Now where thewireless technologyAs the 5G network slowly makes its way around the globe, many government agencies and organizations are reassuring that there is no reason to worry about the effects of radio frequency fields on our health. However, some experts disagree. The advantage of the next mobile network standard is that it can operate at high speed and low latency on more devices per unit area. However, many fear that 5G could harm human health. For this reason, we have summarized various perspectives on this topic.
Could the 5G network be dangerous?
The term 5G refers to the fifth generation of mobile technology. With the promise of faster streaming and download speeds as well as better connectivity, the 5G network seems to be a natural evolution of an increasingly technology-dependent society. Technology not only allows us to stream the latest movies but also increase capacity and reduce latency. The latter is the time that devices need to communicate with each other. For integratedApplications such as robotics, self-driving cars and medical devices, these changes will play a big role in how quickly we integrate technology into our everyday lives.
The mainstay of 5G technology will be the use of higher frequency bandwidths across the radio frequency spectrum. There was a lot of excitement in the air in 2018 as several telecommunications companies came forward with their plans to roll out the 5G network in the future. However, some of the recent findings related to the real implementation of this technology have not created the right hype. There are even moratoriums signed by qualified scientists and doctors on the introduction of 5G technology. Why is 5G experiencing such friction when it's not even operational yet? First, let's talk about what 5G network is and how it differs from the current 4G standard. This helps us understand why there are many complications associated with 5G. It also gives us a better overview of the next generation mobile network and the associated controversies surrounding its implementation.
Controversies over health risks
All cell phone technologies use electromagnetic radiation. This has led some people to worry about increased health risks, including the development of certain types of cancer. In 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) found no adverse effectshealth effects of 5Gthrough the use of mobile phones. However, the WHO, together with the International Agency for Research on Cancer, has classified all radio frequency radiation, which includes mobile signals, as “possibly carcinogenic.” The experts put this in the category because there is evidence that exposure can cause cancer in humans. However, researchers put eating pickled vegetables and using talcum powder in the same category. For example, alcoholic drinks and processed meat fall into a higher category because the evidence is stronger.
The latest cellular technology will for the first time use millimeter waves in addition to the microwaves used for older cellular technologies (2G to 4G). With a limited range, the 5G network requires antennas every 100 to 200 meters, which exposes many people to radiation. Such a cellular network also uses new technologies that present unique challenges for measuring exposure. Millimeter waves are mostly absorbed within a few millimeters of human skin and in the surface layers of the cornea. Short-term exposure can cause adverse physiological effects on the peripheral nervous system, immune system and cardiovascular system. Research suggests that long-term exposure could pose health risks such as melanoma, ocular melanoma and sterility.
Facts about the 5G network and electromagnetic radiation
An electromagnetic field (EMF) is an energy field that results from electromagnetic radiation. This is a form of energy created by the flow of electricity. Electric fields exist wherever there are power lines or outlets, regardless of whether the power is on or not. Magnetic fields only arise when electrical currents flow. Together these produce electromagnetic radiation. This consists of a spectrum of different wavelengths and frequencies, which are measured in Hertz (Hz). This term refers to the number of cycles per second. The speed of 5G plays a crucial role as a factor in the mobile experience. If you want to stream in HD, a 3G connection offers good enough speeds, while 4G can easily stream 1080p videos as long as you have a good connection.
Theoretically, the 5G network can offer 1000 times the speed of 4G. Essentially, with good coverage, you can stream 4K videos on your phone or have 100GB per second of bandwidth. So the latest technology uses frequencies that are not crowded with signals from other devices. This is not the case with 4G and 3G as they use the same spectrum and cause interference or noise. 5G avoids this by using a different frequency that is not in use. This helps in achieving better speeds as well as very low distortion. Unlike 4G towers, which project signals in 360°, 5G antennas are highly directional. This in turn results in less interference with other signals present in the area.
Latency and bandwidth
Latency is the time delay at which a signal travels from a source device to the destination device. With 5G, people should expect near real-time communication between devices, touted at 1 millisecond latency, while 4G stands at 50 milliseconds. This is expected to bring several benefits to various industries such as healthcare and aviation, where rapid response is of utmost importance. The 5G network therefore offers much lower latency than 4G. However, the exact values in real scenarios can only be validated after official use. 5G has more bandwidth than 4G, allowing you to connect more devices to a single internet connection like a router. This means there are no overload issues that typically occur when you connect a variety of devices to a single router.
This is for “Smart Homes” is a great advantage because it shares several devices that need access to the Internet and your router is almost always used for this task. Although 5G has impressive features, it is still an incremental update over 4G. You have better speeds and everything you do online has access to this high-speed internet. As already mentioned, you can also connect additional devices to your 5G home network if you want to disconnect the cable connection. Smartphones are undoubtedly the primary medium through which most of us access the Internet. However, you can only use the advantages of a 5G connection on your smartphone if your device supports it.
Is the 5G network harmful to the environment?
Because of the radio frequency energy, 5G waves do not travel long distances like 4G. For this reason, antennas must be placed closer together to ensure clear reception. However, it's not about a few more antennas, but exponentially more. However, these are not large towers, but low profile antennas. Accordingly, they only take up a fraction of the space of a normal tower. But the real question is whether this technology poses health risks and environmental problems. There are of course two different opinions on this question. Wireless networks and even government websites would have you believe that the radiation from the 5G network is safe.
However, more than 215 scientists from 40 different countries have appealed for urgent action to reduce exposure from wireless sources. These scientists have also submitted a letter addressing health risks and 5G environmental impact on infrastructure. All of these scientists have conducted studies showing adverse biological and health effects and published their results in scientific journals. In these they primarily research the electromagnetic fields developed by humans. In another letter, a biochemistry professor discussed the serious biological and health impacts of 5G, noting that current policies are inadequate, outdated, and in favor of telecommunications.
The researchers also believe that in the long term, after implementation, there may be serious side effects such as blindness, hearing loss, skin cancer, male infertility and thyroid problems. In addition to these specific studies, there are numerous other studies that show evidence of harmful effects of extremely intense, low-intensity electromagnetic radiation on animals.
Future perspectives and possible solutions
A 5G network is without question the future. The world's population will soon also experience lightning-fast internet speeds on mobile devices. While improving connectivity will improve our lives, it will likely come at the cost of our own health in the long run. This advanced, but not 100 percent tested, technology is fast approaching, and there is probably nothing ordinary people can do to stop its widespread implementation. However, one thing everyone should do is to better understand electromagnetic fields and protect themselves by choosing the right products.
So try to limit your exposure by limiting the use of phones and smart devices. If possible, avoid using 5G-enabled devices. Use radiation detectors to determine if you are near the high levels. You can also have oneSign petitionto halt the deployment of 5G wireless network until an appropriate framework and guidelines are established taking into account health risks and environmental impacts. Before we make our homes, businesses and cities “smart,” it is important to make “smart” decisions when adopting new technology.