Balanced nutrition during pregnancy – With our nutritional companion you can provide your baby with the right nutrition

Eating a healthy and balanced diet is important, of course. But a healthy diet during pregnancy is even more important. After all, from now on you are no longer only responsible for yourself, but also have to feed your unborn child. For this reason, many pregnant women also worry: What is allowed and what do I have to do without and what does my baby particularly need?

This depends largely on the stage of development of the baby. Not all organs and body parts develop at the same time, but at different times and at different speeds. They take turns. Sometimes it's the bones that need calcium, and sometimes it's the brain that needs too muchOmega-3 fatty acids are happyor it is the need for proteins that increases and to which you should adapt your diet during pregnancy.

Of course, all of this doesn't mean that you should only eat foods with these nutrients during these phases. As with other things, the right diet during pregnancy is best balanced. So that you no longer have to worry and can always sit down at the table to eat with a good feeling, we have a nutrition companion for you who will accompany you along with the tableslead through pregnancyshould.

Nutrition during pregnancy – what is allowed and what is forbidden?

This is what you can eat and is recommended

Anything that is healthy is allowed. If possible, choose organic goods and, above all, healthy onesfruit and vegetables. Whole grains and potatoes are just as important. The same applies to dairy products as they are important sources of calcium. Otherwise, you should consume a moderate amount of animal products. Lean meat and eggs can be consumed two to three times a week. Fish, and more specifically sea fish, is recommended twice a week.

Also increase fluid intake. 2 to 3 liters a day is ideal. You can also alternate mineral water (or German tap water) with unsweetened teas. Fruit juices are also good sources of vitamins, but it is best to dilute them (1 part juice, two parts water).

You can consume less often:

  • sweets
  • Snacks like chips
  • Coffee
  • Black tea
  • green tea

The following are forbidden in the diet during pregnancy:

  • Alcohol
  • carbonated drinks
  • Energydrinks

By the way:You often hear that pregnant women now have to eat for two, but it's not true. The energy requirements of pregnant women with singletons only increase by 255 to 350 kilocalories and only from the 16th week of pregnancy. That's about 150 g of yogurt with fruit and 3 tablespoons of muesli, to illustrate it. Instead of the 2,100 calories before pregnancy, around 2,400 are recommended for your diet during pregnancy.

Important vitamins, minerals and trace elements

In general one ishigh-protein dietVery important in the weeks of pregnancy, but also carbohydrates, fats and nutrients such as vitamin A and B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, folic acid, calcium, vitamin D, iron and iodine. While some of them can easily be absorbed in the necessary quantities through normal food, the last 5 extremely important substances mentioned are often lacking, which is why pregnant women should pay particular attention to this.

You can find a selection of important nutrients that you need to consume in the following table with a comparison to the normal daily requirement.

nutrientnormal daily requirementDaily requirement during pregnancy
Vitamin A0,8 mg1,1 mg
Vitamin B11,0 mg1,2 - 1,3 mg
Vitamin B21,1 mg1,3 - 1,4 mg
Vitamin B61,2 mg1,9 mg
Vitamin B123,0 µg3,5 µg
Vitamin C95 mg105 mg (from the 4th month)
Vitamin D20 µg20 µg
Vitamin E12 mg13 mg
Niacin12 mg14 - 16 mg
Folic acid300 µg550 - 600 µg
calcium1000 mg1000 mg (1200 for women under 19)
Magnesium300 mg310 mg
Eisen15 mg30 mg
Iodine200 µg230 µg

Eat properly depending on the baby's developmental stage

Of course, you should eat a healthy, balanced diet, exercise a lot and drink plenty of fluids throughout your pregnancy. However, you can use theDevelopment phases of the fetusPay particular attention to certain nutrients in order to give your baby exactly what it needs most. We have summarized when which nutrients are important.

Recommended diet from 4 to 8 weeks of pregnancy

Even if you are planning to become pregnant, experts recommend increasingFolic acidto increase. This recommendation remains the same for the first two months after conception. This water-soluble B vitamin can prevent or reduce the risk of neural tube defects in babies because it is important for the development of the central nervous system. Folic acid is also responsible for the formation of red and white blood cells.

A full 600 micrograms per day is the norm for pregnant women, which is 200 micrograms more than for non-pregnant women. In order to meet the need, doctors prescribe preparations that are intended to supplement the diet. Foods rich in folic acid include leafy salads (e.g. spinach), broccoli, eggs and legumes.

From the 9th to the 12th week of pregnancy

B-Vitamineare the keyword for nutrition in this month of pregnancy. With B6 you strengthen your immune system and protein metabolism. It is also important for the nervous system.Vitamin B12in turn, together with folic acid (which should be around 600 micrograms per day until the 12th week), contributes to the formation of red blood cells and prevents anemia. Also make sure you get enough B1 and B2 vitamins. Whole grains, leaf salads, broccoli, meat and fish are important suppliers of this vitamin.

You shouldn't lack it in your diet during pregnancyEisen. In combination with vitamin C, this mineral can be better absorbed by the body, which is why it is recommended to combine foods rich in iron, for example, with orange juice rich in vitamin C. Tea and coffee have the opposite effect and should be avoided at least while eating. Iron is found in sea fish and seafood, eggs, meat and dairy products.

At the end of the first trimester, the baby's brain also begins to develop more. That's why they areOmega-3 fatty acidsparticularly important now. They are mainly found in sea fish (e.g. mackerel and sardines). Dietary supplements can also be used if your doctor agrees.

