White coating for fruit trees: How does this measure serve to protect the orchard and how do you do it correctly?

Trees are amazingly adaptable and strong. However, young trees take time to grow strong and resilient and need a little help from us to survive the first few years. Painting tree trunks is a time-tested method of sealing and protecting the trunks. A white coat for fruit trees serves multiple purposes and can protect seedlings and very young trees from a variety of damage.

Why do people paint trees white?

Painting tree trunks white is an ancient method of protecting young trees, often used in orchards and tree farms. There are several reasons for this, but the most important is to prevent cracking and splitting in the delicate new bark, which can introduce disease, insects and fungi. It is also helpful in detecting insect infestations and can prevent some drilling clams.

Professional fruit growers cannot afford to have rodents, birds or insects constantly infesting their trees. A coat of whitefor fruit trees helps, repelling pests by making it almost impossible for them to bore into the bark. This will also help prevent your tree's bark from splitting, which often happens when a tree warms up quickly after a cold night. The change from cold winter nights to bright sunny days can cause great damage to tree trunks. The light color of the paint prevents the wood from overheating and thus prevents future cracks.

Moisture is transported upwards from the roots of a tree via a vascular system that works similarly to pipes in the home. In plants, the fibrous pathways that carry water up from the soil are called xylem, and they are made up of millions of cells that carry water from the roots to the tips of the leaves. During the winter, tree trunks warm and cool depending on how much sunlight they absorb. This allows the sap to flow during the day, but once nighttime temperatures drop below 0 degrees Celsius, it freezes and the tree's tissue tears. This is particularly damaging to fruit trees, whose harvests are often severely affected by winter damage. Painting the tree trunks white helps reflect sunlight, which protects the trunk from overheating.

The correct white tree trunk color

The right product for painting tree trunks is water-based latex paint. The paint must be diluted so that 4 liters of latex paint is mixed with 3.7 to 4.7 liters of water. Another formulation consists of one third each of water, latex paint and joint compound and is suitable for protection against sunburn. Never use an oil-based paint as the tree will not be able to breathe. Some experts advise using only interior paint, others recommend the opposite. As long as it's latex paint, either should work fine.

However, be aware that some paints contain additives that can be harmful to plants. Choosing an organic-based paint can eliminate these concerns. Besides white paint, you can also use any other light color to achieve the same results. However, avoid darker shades as they absorb heat and increase sunburn.

Apply white paint for fruit trees

After mixing the paint, it is best to apply it with a brush. Tests have shown that spraying does not provide adequate protection and does not adhere as well to the bark. A single coat is sufficient in all but the most severe cases. Using a thick, loosely nubbed, wide brush, paint down to the first row of branches.Rodents canDo not climb beyond this point, so there is no need to stroke higher. White painting fruit trees is a simple and relatively non-toxic way to protect your plants from various problems. The procedure is simple, cheap and you only have to do it once a year.

When to paint trees white

Paint your tree trunk in early spring before the insects become active. In addition to the protective function, painting tree trunks also has a visual effect and makes fruit trees look nice and tidy.

Lime painting of fruit trees

In the past, when people did not yet have the modern agricultural means to protect trees from insects and vermin, they used tothe trees toolimed by using a mixture of slaked lime (calcium hydroxide), chalk and water lime mixed with water as an insect repellent. In English this is called “whitewash”, and even today some gardeners prefer this ecological method to combat insects that destroy the trunk and fruits.

The lime painting takes place in spring. The lime-sulfur solution is a sleeping solution that is considered safe for the environment and does not contain harsh chemicals. Lime sulfur is available in the form of powder from gardening stores. Mix the powder with water, following package directions for the size and type of tree you want to paint. Shake the solution well before applying it to the tree to keep the concentration at the right level. Avoid overdosing where the solution runs off the tree and onto the ground.

Tree wrap vs. painting

Tree wraps can also be used to protect the trunk and lower branches of a tree from sunburn and are sometimes considered more attractive and therefore more suitable for the home landscape than trunk paint. In late autumn you need to place the wrapping material on the tree trunk, overlapping the material by about a third. The wrapping should extend from the soil surface to just above the lowest branches and be secured with tape to keep it in place.

You have to remove the covering in the spring. Check the wrap regularly and replace it on at-risk trees because if the wrap is left on the trunk for too long, it can girdle the tree or harbor pests. Trunk protection devices can be usedaround the treesaround to protect the trunks from animal damage or mechanical injuries and, depending on the nature, can also provide protection against sunburn.