If you are interested in trying your own 3 day juice cleanse, this is a great place to start! Juice cleanses (also known as juice fasts) have been around for years and have recently become increasingly popular on Instagram and other social media platforms. Juicing is a wonderful way to detoxify your body and increase vital nutrients. Today we are introducing you to some fresh recipes and tips that will help you with the 3-day detox program. We'll also discuss the benefits of juice cleanses, a daily schedule, and tips for during and after the cleanse.
Why do a 3-day juice cleanse yourself?
Before youtake part in a juice cleanse, you should know all the benefits, right? The truth is that there are good reasons why people go on a juice cleanse. Juicing and juice cleanses simply have so many benefits. Whether you're looking to shed a few pounds quickly after the holidays or are trying to overcome a plateau, the 3 Day Juice Cleanse can help you achieve your goals. Unlike other juice diets, you make your own juices by blending them at home rather than straining them. They are as thick as a smoothie! Mixing preserves the fiber content of the plants!
They contain lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, which have detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effects and also help with acne and other skin diseases. This means it is a diet rich in whole foods. Processed ingredients and artificial flavors are eliminated, switching your body to a healthier lifestyle. Although some liquid diets last a week or even longer, which experts say can be dangerous, there are also shorter three-day juice cleanses you can consider.
Health Benefits of Juice Cleansing
- Give your digestive system a break
- Promote weight loss through water (juice cleanses can also help you lose weight, but that's not the primary benefit)
- You adapt your body to healthy eating habits
- Detoxification and rehydration of the body
- Increasing energy levels
- Regulation of blood sugar levels
- Prevention of heart disease
- Reduce chronic inflammation
When preparing for your 3 day juice cleanse, we recommend that you plan your days and recipes in advance because when you prepare your diet optimally, you will have less stress and less time in the kitchen chopping vegetables and more time to Enjoy your recipes.
Daily schedule for juice cleanse 3 days
A good way toprepare for your diet, is to write down or print out your daily schedule so you can stick to it without confusion. Here is a suggested 3-day cleaning schedule:
8:00 a.m. (or as soon as you wake up): Warm lemon water
9:00 a.m.: Sweet Golden Green Juice (recipe below)
11:00 a.m.: Healthy Green Machine Juice (recipe below)
1:00 p.m. (or around lunchtime): Classic beet juice (recipe below)
3:00 p.m.: Healthy green machine juice
5:00 p.m. (or around dinner time): Carrot Juice Mixture (recipe below)
7:00 p.m.: Repeat the process with a juice of your choice
9:00 p.m. (or before bed): Warm lemon water or tea
If this schedule doesn't work for you, no problem! You can always modify it or create your own to fit your daily routine. And here we give some effective and healthy recipes for your juice cleanse.
Sweet golden green juice
Pineapple 300 g, diced
Cucumber 160 g (2/3 Cucumber)
green apple 100 g (1/2 medium apple)
Mint (fresh) 7 g (6-8 mint leaves)
- Wash the vegetables thoroughly.
- Cut the pineapple into small pieces. If using a juicer, leave the peel on the pineapple.
- Juice all ingredients together.
Healthy green machine juice
Kale 160 g, chopped
Cucumber 160 g (3/4 medium-sized cucumber)
green apple 130 g (2/3 medium apple)
Celery 52 g (1 1/3 medium stalk)
Lemon 26 g (1/4 medium lemon)
Ginger 15 g
- Wash and weigh the vegetables.
- Quarter the lemon (leave the peel on) and put it directly into the press. If you don't have a juicer, peel the lemon and juice it with the remaining ingredients.
- Grind the remaining ingredients together and press.
Juice treatment 3 days: Classic beet juice
Beetroot 250 g (2 medium beets)
Orange 150 g (1 medium orange)
Kale 100 g, chopped
Cucumber 100 g (1/3 medium-sized cucumber)
- Wash and weigh the vegetables.
- Peel the oranges and cut off the tops of the beets.
- Juice all ingredients together.
Carrot mix recipe
Carrots 380 g (6 1/2 medium carrots)
red apple 100 g (1/2 medium apple)
green apple 100 g (1/2 medium apple)
Lemon 10 g (1/5 medium lemon)
Ginger 10 g
- Wash and weigh the ingredients.
- Remove the tops of the carrots.
- Peel the lemons.
- Run the ingredients through your juicer.
During juice cleansing
If this is your first diet, we recommend finding activities that fill your time, such as: B. Yoga and light gymnastics. These activities will help you distract yourself from eating (and snacking) while also getting you active. When you feel like you need a snack, raw vegetables or raw cashews are your best friend. If you feel like you need to break your diet for any reason, we recommend slowly incorporating whole foods or superfoods into your diet and avoiding anything processed.
Nutrition after the diet
When you finish your DIY juice cleanse, you should slowly reintroduce solid foods into your diet. You can do this by including smoothies, watery fruits (watermelon, melon, etc.) and other soft foods (like oatmeal) in your diet. Remember to stay hydrated after cleansing by drinking lemon water, herbal tea, green juice, and more. If you pay attention to what you put into your body, you will be successful in the long run.
Any methods, information, and tips in this article are based on current studies and medical sources (at the time of publication). However, they are not suitable for self-diagnosis and treatment and in no way serve as a substitute for competent medical advice.
The nutritional method described is safe for many people, but not for everyone. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before starting.