Plant and maintain zucchini: tips on how to pour properly, fertilize and protect the plants from infestation

You successfully preferred your zucchini plants in spring and then planted it in the garden. What now? The work is of course not yet done, because so that the plants ultimately also produce fruits, the right care is the be -all and end -all. We have summarized the most important three things. Pay special attention to the plants and maintain zucchini, and you shouldn't have any major problems with plant care. Because zucchini plants are actually quite insensitive.

The right zucchini care - watering, fertilizing and protecting

With the right care, which you should not underestimate despite insensitivity, you will receive large, juicy and, above all, healthy fruits. The following three things should becorrect:

You should know that about fertilization

Perhaps you already know that zucchini plants grow quite quickly. Of course, this also means an enormous effort for which the plant requires sufficient nutrients and which you can supply them. Which fertilizers are best suited and which are not?

  • UseLong -term fertilizers, because this is not only more sustainable, but also supplies the plants with sufficient nutrients, as the name suggests, and also promotes the good microorganisms in the soil.
  • In the second phase of growth, i.e. when the plants come outside, they have a great need for nitrogen. It promotes the growth of the leaves so that the plants quickly gain size and strength.
  • As soon as the first flowers form, they again supply the zucchini with potassium, which then also benefits the fruits.
  • Do withoutOn mineral fertilizers, because this supplies the zucchini, albeit very rapidly, only for a short time with the necessary nutrients. But that is not enough for them, so that they are forced to fert more often, which in turn carries the risk of over -fertilization. They are also less advantageous for the environment. A mineral fertilizer frequently used in the garden is blue grain, for example.
  • Zucchini in the potBenefit from an organic liquid fertilizer, since you cannot incorporate a compost or the like in the earth during growth.

You can find out more about the topicIn this article.

Planting and maintaining zucchini - how do you proceed properly when fertilizing?

You need the plants between theSowing to preferAnd not to fertilize the transplant outside. They are sufficiently cared for for this period. However, you should prepare the garden floor before moving to the field by adding a combination of compost and long -term fertilizers. The zucchini plants only need more when they form flowers and zucchini - about two months.

Plant and maintain zucchini - pour it right!

Zucchini belonglike tomatoesAnd cucumber to those vegetables that need quite a lot of water so that the fruits can also be sufficiently juicy. This also determines the strength. So enough water is essential. If the plants are exposed to drought for a long time, they cannot train many flowers. And of course fewer flowers also mean fewer fruits. How do you water correctly?

  • During normal weather 1 to 2 times; in summer heat more often
  • No cold water; If it is cold below 10 degrees, it harms the zucchini plant
  • Ideally pour in the morning or in the evening so that the plant can absorb the moisture before the water evaporates through the heat; by no means during the day when the sun shines strong
  • Pour so close to the ground and do not wet, otherwise the risk of fungal infection will increase

Save soil moisture by mulching

Especially in summer it would be advantageous if you could save the water in the ground for longer in order to save yourself frequent watering and on the other hand do not have to worry if you forget it or not. Well, you can actually actually add a mulch layer. You can find out everything about “mulchen”In this article.

Care zucchini properly - protect them from pests and diseases

The good news is that you don't have to worry about these problems if you plant and maintain zucchini. They are quite robust and little susceptible, especially if you do everything right at the points mentioned above. Nevertheless, the weather can also thwart you and make the season a little more difficult for you. Rainy summer in particular favor an infestation of the plants. What is typical of zucchini plants and which preventive measures can you take?

  • Aphid: Are less worrying, since they can also be combated with natural means or beneficiaries. You can do more about itIn our articleexperience. Breaking nettle boom is very effective in the fight against these pests (for spraying) and also supplies the plants with nutrients and makes them more resistant to diseases.
  • Flower and fruit decay rot: Avoid calcium deficiency through which the fruits begin to lazy. Lime is ideal for this. If you have already found fold, you can proceed with pure calcium fertilizers.
  • Real mildew: The top and underside of the leaves in the form of a white covering affects especially with excessive moisture.This mildewcan therefore be encouraged both by a moist climate, as well as by moistening the leaves when watering. You should remove and dispose of infested leaves immediately, otherwise the fungus will continue to spread.
  • Gray: This fungal disease is again noticeable on the fruits. Wet-warm weather offers the ideal prerequisite for a disease. But even if the plants have been planted too close together and no good ventilation after rain is guaranteed, this fungal disease can arise.
  • Zucchini-gelbmosai: Aphids and non-disinfected garden tools can transfer this disease from another plant to its zucchini, which means that the shoots can no longer develop well. The yellow-green pattern can be recognized by the discolored leaves. Unfortunately, it is not enough to remove infested parts of the plant. The entire plant should be disposed of.