What should I eat between the 13th and 16th weeks of pregnancy?

The skeleton is the focus and the bones that are still cartilaginous gradually ossify. The fingernails also form.calciumis now particularly important, which you can find in dairy products, among other things. This can be combined withVitamin B12are better absorbed by the body. Mushrooms in particular are rich in this vitamin. AlsoEisenremains important (30 g per day) so that the baby can be supplied with red blood cells.

The sense of vision continues to develop around the 15th week of pregnancy. The fetus needs thisBeta carotene, which is found in orange vegetables such as carrots and sweet potatoes.

Eat healthily from the 17th to 28th week of pregnancy

The baby's liver and spleen begin around the19th week of pregnancyto produce white blood cells themselves.Folic acidso remains important. AlsoOmega-3 fatty acidsIt is best to consume for brain development. Experts therefore recommend eating fatty fish twice a week.

Zinkis another nutrient that should not be lacking at this stage. It is important for the formation, proper functioning and renewal of DNA. Legumes, whole grains and dairy products are just a fewfoods containing zincthat you can consume.

Vitamin Ais again important because it is responsible for us distinguishing light from dark. Since the sense of vision is still developing, vitamin A is of great importance. You can find plenty of vitamin A in egg yolks, milk, butter, carrots, sweet potatoes, oranges, papaya and green vegetables.

Continue to make sure you get enough ofcalcium, because the baby needs this nutrient not only for bones and teeth, but also for the nerves, heart and muscles.

Nutrient requirements from the 29th week of pregnancy until birth

Eat foods rich inVitamin Kare, because this supports blood clotting. Such foods include kale, spinach and chard. At the end of the pregnancy, the baby's lungs also complete their development. They can support you by sharing themSeleniumtake care of.

Also prepare your body for the upcoming birth andstrengthen your immune system, which you also pass on to the baby. Whole grains and fish will help you with this, but alsoAntioxidants, which are found in cranberries, artichokes and tomatoes, among other things.

In summary, we have summarized the nutrients mentioned for a healthy diet during pregnancy in a list or table for you to give you another overview.

week of pregnancyNutrients neededFoods with the respective nutrients
4. bis 8.Folic acid (water-soluble B vitamin)- Broccoli
- Owner
- legumes
- Blattsalate (zB Spinat)
9. bis 12.B-Vitamine- Whole grain
- Leaf salads
- Broccoli
- Meat
- Fisch
Eisen- Seefisch
- Seafood
- Owner
- Meat
- Dairy products
Vitamin C (for better absorption of iron)- Oranges
- Lemons
- Root Paprika
Omega-3 fatty acids- fatty sea fish (e.g. mackerel, sardines)
13. bis 16.calcium- Dairy products
- Canned fish
- Spinach
- legumes
- Sesame
- Almonds
- Avocado
- Banana
- Raspberries
- Vitamin D (for better absorption of calcium)- Mushrooms
- Sonne
- fatty fish
- Owner
- Milch
Eisensee above
Beta carotene- orange vegetables (e.g. carrots, sweet potatoes)
17. bis 28.Folic acidsee above
Omega-3 fatty acidssee above
Zink- red meat
- Shellfish
- Beans
- Nuts
- Whole grain
- Dairy products
Vitamin A- Egg yolk
- Milch
- Butter
- Carrots
- Sweet potatoes
- Oranges
- Papaya
- green vegetables (broccoli, spinach, watercress, kale, etc.)
Calcium + Vitamin Dsee above
29. until birthVitamin K- Kale
- Spinach
- Mangold
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Kohl
calciumsee above
Magnesium- green vegetables
- Potatoes
- Broccoli
- legumes
- Whole grain
- Nuts
- Reis
Selenium- Brazil nuts
- Owner
- brown rice
Antioxidants- Tomatoes
- Cranberrys
- Artichokes

Danger!Concentrateby no means juston the listed vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Your body still needs all the nutrients it needed before pregnancy. A balanced diet is important!

Vegetarian diet during pregnancy

If you are a vegetarian, you can assume that you get most of your nutritional needs from onevegetarian dietin the weeks of pregnancy as long as you eat a balanced diet. To ensure an adequate supply of protein, experts recommend three servings of dairy products per day. The combination of milk and grain or potatoes is particularly recommended. Don't forget eggs too. You should also eat legumes twice a week.

Iron deficiency is dangerous, which is why you should pay attention to it. Since iron from plant products is less easily absorbed by the body than that from animal products, you should always combine foods containing iron with vitamin C (e.g. a glass of orange juice), as this vitamin promotes absorption. Organic acids also have the same effect. However, the doctor shouldObserve blood values.

The body primarily obtains omega-3 fatty acids from fatty fish. However, if you do without it in your diet during pregnancy, you will have to take nutritional supplements, willy-nilly, to meet the increased needs, as it is important for the development of the brain and visual function.

Tell your doctor that you are a vegetarian!

Recommended diet for vegan pregnant women

A vegan diet eliminates all other useful animal products apart from meat. Meeting the necessary daily requirements is now becoming particularly difficultdue to the deficits. After years of a vegan diet, vegans usually also suffer from a B12 vitamin deficiency, which permanently damages the baby's nervous system. Onevegan dietis risky, both for the unborn baby and for the expectant mother. Therefore, this should take place under strict control. Nutritional advice is highly recommended!

Tell your doctor that you are vegan!