Underplanting for clematis: These shade providers protect the roots instead of mulch

In itself, clematis is not really a difficult plant to care for. Nonetheless, there are a few things to consider. One of the most difficult tasks sometimes proves to be combining the right location in full sun with your requirement for cold feet. What sounds like a problem at first turns out to be not that complicated once you realize that underplanting clematis is the best solution. What suits these climbing plants?

You can combine any of the clematis planting partners listed with other suitable planting partners to create a colorful arrangement if youPull clematis.

Once you have planted your clematis in the garden, you have a fairly large selection of plant species from which you can choose for the clematis underplanting and some of them also bloom. How about this:

Dwarf lady's mantle as a clematis companion

As if it wasn't enough that this plant provides wonderful clematis root protection, it is also extremely undemanding, so you can continue to give your beautiful climbing plant the attention it needs. The Little Lady's Mantle (Alchemilla erythropoda) blooms in yellow and loves sunny to partially shaded locations. This insulates the clematis roots from the hot sun.

Yellow-flowering golden hair aster

The flower of the golden hair aster also impresses with its yellow colors (Aster linosyris), which also appear in large quantities. This is a perennial that can grow 40 to 60 cm high. It is also very easy to care for, so your clematis will not be neglected.

Underplanting for clematis with carpet phlox

Have you perhaps even hoped that this impressive ground cover would be suitable as an underplant for clematis? The sun-loving plant is simply perfect for these conditions and rewards this decision with an incredible display of flowers in different colors, through which even the plant's own green can no longer be seen. The carpet phlox (Phlox removed), also called upholstery phlox, is undemanding, easy to care for and hardy.

Edible plant to provide shade for clematis – snack on wild strawberries!

It is evergreen and will therefore decorate your beds even in winter if you plant the clematis under it. The big advantage of this companion plant is not only the shady root protection, but above all the small fruits, which are known for their strong aroma. The wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca var. bladder) also reproduces independently and blooms and bears fruit throughout the summer season. Sounds like the perfect ground cover for under the climbing plant, doesn't it?

Other flowers as companion plants:

  • Aster
  • Balkan cranesbill
  • Chamomile
  • Functions
  • Bluebells
  • Basket of gold
  • Bright chamomile
  • Purple bells
  • Veil herb
  • Silver diamond
  • Steinkendel
  • Silverweed

Herbs for clematis

Would you like a few more edible plants to underplant the clematis? Herbs are perfect and specifically the following:

  • Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
  • Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus)
  • catnip (Nepeta cataria)
  • Oregano (Oregano vulgaris)
  • sage (Salvia)
  • Thymian (Thymus)
  • hyssop (Hyssop officinalis)

Grasses as companion plants

Ornamental grasses are among the plants that tolerate full sun very well, but like clematis, they also need moisture to avoid drying out. If you want to use the contrast between the climbing, flowering clematis and the interesting blades of grass to create an original texture in the garden, you can choose the following specimens:

  • bearskin grass (Festuca gautieri)
  • Blaugras (Sesleria caerulea)
  • Japanese dwarf reed (Hakonechloa macra)
  • Rainbow Fescue (Festuca amethystina)
  • stone feather (Stipa pinnate)

Plant clematis in the pot

What is possible in the garden is not always suitable for container planting. What about the underplanting forClematis in a pot? Which plant suits clematis under these conditions?

Blue cushion as a container plant and root protection

As the name suggests, this beauty blooms in blue-violet flower colors and can therefore either contrast with the clematis flowers or harmonize with them with similar color nuances, depending on what type of clematis you have planted. The blue pillow (Aubrieta) is a cushion perennial that will cover the area above the clematis roots for several years. The evergreen plant also remains green even in winter.

What to do with spent clematis flowersfind out here.

Stonewort with yellow flowers

The stone herb impresses not only with its splendor of flowers (Alyssum), but also with its leaves, which appear in a beautiful gray-green and simply match the yellow of the flowers wonderfully. The plant, which grows up to 40 cm high, is hardy and attracts bees and other insects to the garden. The soil should be loamy, but also permeable and in no way compacted, so that the clematis roots provide the perfect substrate.

What to Plant Under Clematis – Dwarf Goat’s Beard

The dwarf goat's beard (Aruncus aethusifolius) grows in a cushion shape and quickly fills the pot directly above the clematis roots to provide them with perfect sun protection. The plant is hardy, with fine foliage and simple, yet striking flower panicles that grow upwards from the foliage.

Combine clematis and flowers in the pot - Other suitable specimens:

  • Stuffed horn trefoil (Corniculate lotus)
  • basket of gold (Chrysogonum virginianum)
  • Hanging Cushion Bellflower (Campanula poscharskyana)
  • horned violet (Horned violet)
  • Veil (Gypsophila)
  • Spanish daisy (Erigero's karvinskianus)
  • stone feather (Stipa pinnate)
  • Teppichphlox (Phlox removed)

You can find out what you should know about clematis pruningread here.