Spring is coming soon and you can't wait to get back to the garden to enjoy the sunny days and warm weather? A comfortable seating area on theWooden terracewill definitely provide many pleasant hours with family and friends. Investing in the right type of wood will definitely pay off - take a look at the options so you can choose the right one for you.
The wooden terrace – exotic or local wood?
If you are interested in oneWooden terracehave decided, you may be faced with a choice - should you prefer local or exotic wood? Basically, the exotic types of wood cost more than the local ones, but they often have a high level of durability and can easily withstand more than 25 years of rain and snow. But local alternatives such as oak, robinia or chestnut also impress with their high resilience. What you ultimately decide depends on several factors. If the terrace is covered, are you perhaps planning to build a winter garden? In this case, you can also opt for cost-effective alternatives, as theTerracebut is protected from wind and storms. Otherwise, you should invest in expensive types of wood - they are simply better suited for garden use.
Wooden terrace – which types of wood are suitable?
TheBangkirai Holzcomes from the eastern part of Asia and is a popular option for outdoor flooring, especially because of its high durability. If the wood is painted twice a year, it will retain its beautiful brown-red color, otherwise the color will change to gray over time.
Larch is a native wood species that is preferred for gardens in the northern part of Germany. The wood is extremely resistant to weather influences, but it cannot withstand high temperatures.
Oak is a popular choice for both indoor and outdoor use - with good reason. This type of wood has a beautiful beige color and is durable.
Douglas fir is a type of wood that can last over 15 years in the garden. But here the stable substructure and regular maintenance are crucial.
Modern wooden terrace - oak decking
Create a cozy outdoor area
Spacious terrace with pool and seating area
Wooden terrace made of chestnut wood
Modern and cozy - Bangkirai wood for the balcony