The tiger mosquito, which originally comes from Asia, has been present in Germany for many years. The increasing evidence of mosquitoes in the country suggests that these insects are spreading and establishing themselves in this country. Due to its exceptional adaptability, this mosquito has already colonized over 60 countries around the world and is one of the 10 most invasive species. Find out here how dangerous the Asian tiger mosquito is and what diseases it transmits.
What exactly is the Asian tiger mosquito?
The Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) is a small, black and white mosquito. The name “tiger mosquito” comes from its white and black color pattern. It has a white stripe running down the middle of the head and back and white bands on the legs. These mosquitoes lay their eggs in water-filled, natural and artificial containers such as tree hollows and old car tires.
In recent decades it has invaded many countries around the world, mostly as a result of the transport of goods and increasing international travel. Although these mosquitoes are native to tropical and subtropical regions, they successfully adapt to cooler environments. In warm and humid tropical regions they are active all year round, while in temperate regions they hibernate. Eggs from temperate zone tribes are more cold tolerant than those from warmer regions. They can even endure snow and freezing temperatures. In addition, adult tiger mosquitoes can survive throughout the winter in suitable microhabitats.
Possible transmitted diseases and viruses
These mosquitoes aggressively bite squirrels, dogs, deer and other animals, as well as people. Their blood meal is often interrupted briefly without sufficient blood being consumed for the development of their eggs. Therefore, they bite multiple hosts during their egg development cycle, making them particularly efficient atTransmission of diseasesmight. These mosquitoes are known to carry over 20 different viruses and diseases, including Zika virus,West-Nil-Virus, dengue fever, yellow fever, chikungunya virus and heartworm disease/dirofilariasis.
How can you get rid of Asian tiger mosquitoes?
Asian tiger mosquitoes, as previously mentioned, bite aggressively and usually during the day, from dawn to dusk. They are easy to recognize due to their characteristic markings and behavior. If these mosquitoes bite you and your family, it is important to remove their breeding sites. Small man-made objects such as tires, plastic children's toys, trash cans, trash can lids, upturned patio furniture, and anything that can hold a small amount of undisturbed water are ideal breeding groundsfor these tiny pests. Asian tiger mosquitoes do not fly further than 100 to 200 meters from their breeding sites. So when you see them, you know their breeding site is nearby.
Deter mosquitoes from breeding in birdbaths, pet water bowls, and wading pools by emptying them at least once a week. Locate and empty puddles that have persisted for more than three days, sewer inlets, and drainage systems that have standing water.
Flower pots, standing flower vases, knotholes and other crevices where water can collect should be filled with sand or fine gravel to prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs in them. Garden ponds should contain fish as they eat the mosquito larvae. Otherwise the empty water would be an ideal breeding ground.
Symptoms of stings
If mosquito bites are accompanied by fever, pain, headache, vomiting or other symptoms such asan unexplained rashaccompanied, you should consult a doctor immediately. Most Asian tiger mosquitoes in Germany have not yet caused serious outbreaks of disease, so you will probably just have to endure their bites. These bites can lead to itchy bumps, which are treated with topical solutions and antihistamines. While most people are not allergic to mosquito bites, there are some who are more sensitive to them, evidenced by larger welts than other victims.
How do you avoid stitches?
Reduce your time outdoors between dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active.Also, wear socks, shoes, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt if you are going to be outdoors for a long time and when the mosquitoes are most active. Clothing should be light-colored and made of tightly woven materials to keep Asian mosquitoes away from the skin. Also, apply insect repellent as directed on the product label. Spray on clothing if possible and sparingly on the skin if the label allows it.
Additionally, use fans - Mosquitoes are weak fliers and a strong wind created by a fan not only deters them from flying, but also disperses the chemical signals they use to find blood meals.
Why is the Asian tiger mosquito dangerous for pregnant women, infants and young children?
Anyone can become a victim of mosquito bites, but special vigilance is required for pregnant women, infants and young children. During pregnancy, the embryo can suffer serious damage in the event of contamination. Newborns are also very sensitive and susceptible to diseases that can be transmitted by the tiger mosquito. When staying in risk areas where these insects have been detected, protection is therefore of fundamental importance.