Salvation tips and tricks: weight loss without diet with some simple changes in lifestyle!

Many simple living habits can help you lose weight. Some have nothing to do with conventional diet or sports plans. A few simple changes can have a massive effect on their weight in the long term. We give you some weight loss tips and tricks that can help you ease fewer calories, reduce your weight and prevent future weight gain.

Chew thoroughly and eat slowly

Your brain takes time to process that you have eaten enough. If you chew your meal thoroughly, eat more slowly, which is associated with a lower food intake, greater saturation and smaller portions. How quickly they end their meals can also themselvesaffect. A recently carried out review of 23 observation studies showed that fast eaters increase in weight rather than slow eaters. Fast eaters are also obvious much more often. To get used to eating more slowly, it can help count how often they chew every bit.

Semolation tips and tricks: eat plenty of protein

Protein has a strong effect on the appetite. It can increase the feeling of satiety, reduce hunger and contribute to eating fewer calories. This may be due to the fact that protein influences several hormonesHunger and saturationplay a role, including Ghrelin and GLP-1. A study found that an increase in protein intake from 15 % to 30 % contributed to the fact that the participants consumed an average of 441 calories less per day. If you are currently consuming breakfast on a grain base, you should consider whether you should not switch to a protein -rich meal like eggs. Some examples of protein -rich foods are chicken breast, fish, Greek yogurt, lentils, quinoa and almonds.

Store unhealthy foods out of sight

If you keep unhealthy foods in sight, this can increase the hunger and the desire for you so that you eat more. This is also associated with weight gain. Protect unhealthy foods out of sight, e.g. B. in cupboards so that they don't catch your eye so easily when they are hungry. On the other hand, keep healthy foods clearly visible on the worktop and place them in the center of the refrigerator.

The best weight loss tips: eating fiber -rich foods

Consumption of fiber -rich foods can increase the feeling of satiety so that you feel full for longer. A kind of fiber, the viscous fiber, are particularly helpfulFor weight loss. Viscose fiber form a gel when they come into contact with water. This gel extends the time of nutrient absorption and slows down the gastric emptying. Viscose fiber are only contained in vegetable foods. Examples are beans, oatmeal, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, oranges and flax seeds.

Drink water regularly

Drinking water can help you eat less andLosing weight, especially if you drink it before a meal. Drinking half a liter of water about 30 minutes before meals reduces the feeling of hunger and calorie intake. Participants in a study that drank water before a meal decreased 44 % more than those who did not do this over a period of 12 weeks. If you replace calorie -rich drinks - such as lemonade or juice - with water, the effect can be even greater.

Salvation tips and tricks: eat without electronic distractions

If you pay attention to what you eat, you can eat fewer calories. People who eat while playing television or computer games can lose track of how much they have eaten. This in turn can lead to excessive consumption. In addition, the scattering during a meal has an even greater influence on food intake later a day.

People who are distracted during a meal are eating 25 % more calories than those present in later meals.

Sleep well and avoid stress

When it comes to health, sleep and stress are often neglected. Both have a strong impact on their appetite and weight. Lack of sleep can disturb the appetite regulating hormones Leptin and Ghrelin. Another hormone, cortisol, increases when they are stressed. The fluctuations of these hormones can increase the hunger and desire for unhealthy food, which leads to a higher calorie intake. In addition, chronic lack of sleep and stress can increase the risk of various diseases, including type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Avoid sugar -containing drinks

The added sugar may be the worst ingredient in today's diet. Sugar -containing drinks such as lemonades are associated with an increased risk for many diseases. It is very easy to consume too many calories from sugar -containing drinks, since liquid calories do not affect the feeling of satiety as well as solid food. A complete waiver of these drinks can bring enormous health benefits in the long term. However, note that you should not replace lemonade with fruit juice, since it can contain just as much sugar. The healthy drinks that you should drink instead include water, coffee and green tea.

Metabolism Trick to lose weight

In addition to the weight of weight loss and tricks above, there is another effective tricklose weightWithout a diet that accelerates the metabolism and the fat burning. It's simple: drink ginger tea. Ginger contains capsaicin and gingerol, which have a thermogenic effect in the body and trigger a heating zone. Ginger also promotes the production of the Hormon Leptin, which leads to a feeling of satiety. Drink a thumb -sized piece of ginger shortly before breakfast, which is poured over 500 ml of hot water. Drink two more cups for lunch and in the afternoon. The tea must be freshly brewed so that they can fully enjoy the taste and the valuable ingredients.