Sowing lawns in autumn: important tips to follow to create a healthy and lush lawn!

Seeding your lawn in the fall is a cost-effective and satisfying way to increase the green space around your home or improve your existing grass area. In order for the lawn to establish successfully and for you to enjoy all the benefits of seeding, there are a few steps you should follow to achieve an inviting green grassy area.

What tips should you pay attention to when sowing lawns?

Below you will find the most important tips and instructions to keep in mind if you want to develop a healthy and lush lawn.

When can you sow lawns?

The time of year you sow lawn seeds has a direct impact on success. Timing correctly will help your lawn seed germinate properly, grow quickly, and stay healthy while the new seedlings become established. The best time to sow lawn seeds depends on the region in whichthe lawn is growing, and the type of grass you grow. There are cool-season grasses, and cool-weather planting in fall and spring coincides with the most active growing periods of these grass species. Try to sow early in the season, but wait until daytime temperatures are in the 15 to 24 degree Celsius range. This roughly corresponds to the optimal soil temperatures for germination of cool-season grasses. Sunshine and rain in spring both contribute to vigorous grass growth.

Warm-season lawn grasses are best planted during their optimal growing season, which is spring and early summer rather than fall. Wait to plant warm-season grasses until daytime temperatures are above 80 degrees Fahrenheit and the threat of late frosts has passed in your area.

Prepare the site

A healthy, attractive grass area begins with proper site preparation. Proper grading of the site before planting is important as it helps water drain efficiently and makes mowing easier. It is recommended that the lawn be laid with a slope of 1 to 2 percent away from the buildings. Avoid steep slopes as these will cause the lawn to dry out too quickly. Smooth the area well to avoid depressions, which can lead to wet spots that are difficult to mow and prone to disease.

Prepare the soil properly

Optimal soil conditions promote successful seed germination and healthy lawn growth. To prepare your soil for sowing, do the following:

Test the soil of your grass area. The correct soil pH is crucial for a healthy, thriving grass area. Most lawn grasses grow best when the soil pH is between 6.0 and 7.5. The test results will give you an accurate picture of the state of your soil's pH and nutrient levels, as well as recommendations for changes you should make.

If your soil test shows that the pH is outside the range for healthy lawn growth, soil additives can restore the pH balance. Soils with too high a pH value, so-called alkaline soils, are widespread. To correct this, the application of elemental sulfur may be recommended. In areas where the soil is acidic (pH too low), your lawn may need lime to restore nutrient availability. Always carefully follow your soil test recommendations and product label instructions.

Add nutrients to the soil. The recommendations from your lawn test provide information about your soil's nutrient needs. A quality lawn fertilizer can help restore optimal nutrient levels for healthy grass growth. Recommendations may also include a fertilizer containing phosphorus.

Change the soil structure. Conditions such as very sandy soil or heavy, compacted soil affect seed germination, growth and overallHealth of your lawn. For the grass area to grow healthily, the soil must contain enough air, but also retain the nutrients and moisture that the grass needs. Improve aeration and water penetration into the new soil by removing rocks and incorporating organic matter such as compost to a depth of 2 to 4 inches before planting. You can often rent tilling equipment or aerators from hardware or garden stores, which loosen compacted soil by pulling out clumps of soil to allow air and water to penetrate.

Choose the best seeds

To successfully grow a healthy lawn, it is important to purchase high-quality seeds that are suitable for your climate and growing conditions. In many areas you can choose a seed mix that is specific to your region. If you want to grow the grass in the shade, choose a lawn seed that is specifically designed for difficult, low-light conditions.

Sowing lawns in autumn: how to do it correctly

How do you sow lawns? Once amendments are complete and the soil surface is smooth and prepared, broadcast seeds evenly according to the recommended seeding rate of your seed product. Remember to read the instructions on the seed packaging carefully and follow the guidelines. Incorrect seed distribution can lead to unsatisfactory results.

Once you have planted the seeds, work them lightly into the soil with a rake to a depth of about half a centimeter. Do not bury the seeds deeper because grass seeds need enough light to germinate quickly. After raking, run a roller over the area to ensure the good seed-to-soil contact that your new seed needs.

Adequate watering of seedlings

For successful lawn sowing, it is important that the grass seeds and seedlingsconstantly moist, but not kept wet. Water newly sown areas with a light mist two to three times daily to keep seeds moist. Stop watering if puddles form on the soil surface. Once the seeds have germinated and the grass seedlings begin to grow, gradually transition to watering less frequently but more heavily. Reduce watering as the grass grows larger and more mature.

Monitor seed establishment

Depending on the type of grass you are growing, germination can take anywhere from five to 21 days. Expect your new grass to need an additional four to 10 weeks to root well and become established. Most lawn grasses take an entire season to mature to the point where they can be walked on constantly.

Once the new seedlings have reached about an inch in height, inspect the newly seeded area for any bare spots or areas that you may have missed. Re-seed the bare spots and repeat the process as necessary until the new seedlings are dense and you are happy with the result.

Sowing lawns in autumn: mowing, caring for, fertilizing

Once the lawn has reached a height of 5 cm, it is readyto be mowed.Always follow best grass mowing practices, including the recommended mowing height for your grass type. Never remove more than a third of the grass blades in a single mowing session, otherwise you will stress your lawn and promote disease, weeds and poor growth. For cool-season grasses planted in the fall, the first mowing may have to wait until next spring.

Keep your lawn growing vigorously with regular maintenance, including watering. Water as needed to supplement rainfall, so your lawn receives about an inch of water per week under normal conditions.

If you are sowing lawns in the fall, begin fertilizing four to eight weeks after the seeds germinate, but no later than November. For warm season grassesshouldWait until next spring to fertilize your new grass area. After the initial fertilizer applications, you will need to fertilize up to four times per year, depending on your soil test recommendations. Retest the soil every three to four years and adjust accordingly.