Cut off the leaves from the zucchini or not? These reasons speak for it!

The cultivation of zucchini plants is not too difficult in itself. For this reason, they are also a popular choice for beginners. Nevertheless, there are always questions regarding plant care that needs to be answered so that the plant's growth can take place as planned. How about cutting with the zucchini leaves? In which cases can you cut off the leaves from zucchini?

You can cut off the leaves at zucchini - general rules

For every plant, the leaves are extremely important for growth and also influence the amount and quality of the fruits. Sometimes, however, leaves are also available in the surplus, which is why manyPlants exhaustedor should be explained.

But it applies:The leaves remain on the plant for no valid reason. These are extremely important not only for the photosynthesis. They also donate important shadows to the root areas so that the floor does not dry out too quickly. In which cases you can and even have to cut off the leaves from the zucchini, we list below.

Also avoidThis errorWith zucchini cultivation!

1. If beginners have misjudged the space requirement

Zucchini is plants that need a lot of space for their creeping shoots and large leaves. This is also one of the reasons why some peoplevertical cultivationpreferred. If the plants are too close together, they compete for light because the large leaves cover up.

If you find over time that you have planted the individual zucchini plants at too small distance from each other, you can do something, and you can cut off one or the other zucchini leaves. However, you must not overdo it - one or two leaves per plant, no longer, you may remove.

An important prerequisite for the plant that does not suffer any losses is that it is really strong enough and healthy before cutting it.Enough fertilizerSo are of great importance from the start. If your plant is already weakening, it can be a better decision to plant it instead.

2. Cut off the leaves from the zucchini when the plant is sick

This is actually no surprise, because hobby gardeners usually already know that the diseased plant parts are best removed as soon as possible so that the disease does not spread further. Mildew in particular is created quite quickly on these plants. When should you remove the leaves from the zucchini plants?

  • In the first signs, they immediately treat the plant with a suitable means.In this articleFind a few effective and harmless variants.
  • If you act early enough, the leaves can remain, which of course is the better variant for the zucchini plant.
  • However, they should cut off the leaves from the zucchini if ​​they are already so badly affected that they roll up.

A solution with a lean milk also looks very good against mildew.Find out herehow to prepare and apply them.

3. In the case of pest infestation, you can cut off the leaves with von zucchini

There are some pests that like to make themselves comfortable on zucchini plant. But especially the aphids make life difficult for them - literally. If it is not traded quickly, the pests spread quickly to leaf axes and other sensitive parts of plants and thus weaken the plant enormously. They are usually easy to recognize, especially when the colony has grown. But at the latest when the leaves begin to discolor yellow or even frivish themselves, you know that something is wrong. There are many home remedies that you can and should use in this case to stop the spread.

Effective remedy for aphidsFind here.

However, if it is already too late for this or you do not find any noticeable improvement even after some applications, you have no choice but to remove the affected leaves. With a large amount of aphids, you can also start cutting. In any case, you should also continue the treatment of the plant in order to remove the pests on other affected parts of the plant.

4. If you tie up the plants and grow vertically

As already mentioned, the vertical cultivation is not only possible due to the tying of the zucchini plants, but also more practical and better in many ways. It is worthwhile for this space-saving cultivation method, the first few leavesremove.

Why is it an advantage here?

  • On the one hand, these leaves could sooner or later be shaded too much by the upper and thus no longer get enough light, which could impair their growth and possibly also promote fungal formation.
  • On the other hand, the plant can then better put its power into the remaining parts of the plant and the flower formation underneath. There are no flowers in the area of ​​the lower leaves, and therefore no fruits.

Speaking of flowers: Did you know that you can eat them?Here you can findA few recipes.

Which zucchini leaves are removed?

Only those who are under the first fruit approach should be removed. Avoid cutting other leaves from the zucchini plant.

You can also do more about the vertical cultivationIn this articleexperience.

5. Interesting fact: You can eat the zucchini leaves!

It may be surprising because the fact that the zucchini leaves are edible is known to a few or at least you rarely think about it. Either way, consumption of the leaves is a good reason to cut them off.

You can:

  • A few leaves of all their plants, always when they want to use them. This does not affect fruit formation so that you can use all the advantages from your plants.
  • Place a few extra plants in the bed and use especially for the leafy. Then use the other plants in the bed for the fruits.

Which leaves are suitable and how do you cut them?

  • It is best to take young leaves because they have a better aroma than the older ones.
  • Use a sharp and clean, ideally disinfected, scissors for cutting.
  • Cut the sheet off where the approach of its stem is located, i.e. where the sheet grows out of the drive.
  • In any case, use scissors. Do not tear off the leaves because this creates unnecessary injuries and cracks that promote the infections.

You can find out what else you should know about the care of zucchiniIn this article.