes on an orange to violet color in autumn.
Wild flowers
Wildflowers, especially those who originally come from their region, are easy to care for and give a natural look. Wildlower -flower -seed mixtures for sunny areas contain cornflowers, daring, poppy flowers, mother -herb, butterflower, sun flower, clover, black -eyed susanne etc. With a wild flower sampling instead of seeds you get flowering flowers at different times, which would lead to a constantly changing appearance of the stone garden. The sowing of the seeds takes place in autumn when wildflowers in their natural environment scatter their seeds.
Instead of growing several years instead of annexing plants, it is much more practical. Beautifiers, bell flower, lavender and beard threads have beautiful colorful flowers, a long heyday and grow up to 30 centimeters. Lower species that thrive at sunny locations are thyme species, stone herbs, asters, wall pepper, soaking herb, loop flower, stone cress and cat pawns.
Sharp wall pepper
Now we take a closer look at a few examples of suitable plant varieties. The sharp wall pepper enchants with its small yellow flowers and is ideal for rock gardens and planted walls. This herb plant grows particularly quickly and quickly reaches a height of around 10-15 centimeters. Sunny places with direct sunlight are the ideal location for planting wall pepper. If the light is added too low, the flowers lose their beautiful color and the plant no longer looks as attractive. Since the acidic wall pepper belongs to the genus of fat hens, an earth that is mixed with sand and compost is best suited.
The flowering period of the wall pepper lasts from June to August when the sun shines the most. During this period you can enjoy the beautiful, bright yellow flowers. Appropriate care is also required for this. The rock garden with wall pepper should water them evenly and not too much, because if moisture is too moisture, the roots of the plant can quickly rot. Therefore, you should also avoid waterlogging.
The lunch flower (Delosperma Pruinosum) is a decorative summer flower that impresses with its magical flowers. To show their beautiful leaves, the lunch flower needs a lot of sunshine and warmth. Only then does the flower head open and the plant shows its real beauty. A full sun is best suited for this, which is also dry. The perennial usually blooms early in the year and is therefore particularly popular among hobby gardeners. However, since the perennial does not like moisture, it should be covered well in winter.
Steinbrech “Saxifraga Oppositifolia”
However, not all types only love warmth and sunshine. The counter -leafed stone fragment is a beautiful flower plant that defies the cold and even grows at a height of more than 4000 meters and flourishes lush. The pink flowers appear after the snow melt and bloom until May. Although the plant is extremely frost -resistant, it loves sunny to fully sunny locations. A sand-gravel floor and sour soil are ideal for this.
The red lunch flower (Delosperma Cooperi) is a hardy perennial that comes from South Africa and loves sunny places. For the winter, this plant only needs a little ride as frost protection and can therefore easily stay in the garden in the colder months. Like most plants for rock garden, the red lunch flower only shows its flowers when it gets direct sunshine. Delosperma Cooperi blooms between May and October and enchants with purple flowers. The green leaves take on a reddish color in winter and set beautiful accents.
For beautiful garden design you can combine the plants with other perennials and flowers. Since most of them bloom in summer, you should choose such accompanying locations that have their high season in the same time. In terms of color, they should also be coordinated so that they harmonize with each other. The purple lunch flower, for example, can be perfectly combined with the purple flowers of the lavender.
DiePlants for rock garden are suitablealso ideal for planting garden paths and stairs. They can be cultivated between the joints and can beautify both stone and concrete. Such species that do not grow too high and do not need too elaborate care are particularly suitable for this. With ornamental grasses and ground cover, you can decorate the concrete staircase and set beautiful accents outdoors.
Stone gardens are sometimes designed as a dry stream and are reminiscent of a natural landscape. So that the dry stream is not only made of river stones and gravel, you can plant it. Types and succulents are perfect for this, because they are evergreen and can easily grow between the stones. Ornamental grasses are another nice idea and can beautify the edges of the dry stream.