Planting ranunculus: When and how to grow the beautiful flower in the garden and what care is needed?

Are you looking for a colorful flower for your garden? Then you can plant ranunculus. They are beautiful flowers that should enrich any garden! In this article you will learn when and how to plant, grow and care for ranunculus in the garden!

You can plant the flowers in a full sun spot either in autumn or in late winter/spring. In areas with mild winter temperatures, the tubers can be planted in autumn and protected over the winter outdoors with a frost cloth. In colder areas, ranunculus mustin a greenhousegrown or retained and planted out at the end of winter/beginning of spring. If the tubers are exposed to temperatures below -4°C, they will freeze. So be sure to protect them from extreme cold.

Growing conditions for cultivation

Ranunculus likes full sun to partial shade and moist, well-drained soil. In warmer zones they can be overwintered, and in colder areas they are grown as annuals. Below you will find out what growing conditions ranunculus need!

A lot of light is beneficial for the flowers
The plants thrive in full sun. Provide plenty of organic matter and plant them in well-drained soil so you can enjoy their lush blooms.

Pay attention to the water
Poor drainage is a problem for the flowers and causes them to rot. Keep them moist but not wet while the foliage is green and the flowers are blooming.If the plantsIf they dry out during the dormant phase, they are more likely to grow back again and again.

Prune the flowers to keep them neat
Removing petals will allow ranunculus to continue blooming. Cut the stems back below the foliage to keep the plants tidy.

When and how to fertilize
You can use a slow-release fertilizer or a combination of fish emulsion and seaweed. Fertilize a few times during the growing season and your plants will thrive. Wait to fertilize until the plant is established so you don't burn any newly formed roots or leaves.

How to plant the flowers?

Planting ranunculus is very easy. Plant large, healthy bulbs. When planting the tubers, you need to keep a distance of about 20 cm. If you thePlanting flowers too closely, this can cause illness. The tubers can be buried shallowly. 5cm below the ground surface is perfect.

After planting, water them lightly. Then leave the bulbs alone until you see signs of leaf growth. No water until then! During active growth and flowering, you should water the flowers moderately. After flowering, allow the foliage to yellow and wilt before cutting it back. And during this time you should not water at all, because thatcould be your onionslet rot.

You can also grow the flowers from seeds. Ranunculus flower seeds germinate at temperatures between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius. Use sterile potting soil and trays. Sow the seeds on the surface of the soil and then press them down gently. Keep the bowls protected from direct sunlight. They also need to be kept moist at all times.