What if you don't have a big and green garden? Your balcony can make up for the lack of greenery! From vertical gardens to pots that can be hung on the balcony trellis, there are many options if you want to redesign your balcony. Whether you have a large, sunny roof terrace on a high-rise building or a small apartment balcony, you can make the space more inviting with a few plants. These plants adapt well to life in a container and can withstand the greater heat in their elevated location. Here you will find easy-care balcony plants that are harder to kill than to keep alive.
Green, easy-care balcony plants for sunshine – ideas
Aloe vera – an all-rounder
If you don't have this all-rounder at home yet, you should get one as soon as possible. Aloe vera rejuvenates skin and hair and can be used to treat small wounds that little ones bring home. Water it only when the soil is completely dry and this insect-resistant plant will rarely need your attention. It is important thatYour aloe verahas a designated spot on the balcony where it receives at least six hours of sunlight per day. Without long, direct light, your succulent will begin to stretch and lose its attractive, compact shape. It can tip over if the trunk becomes weak.
Money tree for your sunny balcony
The money tree is one of the best plants for outdoors. It doesn't burn in the sun, doesn't need water and thrives in even the most difficult soils. So like true friendships, it survives even the toughest times. True friends fill our lives with positivity, this one cleans the air of pollutants. This easy-care balcony plant should receive at least 6 hours of bright light per day. Young plants should be kept in bright, indirect sunlight and large,well-established plantscan tolerate more direct sunlight.
Unique cactus
Perfect for a bohemian balcony with a comfortable mattress on the floor and fairy lights on the walls, the cactus is indeed an eclectic choice. If it can survive in the desert, it can certainly thrive on your balcony. Some types of cactus only bloom once a year, so you should choose this cactus if you want a little color in addition to lots of spines. This plant is one of the perfect, easy-care balcony plants. Cacti and succulents thrive best in a bright location that provides a good light source. A south-facing balcony offers good sunlight. However, be careful not to place them in direct sunlight as the intense light can turn the plants yellow.
Colorful plants as eye-catchers
Easy-care balcony plants: beautiful verbena
Another eye-catching option for balcony gardens is verbena. This drought-tolerant flowering plant works well in window boxes or railings where it can cascade over the sides. There are many different varieties of verbena in colors such as white, pink, red, blue, purple and bicolor. Verbena is relatively easy to cultivate, but canMildew problemswhich appears as a white, powdery coating on the leaves of the plant. To minimize this disease, place the plant in a well-ventilated area and avoid getting the foliage wet when watering. This easy-care plant likes full sun and well-drained soil.
Best flowers for sunny balcony – geraniums
Geraniums have been popular for decades and pair well with almost everythingother potted plantscombine. These drought-tolerant plants come in many bright colors, including pink, red, orange and purple. Depending on the variety, geraniums are very easy to care for, although some can be a little fussy. No matter which geranium you choose, don't forget to prune the plant regularly to keep it blooming all season long. Geraniums like full sun and well-drained soil.
Sun-loving, magical desert rose
The desert rose isone of the best flowering plantsfor your balcony. This tiny rose does not tolerate neglect and is best kept in pairs or bouquets due to its small size. If red or pink flowers bring a smile to your face after a hard day's work, then this plant is for you. The desert rose thrives in full sun and requires regular watering in summer. A terracotta pot oranother interesting vesselare ideal because the water can drain away so quickly.
Easy-care balcony plants: Mandevilla
The Mandevilla vine (Dipladenia) is stunning and easy to care for. Typically, gardeners plant the heat-tolerant mandevilla as an annual because it dies when temperatures drop below freezing. You can overwinter the flowering vine indoors, but note that it is poisonous if ingested, so keep it away from pets and children. The beautiful plant likes the sunny balcony.
Easy-care citrus trees in pots
The cultivation ofLemon trees in balcony potsis a worthwhile experience. Not only do they produce lots of fruit, but their showy, white flowers are also incredibly fragrant and beautiful. All citrus trees love the sun. They grow and fruit best in a location with full sun. The lemon tree prefers at least eight hours of direct light per day and is absolutely easy to care for.