Planters made of moss and thread decorate the house and garden

A Melbourne-based landscaping company recently unveiled an innovative concept -Moss plantersand thread. The designs are colorful, very well thought out and offer practically endless possibilities for decoration in the home or garden.

Planters made of moss and thread - small, practical and very stylish

The Mister Moss company specializes in the production of hanging baskets made of moss and thread. Each flower pot is made by hand and is unique. ThePlantersfrom mossand thread are suitable for every area in the house and can serve as accents in the interior or on the balcony. Colorful threads are used to hold the moss together. The experts select suitable thread colors in accordance with the color of the flowers. The planters are easy to hang and can brighten up virtually any part of your home - choose evergreens for the kitchen, cyclamen for the living area or fragrant violets for the garden. They can be used as decoration for family celebrations or birthday parties. They were even preferred as decoration at a country house style wedding. They do not need to be watered. Instead, you need to periodically leave them in a bucket of water for 5-10 minutes.

Planters made of moss as decoration on the table

DieMoss plantershave quickly become popular. You can hang these over the table in the garden, on the balcony or simply use them as an accent in the living room. Multiple planters can be hung at different heights. The landscaping experts can do almost any upon requestHouseplantor flower, and even plant a lemon tree.

Colorful decoration for the living area

Neon colors attract attention

For the bathroom or in the winter garden

Easy-care variant for all hobby gardeners

For indoors and outdoors

Also perfect for small apartments

As a decoration above the wedding table

Decorate the kitchen with evergreen plants

Original decoration for the terrace